秋保 亮太 縄田 健悟 池田 浩 山口 裕幸
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.34, no.2, pp.67-77, 2018

<p>Implicit coordination is attracting attention from the viewpoint of the efficiency of team activities. Factors affecting implicit coordination have not been clarified because the empirical research that has been done is insufficient. This study investigated the effect of team after-event review and shared mental model on implicit coordination through a laboratory experiment. We conducted the experiment using a coordinating task. 144 students teamed up in pairs, with 72 teams participating. We found that team after-event review promoted team performance of implicit coordination. However, shared mental model had no relevance to team after-event review or team performance of implicit coordination. Our findings will help to understand the efficiency of team activities.</p>


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