"荻野 千鶴子 古川 智恵子 豊田 幸子 飯島 則子 池田 恭子" オギノ フルカワ トヨダ イイジマ / C. "OGINO C. FURUKAWA S. TOYODA N. IIJIMA K." IKEDA
名古屋女子大学紀要 = Journal of the Nagoya Women's College
vol.24, pp.9-18, 1978-03-15

"以上女子大生の被服購入状況の調査結果をまとめると下記のようである。 1.学生の所持する衣服では,洋服がそのほとんどを占め,その製作割合は,洋服は80%が既製服であり,和服は家庭,注文製作がその大半を占め対象的にみられた. 2.流行への関心度では,女子大生は高い関心を示し,無関心は0で既製服購人の選択順位についても,和洋服ともに,サイズ,品質表示,価格などの実質面よりむしろデザイン,色・柄などの流行面の視点を第1位に選択し,流行への関心の高さがみられた.又,過去4年間の服種別流行への関心度では,ジーンズが顕著に高くみられた. 3.ジーンズ所持数大・小グループの2群にわけて意識を比較した結果,大グループは服の所持数が多くても,死蔵枚数が多く,活用枚数は少ない.又,購入時の計画性についても,小グループに比較して,無計画の傾向がみられた.流行おくれの服の処理でも,大グループはそのまま保管することが多く,小グループでは,そのまま着用したり,他人に譲ったりと活用範囲も広く,大グループに比較して効果的な衣生活運営の傾向が認められた."
Suzuki Kentaro Daniel Bachiller Chen YiPing P. Kamikawa Mami Ogi Hidenao Haraguchi Ryuma Ogino Yukiko Minami Yasuhiro Mishina Yuji Ahn Kyung Crenshaw III E. Bryan Yamada Gen オギ ヒデナオ ハラグチ リュウマ オギノ ユキコ ヤマダ ゲン 尾木 秀直 原口 竜摩 荻野 由紀子 山田 源
Company of Biologists
vol.130, no.25, pp.6209-6220, 2003-12
3 111

Extra-corporal fertilization depends on the formation of copulatory organs: the external genitalia. Coordinated growth and differentiation of the genital tubercle (GT), an embryonic anlage of external genitalia, generates a proximodistally elongated structure suitable for copulation, erection, uresis and ejaculation. Despite recent progress in molecular embryology, few attempts have been made to elucidate the molecular developmental processes of external genitalia formation. Bone morphogenetic protein genes (Bmp genes) and their antagonists were spatiotemporally expressed during GT development. Exogenously applied BMP increased apoptosis of GT and inhibited its outgrowth. It has been shown that the distal urethral epithelium (DUE), distal epithelia marked by the Fgf8 expression, may control the initial GT outgrowth. Exogenously applied BMP4 downregulated the expression of Fgf8 and Wnt5a, concomitant with increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation of the GT mesenchyme. Furthermore, noggin mutants and Bmpr1a conditional mutant mice displayed hypoplasia and hyperplasia of the external genitalia respectively. noggin mutant mice exhibited downregulation of Wnt5a and Fgf8 expression with decreased cell proliferation. Consistent with such findings, Wnt5a mutant mice displayed GT agenesis with decreased cell proliferation. By contrast, Bmpr1a mutant mice displayed decreased apoptosis and augmented Fgf8 expression in the DUE associated with GT hyperplasia. These results suggest that some of the Bmp genes could negatively affect proximodistally oriented outgrowth of GT with regulatory functions on cell proliferation and apoptosis. The DUE region can be marked only until 14.0 dpc (days post coitum) in mouse development, while GT outgrowth continues thereafter. Possible signaling crosstalk among the whole distal GT regions were also investigated.