一ノ瀬 篤 Atsushi Ichinose 桃山学院大学経済学部
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.50, no.1, pp.219-246[含 英語文要旨], 2008-06

In the U.K., Pitt's sinking fund was established in 1786 to deal with the accumulation of national debt. Pitt's fund regarded the compound interest principle as important. The initial fund was supported by a budgetary surplus of some one million pounds. But as the nation rushed into the war with France in 1793, extraordinary budgetary deficits emerged. Under such circumstances, the sinking fund, which was founded on the principle of compound interest, was obliged to depend on the new issue of government bonds as its source. Consequently the sinking fund merely embodied a policy of' raising sinking funds by borrowing money'. Criticism against the wastefulness of Pitt's fund flared up after the war, the leading critics being R. Hamilton and D. Ricardo. As a result, the fund was abandoned in 1828 after more than 40 year's duration. Hamilton mainly criticized the policy of 'raising sinking funds by floating new government bonds', but he also never overlooked the fictitious nature of the compound interest principle. In the present-day Japan, National Debt Consolidation Fund(NDCF)bears the role of a sinking fund. Corresponding to the so-called re-flotation of national debt in 1965 F.Y., it was decided to annually transfer a sum of money(equal to 1.6% of the outstanding national debt at the beginning of the previous year)from government's general accounts to NDCF. The figure of 1.6% corresponds to the durable life of the facilities that the government was expected to build(in the case of construction bonds), and it was assumed the government would recover its investment in 60 years. NDCF was to deposit and employ this sum to redeem outstanding debts. Now, as this 1.6% deposit is inserted into the annual disbursements budget as a main item under bond expenditures, it unavoidably increases the sum of budgetary expenditures. Therefore, under the circumstances of persistent budgetary deficit, the sum of the above deposit increases the annual volume of newly issued government bonds by that very sum. The result is as follows: to meet the necessary sum for the sinking fund, the government is compelled to raise money by issuing new government bonds. Thus the scale of annual government revenue/expenditure is amplified to the same extent. If this waste of labor could be justified, it would be in the case where the sinking fund usefully fulfills the function of debt management, or in the case where the fund plays the role of emergency reserves. But neither function could be nor should be expected with regard to NDCF. Our present NDCF seems to continue only by inertia and only for the purpose of exhibiting the government's pose that it is not idle in trying to reduce the national debt. The sinking fund in present-day Japan has not employed the principle of compound interest, so that its fictitious character is not easily exposed. But it is not likely that we will be able to escape the unsparing criticisms made by Robert Hamilton some 200 years ago.
一ノ瀬 篤

1987年度(継続研究第二年目)研究計画に従って, 1932年から1945年に至るイギリスの貨幣・金融史年表を, 次のような手順で作成した.(1)主要な出来事について, その生起年月日と内容を複数文献について確認する.(2)これに基いて年表を作成し, かなり詳細な解説を付ける.(3)冒頭に概観のための小論文を付ける.今回取り上げた主要内容は下記の通り.5%戦争公債借換え発表(1932年6月), 為替平衡勘定設置(1932年7月), 英米戦債最終支払い(1933年12月), アメリカ金本位制法成立(1934年1月), 米英仏三国通貨協定宣言(1936年9月), 1939年「通貨及び銀行券法」(1939年2月), 外国為替管理令制定(1939年9月), 大蔵省預金受取証書導入(1940年7月), 公債利率の最高限度引下げ(1941年7月), ケインズ案公表(1943年7月), 大蔵省による証券上場規制(1944年6月), 工業金融会社, 商工金融会社の設立発表(1945年1月), 金買上げ価格引上げ(1945年6月), 米英金融協定成立(1945年12月), ブレトン・ウッズ協定(1945年12月)
小林 武夫 石毛 美代子 一ノ瀬 篤司
喉頭 (ISSN:09156127)
vol.25, no.1, pp.12-14, 2013-06-01 (Released:2013-09-27)

Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) is a focal dystonia that affects the larynx. Abductor SD (ABSD) is less common than adductor SD (ADSD). ABSD is typified by breathy breaks in connected speech.A male professional classic baritone singer, age 46, presented with gradually increasing breathy unphonated breaks in singing over the course of three years. He visited various institutions and was said to have incomplete elevation of the soft palate of unknown origin, myasthenia gravis, etc. His symptoms were remarkable in pronouncing vowels following unphonated consonants. He had been exposed to neither vocal abuse nor heavy singing performances. Our diagnosis was ABSD. An injection of Botulinum toxin (BT) into the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles was done via lateral cervical approach. His voice improved remarkably. His daily conversation became smooth; however, he could not regain his previous brilliant singing voice. He was obliged to discontinue his professional singing performances.