上林 美保子 綱島 不二雄
山形大學紀要. 農學 (ISSN:05134676)
vol.12, no.4, pp.465-470, 1997-01-31

【緒言】各種の半矮性遺伝子を有する短稈水稲品種を用いた多肥・密植栽培によって水稲の収量は,飛躍的に増加した.しかし,多肥・密植栽培は各種病害の多発を随伴し,また農薬多用による環境汚染が指摘されてきた.このような趨勢に対して,低投入・環境保全型農業(Low Input Sustainable Agriclulture=LISA)の生産体系の構築の必要性が指摘されている.しかし,このような観点からの農業生産体系の構築に関する実証的研究は極めて少ない.本研究では,LISAの観点からの農業生産体系の構築のための基礎資料を得るため,現在の良質品種の一つササニシキを用い,栽植密度と肥量水準を慣行よりも減少させることによって,水稲個体群の病気,倒伏に対する耐性を高め,しかも収量を慣行より減少させない栽培法の確立ができるかを検討した.
笹原 健夫 児玉 憲一 上林 美保子
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.51, no.1, pp.26-34, 1982-03-20

Varietal Variations in the structure of ear and the size of grain were examined on thirty-two varieties, belonging to the different ecotypes. Five types of ear were classified principally based on the differences in number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch with the nodal position of the primary rachis-branch on a rachis (Fig. 1). Ear type I: The number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch was numerous in basal position of the car and became less towards the top of car. Ear type III: The number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch was also numerous in the middle position of car. And car type V: the number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch was numerous in the upper position of ear and became less towards the basal position. Two intermediate types, i.e., ear type II and IV were set in betwen type I and III, and type III and V, respectively. Indica varieties, which had larger total number of grains per ear than others, belonged to ear type III-V. Large grain varietics, which were larger in grain size than others, belonged to ear type I-II , and japonica cultivars belongcd to ear type I-III (Table 1, Fig. 2 and 3). The primary rachis-branch was numbered acropetally. The ratio of a nodal number of the primary rachis-branch having the maximum number of grains on the secondary rachis-branch to total number of the primary rachis-branch per ear was in the range of 4.3-3.8 in type I, 3.8-2.8 in type II, 2.6-1.9 in type III, 1.9-1.6 in type IV and below 1.6 in type V (Fig. 1). In a previous paper (SASAHARA, et al., 1982), it was reported that increasing rate of car weight at the maximum increasing period was higher in indica and large grain varieties than in japonica ones. Therefore, it may be concluded that indica varieties in which the grains on the secondary rachis-branch would have recieved the effect of apical dominance due to their abundant existence in the upper position of ear, and may result in increased rate of ear dry weight. On the other hand, in large grain varieties the less grain number in the upper position of ear could be compensated by the large grain size, resulting in high increasing rate of ear dry weight similar to indica varieties.