上野 紘一 岩井 修一 小島 吉雄
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.46, no.1, pp.9-18, 1980-01-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
7 11 6

Karyotypes of three spinous loaches, Cobitis biwae, C. taenia taenia and C. taenia striata from western Japan were investigated. As the result, chromosome polymorphisms and polyploid (tetraploid) were observed in these species. (1) C. biwae: Diploid specimens showed 48 chromosomes in 2n number. There were three types in chromosome constitutions such as 22M+20SM, ST+6A, 20M+20SM, ST+8A and 20m+18SM, ST+10A. On the other hand, teraploid specimens were characterized by 96 chromosomes which consisted of 38M+54SM, ST+20A. (2) C. taenia taenia: Diploid specimens with 50 chromosomes were characterized by 12M+4SM+34A. In the tetraploid forms, two types of individuals with 86 and 94 chromosome numbers were foud. These complements were made up of 32M+32SM, ST+22A in the former, and 26M+32SM, ST+36A in the latter. (3) C. taenia striata: Diploid form was the same as that of C. taenia taenia, whereas tetraploid form possessed 98 chromosomes consisting of 20M+22SM, ST+56A. (4) The geographical distribution on each group with different karyotypes showed that they have their own habitats forming respective isolated associations. Systematics and speciation in three species of Cobitidae were discussed on the bases of the karyotypic differentiation and habitat segregation.
上野 紘一 小島 吉雄
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
vol.31, no.3, pp.338-344, 1984

韓国産コイ科魚類9種の核型 (複相数, 構成) は次のように分析された.<BR>コウライヒガイ, 50, 18m+32sm・st, ヒメハヤ, 50, 10m+34sm・st+6a, カネヒラ, 44, 10m+20sm・st+14a, ズナガニゴイ, 50, 16m+28sm・st+6a, ヤガタニゴイ, 50, 12m+28sm・st+10a, ヤガタムギツク, 50, 14m+30sm・st+6a, ホタテコブクロカマツカ, 50, 18m+32sm・st, ムナイタカマツカ・50, 18m+32sm・st, サメガシラ, 50, 12m+30sm・st+8a.<BR>多型現象ならびに異形対染色体は種を通じて観察できなかった.核学的分類学の立場からすると, <I>Mbroco</I>属は<I>Phoxinus</I>属に統一できること, ドジョウカマツカ類は類縁的にドジョウ科よりもコイ科に近いことを論じた.