籔谷 祐介 中原 宏
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.740, pp.2661-2671, 2017 (Released:2017-10-30)
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Community action groups are expected as new groups to support the life of the community instead of territorial groups. In recent years, “Community design” that the expert support to forming community action groups to solve regional problems is getting a lot of attention. It is important for community designer to select the action type of the groups taking the motivations of members to participate into consideration. The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the motivations of members to participate community action groups and action types of the groups through the comparison between “action type of player” and “action type of area manager”. “Action type of player” is an action type of the group to act oneself as a player to creative a new social action, and “action type of area manager” is an action type of the group to make a place, system and opportunity for player to act to change the area. First, We made 32-items scale of motivations of members to participate community action groups in reference to scale of motivations to participate volunteer activities (Table2). We performed the questionnaire survey by using the scale targeting 153 members in 10 groups. By factor analysis using answers to the questionnaire, it was clarified that the motivations to participate community action groups is composed of the following 8 factors: “self-growth needs” factor, “desire for social contribution” factor, “belongingness and interaction needs” factor, “having spare time” factor, “desire to return for kindness ” factor, “desire to help family” factor, “desire to get evaluation in the society” factor and “desire for recognition from others” factor (Table3). Second, the motivations of members in 10 groups were classified as follows: “type of using spare time”, “type of desire for recognition from others” and “type of self-actualization needs”(Fig. 2). In “type of using spare time”, there were tendencies to be a lot of members in their 20's or younger, 60's or older, and without occupation. They had motivations to want to get evaluation in the society and to do what was useful for family. In “type of desire for recognition from others”, there were tendencies to be a lot of members in their 40's, self-employed workers and public servants. They had motivations to want to return for kindness of others and to be needed by them. In “type of self-actualization needs”, there were tendencies to be a lot of professional members. They had intrinsic motivations to want to make better community by using professional skill, to grow and to enjoy acting with other members. Third, we investigated the relationship between the motivations to participate the groups and their action types. The result was that there were tendencies to be a lot of members of “type of using spare time” and “type of desire for recognition from others” in the groups of “action type of player” and to be a lot of members of “type of self-actualization needs” in the groups of “action type of area manager”(Fig. 4). In other words, it was clarified that most of members in the groups of “action type of player” had extrinsic motivations, but on the other hand most of members in the groups of “action type of area manager” had intrinsic motivations.
林 匡宏 中原 宏
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
デザイン学研究 (ISSN:09108173)
vol.64, no.1, pp.1_59-1_68, 2017-07-31 (Released:2017-09-20)

魅力的なシークエンス景観には二種の時間軸が存在する。歴史性や文化性など長期的な時間軸と、徒歩圏域の景観体験などの短期的な時間軸である。この二種が織り成す景観特性や高揚感への影響について、江別市で最も古い市街地である「条丁目地区」を対象に調査・分析を行った。結果、景観構成要素のうち「歴史文化施設」や「樹木」など、背景に長期的な時間軸を有する要素が、シークエンス景観の中の「アクセント」として評価され、また 10m~50mの比較的に短い区間での景観体験にみられる「自然資源」の構成比の変化が、徒歩圏域の「リズム」となり、次の場面の高揚感向上に寄与していることが把握された。このような、大都市近郊地域の市街地景観に多様性と奥行きを付与する「アクセント」と「リズム」をコントロールすることで、これまで閑散としていた徒歩圏域の魅力化と、隣接する都市と併せた広域圏の価値向上に貢献すると考える。
籔谷 祐介 中原 宏 椎野 亜紀夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.761, pp.1613-1623, 2019 (Released:2019-07-30)

Community action groups are expected as new groups to support the life of the community instead of territorial groups. In recent years, “Community design” that the expert support to forming community action groups to solve regional problems is getting a lot of attention. In our preceding paper, we classified members in community action groups into 3 types of participation motivation: “type of using spare time”, “type of desire for recognition from others” and “type of self-actualization needs”. The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the roles of members and the motivations to participate community action groups. First, We prepared 12-items of roles of members in community action groups(Table2). We performed the questionnaire survey by the mutual vote method by using the 12-items targeting 106 members in 8 groups. By factor analysis using answers to the questionnaire, it was clarified that the construction of roles of members in community action groups was composed of 3 factors: “Diplomatic and intellectual role” factor, “Leadership role” factor and “Behind the scenes role” factor. (Table4) Second, The role types of members in 8 groups were classified by cluster analysis as follows: “type of all-around leader”, “type of supporter” and “type of follower”(Fig. 5). The members of “type of all-around leader” showed strong leadership and play a lot of roles in the groups, especially to provide and gather the information, to bring their cooperators and to consider about their activities. The members of “type of supporter” were situation to support and always cooperative with activities of groups. The members of “type of follower” played the leading role in comparison to the other types. Third, we investigated the relationship between the roles of members and the motivations to participate community action groups. The result was that there were tendencies to be a lot of members of “type of desire for recognition from others” and a few members of “type of using spare time” in members of “type of all-around leader”, and a lot of members of “type of self-actualization needs” and a few members of “type of desire for recognition from others” in members of “type of supporter”. On the other hand, there were tendencies to be a few members of “type of self-actualization needs”. (Table6) Finally, we investigated how did the action type of groups have an effect on the roles of members. The result was that there were tendencies to be a lot of members of “type of supporter” and a few members of “type of follower” in “action type of player”. On the other hand, there were tendencies to be a lot of members of “type of follower” and a few members of “type of supporter” in “action type of area manager” (Table7). And the participation motivation of members had an effect on both of the action type of groups and the roles of members, in other words, the action type of groups made complex the relationship between the roles of members and the motivations to participate community action groups (Fig9, 10, 11).
青塚 大輔 中原 宏
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.21, no.48, pp.799-804, 2015-06-20 (Released:2015-06-20)

Local living environments in the areas which 87 Liaison Centers govern within the City of Sapporo were examined. It was found that the areas which were the low rate of population increase and decrease and high ratio of elderly population were more likely in the inconvenient areas for shopping and transportation from the result of analysis using the social index. Furthermore, area characteristics by the relations between the questionnaire results and the social index can be confirmed.