井福 裕俊 中山 貴文 坂本 将基 齋藤 和也 小澤 雄二 福田 晃平 中村 朱里
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.66, pp.267-272, 2017-12-19

The purpose of the present study was to classify standing posture of the upper grade elementary school children in the second sexual stage into five types according to Kendall's method, and to clarify factors affecting those postures by using seven muscle strength or flexibility tests. A total of 196 children (104 boys, 92 girls) were analyzed. Only 22% of children were a good posture even if the ideal and military postures were combined, whereas a bad posture, i.e., kyphosis-lordosis, flat-back and sway-back postures, accounted for 78%. The deviation of the body's center of gravity was significantly shorter in the good pasture than in the bad posture. When principal component analysis was applied to the data for seven muscular strength or flexibility tests, military posture had high overall evaluation of muscular strength and flexibility and kyphosis-lordosis posture was lower, whereas ideal posture was mainly held by muscular strength and flexibility of lower body and flat-back posture was mainly held by those of upper body. These findings suggest that it is necessary to improve muscle strength and flexibility in order to improve the bad standing posture of upper grade elementary school children.
中村 幸太郎 中村 朱里 大星 博明 七田 崇
脳循環代謝(日本脳循環代謝学会機関誌) (ISSN:09159401)
vol.30, no.1, pp.77-81, 2018

<p>脳梗塞後の炎症は,次世代における脳卒中医療のための治療標的として注目されている.脳梗塞では,細胞死に伴って放出されるダメージ関連分子パターン(DAMPs: damage-associated molecular patterns)がマクロファージ・好中球を活性化し,炎症性サイトカインが産生されると,さらにT 細胞を活性化して炎症を遷延化させる.発症3 日目にはスカベンジャー受容体MSR1 を発現する修復性マクロファージが脳内に出現し,DAMPsを排除して炎症を収束させ,神経栄養因子を産生することによって修復に働く.脳梗塞における無菌的炎症は,DAMPs の働きのように,脳が自律的に制御する生体防御の一環であると捉えることができる.</p>