中村 輝子 増田 芳雄
人間環境科学 (ISSN:09193790)
vol.5, pp.85-112, 1996
遠藤 次郎 鈴木 琢也 中村 輝子
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.223, pp.129-137, 2002 (Released:2021-08-13)

Sanki Tashiro and Dosan Manase are known for their role as founders of the Gosei-ha school in Japan. Observing that Japanese medicine had not been based on a clear theory, they introduced into Japan the satsusho benchi practiced in Chinese medicine during the Jin and Yuan dynasties. The basis of this system was to examine the patient's condition, then determine the treatment accordingly. Dosan Manase in particular employed the satsusho benchi, writing out a new prescription each time treatment was required, without reference to existing prescriptions. In this study, we carried out an investigation into the "Ishin shoden" edited by Dosan Manase, which reveals the process by which Dosan established the new satsusho benchi system of medicine within the framework of traditional Japanese medicine. In the early stages of the process, Dosan prepared prescriptions based on existing iou-tou prescriptions, modifying these by adding or removing medicines. Then, in the middle period, he prepared prescriptions based on toso-tou prescriptions, designed on the basis of the kun shin sa shi or Junchen Zuoshi theory, again modifying these by adding or removing medicines. In the final stage of the process, Dosan ceased this practice of adding or removing medicines from a basic prescription, adopting instead the satsusho benchi system of writing out a new prescription for every treatment. In addition, we consider the reasons why the satsusho benchi system was not employed by Dosan's successors, and discuss the effects of this.
遠藤 次郎 中村 輝子
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.43, no.229, pp.13-21, 2004 (Released:2021-08-12)

Nagoya Gen'i(1628-1696) is known as a pioneer of the Koho-ha School of Japanese Kampo. This research examined his medical system and established that his medical theory was based on the following five features : (1) Medical Philosophy, (2) Pathology, (3) Theory of Formula Construction, (4) Theory of the Effects of Individual Herbal Medicines and (5) Attitudes toward Treatment. Gen'i authored numerous books on features 1-4. He emphasized the medical theories in 1, Medical Philosophy, but numerous contradictions were found upon a comparison of the medical works he authored. People of the Gosei-ha School at that time selected a basic formula that suited them from among a variety of formulas and tried to organize their own medical systems on its basis. While Gen'i argued against this stance late in his life, he tried to organized a medical system by combining the five features with the medical philosophy and the formula theory from "Shanghanlun ". Medical studies from his later years are noted as the forefront of the Koho-ha School of Japanese Kampo.
中村 輝子
日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集
vol.2003, pp.S24, 2003

高尾山麓の森林総合研究所多摩森林科学園のサクラのジーンバンク(桜保存林)および新たに開かれた農場を利用してシダレザクラのしだれ性のメカニズムに関する植物生理学的研究をおこなってきた。それまでの制御された実験室環境における幼植物を用いた実験とは異なり、フィールドの実験は、予期せぬ様々な困難を伴う一方、自然環境の中で樹木サクラを育てることにより、そのライフサイクルの進行に伴う動物すなわち、哺乳類、鳥類、および昆虫との様々な関係があり、またこれに関わるアレロパシー物質(クマリンなど)の関与もあることを学ぶことができた。この体験に基づいて「フィールドで植物生理学の実験をおこなうこと」および「フィールドにおけるサクラとそれをとりまく生物間の相互作用」につき論じたい。<br> フィールドにおけるしだれ性に係わるジベレリン等の植物ホルモンの研究は、さらにサクラの重力生物学の研究へと発展し、近年は、三次元クライノスタットを用いたサクラの形態形成とその重力センサーの研究がおこなわるようになった。ここでえられた宇宙環境の植物におよぼす影響をも合わせて論じたい。
遠藤 次郎 中村 輝子
一般社団法人 日本東洋医学会
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.56, no.3, pp.435-444, 2005-05-20 (Released:2010-03-12)
2 1

初代曲直瀬道三 (1507-1594) 原著, 二代目曲直瀬道三 (曲直瀬玄朔, 1549-1631) 増補と言われている江戸時代のベストセラー,『衆方規矩』を検討し, 以下の結果を得た。(1)『衆方規矩』は, 曲直瀬玄朔の弟子, 岡本玄冶 (1587-1645) が口述し, 岡本玄冶の弟子が編纂したと推測される。(2)『衆方規矩』に収載されている処方の70%は〓廷賢の医方書からの引用である。彼の著作の中でも, 殊に『万病回春』からの引用が多く,『衆方規矩』の処方の約60%は『万病回春』からの引用である。(3)『衆方規矩』は「基本処方とその加減方」という医学体系を基本にしている。本書が『万病回春』を採用した理由として,『万病回春』が加減方を数多く記していることが挙げられる。(4)『衆方規矩』には非常に多くの版本があるが, それらは3つの系統に大別される。
山路弘樹 中村輝子 横山潤 近藤健児 諸田隆 竹田秀一 佐々木博 牧雅之
植物研究雑誌 (ISSN:00222062)
vol.82, no.2, pp.57-78, 2007-04-20 (Released:2022-10-20)

日本産カンアオイ属ウスバサイシン節植物の形態変異を明らかにするために,国内の全分布域・既知の分類群,地域集団を含む55集団について野外調査を行った.同節に関する過去の研究はいずれも量的形質の評価が不十分であるため,本研究では今まで用いられてきた形質,新たに採用した形質の評価に加え,花の量的形質に基づく多変量解析を行った.その結果,形態より区別できる8型が認識された.日本の同節はまず萼筒内壁のカラーパターンで2型に分けられ, D 型は全面暗紫色なのに対し, L 型は基底部は暗紫色,中央部は黄緑色ないし淡紫色,萼筒開口部は暗紫色ないし白色だった. D 型はさらに萼筒内壁,萼裂片内面の毛の細胞数,雄蕊・雌蕊の数で D1-D4 の4型に分けられ, L 型は萼筒の形態,萼筒開口部の大きさ,萼裂片の形態,サイズで L1-L4 の4型に分けられた.この8型はほぼ異所的に分布し,それぞれ独立の分類群に値するまとまった地域集団と推定された.
遠藤 次郎 中村 輝子
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.34, no.193, pp.1, 1995 (Released:2021-08-27)

It has been said that the tridosha theory in Ayurveda originated from the theory of the three elements of the universe. The names of these three doshas, which are roughly equivalent to humour, are vata (wind), pitta (bile), and kapha (phlegm), corresponding to the three elements of the universe: air, fire, and water. On the other hand, Buddhist medicine which has a close relation to Ayurveda is based on the theory of the four elements of the universe which includes the earth as well as the three elements mentioned above. Greek medicine on the other hand, is founded on the theory of the four humours, i. e. blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Furthermore, even in Ayurveda, like in "Sushruta Samhita", the theory of the four humours can be found: This includes the abovd-mentioned tridosha plus blood as the forth humour. "Timaios" by Plato also mentions this. We compared these various theories and pointed out that the tridosha theory had its origin in the theory of the four elements of the universe. The process of the formation of the tridosha theory is considered as follows:(1) "Earth" was segregated from the four elements of the universe owing to its solid properties, and was rearranged into the seven elments of the body called "dhatu"; and the other three elements, uwatern, "fire", and "air",were integrated as the tridosha theory, namely, the theory of the three humours, owing to th&r properties of fluid; (2)"Blood", assigned to the element of "earth", was segregated from the tridosha because "blood" was considered to be comprised of the properties of every humour without having its own peculiar properties. Therefore, the diseases caused by deranged "blood" were regarded as an aggregate disease caused by the other three deranged humours. Then the category of the disease, caused by deranged "earth", did not appear.

1 0 0 0 OA 樹木と重力

中村 輝子 吉田 正人
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.14, no.3, pp.123-131, 2000 (Released:2006-02-01)
6 5 6

: In this review, we attempted to summarize the effect of gravity on growth of woody plants, broad leaved trees, on earth. It is well known that in tilted broad leaved trees, tension wood formed in the secondary xylem causes negative gravitropism. Gibberellin has been shown to induce tension wood in weeping branch, causing its upright growth. Recent study has shown that seedling of Japanese cherry tree grew on three dimensional clinostat, a device that simulates microgravity, grew at random angles, and that the formation of secondary xylem, as supporting tissue for upright growth, decreased. In the decreased xylem formation, the inhibition of the differentiation and development of fiber cell was clearly observed. These results suggest that in attitude control and morphogenesis of stem in woody plant, secondary xylem formation seriously relates to gravity on earth. In woody plant, the mechanism of gravity perception and the following signal transduction have not yet been elucidated, although the recent study reported the possibility that endodermal starch sheath cells and plant hormones may play some role in the mechanism. Space experiment is expected to study these problem.
中村 輝子
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.17, no.2, pp.144-148, 2003 (Released:2006-01-31)
1 1

Using the weeping branch of Japanese flowering cherry tree and its woody stem of the seedling grown under simulated microgravity condition by three dimensional clinostat, it was elucidated that the morphogenesis of its secondary xylem supporting the plant itself to grow upward is seriously controlled by gravity on earth with a sedimentable amyloplast as its sensor. Space experiment of woody plant is expected to elucidate such problem.