川﨑 聡大 奥村 智人 中西 誠 川田 拓 水田 めくみ 若宮 英司
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.43, pp.161-164, 2020

<p>包括的領域別読み能力検査を用いて読みや語彙,統語といった読解に関与する言語モジュールを包含した読解モデルの構築を試み,多母集団同時解析によるモデルの交差妥当化を行った.その結果,一般化可能な読解モデルとして緩やかな線形構造をもった相互干渉モデルが示された.今後の学習の苦手さに対する介入やICT の活用の方針立案や効果測定において重要な知見を得た.また特徴的な結果として語彙力が「語彙の量」と「意味の活用」の二つの観点でそれぞれ読解力に異なる影響を与えていることが明らかとなり,読解力向上のための語彙指導を考える上で有意義な知見を得た.</p>
村上 広樹 松木 建二 西嶋 寛 中西 誠 久門田 俊治 宮本 一民 大川 満
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 (ISSN:09146695)
vol.5, no.2, pp.240-249, 1992

We reported about mobility of implants by PERIO TEST<sup>®</sup> (Part 1, 2) on SUMICIKON. We took many measurements of Bonefit bioinart implants with PERIO TEST<sup>®</sup> (PT) by the same method. PT revealed that a relation between an implant and a bone can be understood by individual observation at chairside.<br/> Our Bonefit implant dates were reliable statistics, because we measured 205 cases. We had some interesting results about some methods. Those results were as follows;<br/> 1. Incisal lower edentulos arch use (n=19) PT average had the best level when compared to other methods.<br/> 2. Self-standing use (n=29) PT average had a good level but was impossible to use clinically.<br/> 3. Connected natural teeth and Molar lower arch use (n=113) was the most popular method in our experiments. The PT average was good. We thought, this method was safe and reliable.<br/> 4. Connected natural teeth and Molar upper arch use (n=41) PT average was alright for clinical use. But standard deviation was not better than the other methods<br/> 5. All experiments (n=205) PT average rose from immediate post operation to 30 days later. But it declined after 60 days later. The phenomenon was“ Tissue-integrate”.