中里 理子
日本語の研究 (ISSN:13495119)
vol.12, no.3, pp.33-40, 2016-07-01 (Released:2017-03-03)
中里 理子
上越教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09158162)
vol.20, no.2, pp.574-562, 2001

明治後期の小説二〇作品を対象に、和語系・漢語系オノマトペの使用状況を調査し、前期からの流れを考慮しながら両者の関係を具体的に考察した。後期になると和語系オノマトペの割合が増え、漢語・漢字を宛てずに単独で使われるようになったことから、俗語である和語系オノマトペが小説の言葉として抵抗感なく取り入れられるようになったことが窺われた。また、漢語系のオノマトペとしての意識について、和語系に漢語系を対応させる宛て字の面から、特に多く見られたそれぞれのオノマトペの型を中心に考えた。和語系に宛て字されていた漢語系は、和語系が独立すると、一般語彙として「オノマトペ」性を失ったが、音構成が和語系のものと同じ「-々」型は、限られた文脈で多用されたものが音のイメージを連想させるようになり、「オノマトペ」として捉えられるようになると思われる。This paper attempts to discuss how onomatopoeias originated from Japanese are related with those from Chinese in the second half of the Meiji era. For this purpose twenty stories were investigated in the study. In the second half of the Meiji era, a large proportion of onomatopoeias became Japanese origin, and they were used independently without the assistance of substitute character. It means that Japanese originated ones were used more positively even in the novels, although they were considered as slung in those days. Regarding the Chinese originated onomatopoeias, it is neccessary to examine the relations with kana written at the right side of kanji which was those of Japanese-origin, and the main types of onomatopoeias. The onomatopoeias of Chinese origin which were used as substitute character for those of Japanese origin, came to lose the features as onomatopoeias. But one type, which was the same sound type of Japanese origin, obtained the sound image and was possibly recognized as onomatopoeias.
中里 理子
上越教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09158162)
vol.29, pp.207-218, 2010

岩波古典文学大系本『狂言集』上下巻(大蔵流山本東本)に見られるオノマトペを収集し, その特徴を整理した。浄瑠璃や歌舞伎の脚本に見られたオノマトペとは性格が異なり, 次のような特徴が認められた。1)擬音語は, 動物の鳴き声に音マネ的な性格がある。物音の場合は, 慣用的なオノマトペにより舞台上の効果音として用いている。2)擬態語は, 心情を表すオノマトペがほとんど見られない。また, いくつかの定型的表現により, 類型的な劇の構造, 典型的な舞台背景, 典型的な人物像を観客にイメージしやすくさせている。強調表現を効果的に使っている。3)オノマトペに関する言葉遊びとしては, 同音を導くもの, 対句的な使われ方のものが見られ, おかしみを誘う効果がある。I collected the onomatopoeia seen in the Noh farce script of Ookuraryu Yamamotoazuma-bon, and put those characteristics in order.A character was different from the onomatopoeia seen in the play of the joruri and the kabuki, and the following characteristics were admitted.1) The onomatopoeia of the animal's song has the character which imitates sound. The onomatopoeia which shows sound is being used as the sound effect on the stage by the idiomatic onomatopoeia.2) The onomatopoeia which expresses its feeling is hardly seen with mimesis. Typical stage scenery is making an audience make easy to image concerning some fixed forms by the expression, the structure of the play concerning a type. An emphasis expression is being used effectively.3) The play at word which does a used method concerning the play at word which it leads the same sound to, and the antithesis is seen, and play at word about the onomatopoeia has the effect which arouses a funny laugh and amusement.
中里 理子
上越教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09158162)
vol.22, no.1, pp.268-282, 2002

オノマトペの多義性についてその時徽を考え、一例を取り上げ実際に多義が派生しさらに解消されていく過程を考察した。まず、現代語の多義のオノマトペから意味相互の関連を考察し、(1)擬音と擬態の共通性、(2)様態の共通性、(3)感覚の共通性、(4)一般語彙との関連、(5)隣接オノマトペとの関連、(6)音の類似性、という六つⅥ特徴を見出した。次に近世・近代の「まじまじ」を取り上げ意味変化を見ながら、多義の派生とそれが解消される過程を検討した。「まじまじ」は、「目ぱちぱちさせる」という一動作とその動作を行う一般的状況を表したが、その状況が「眠れない」「平然と(見る)」「見ていて落ち着かない」に分化したとき矛盾する意味を含んでしまい、混乱を生じた末、一動作を表す意味「じっと見つめる」になり、本来のコ目をぱちぱち」という象徴性が失われた。「落ち着かない」意味は隣接オノマトペの「もじもじ」に、「眠れない」意味は語基が共通する「まんじり」にその意味が移行し、多義の縮小につながっている。形態による意味の分担も多義性の解消に関連すると思われる。The polysemy of onomatopoeia was described in this paper, which was different from that of non-onomatopoetic words. I examined how some of the onomatopoeia obtained multiple meanings and adapted to one by analyzing the actual cases. At first, following six features were described, regarding the relations among the meanings of polysemous onomatopoeia; (1) similarity of the imitative and mimetic meanings, (2) similarity of movement of words, (3) similarity of feelings, (4) relation to nononomatopoetic words, (5) relation to adjacent onomatopoeia, and (6) similarity of sounds. Secondly I examined the meanings of "majimaji", which were changed from Edo to Taisyo periods as an example of polysemous onomatopoeia. "Majimaji" originally implied blinking-eye movement and such action. And then its meaning was distinguished into multiple meanings such as <hardly sleeping > , < (looking) without shaming>, and <looking awkwardly > -leaded discrepancy and confusion among them. At last "majimaji" meant <watching fixedly > and lost the sound symbolism of blinking. On the other hand, the meaning of <looking awkwardly > was completely transferred to similar sounded onomatopoeia, as "mojimoji", another meaning of <hardly sleeping> was transferred to "manjiri" which was derived from "majimaji". These transformations lead the reduction of olysemy. Appearance of the related onomatopoetic words to share the meanings of polysemy was considered ro facilitate the reduction of polysemy.
中里 理子
上越教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09158162)
vol.26, pp.1-14, 2007-02-28

「笑い」の表現には(1)笑い声,(2)笑うときの表情・笑い方,(3)笑うときの姿態,の描写がある。(1)と(2)に関して,中古から近代までのオノマトペの変遷を見てみると,笑い声を表す擬音語も表情・笑い方を表す擬態語も,近世にはすでに現代使われているオノマトペの典型的なものが確立していたことがわかった。笑い声を表す<模写に近いオノマトペ>は近代以後現代に至るまで個性的なオノマトペの工夫が見られるが,笑い声を表す<象徴度の高いオノマトペ.と,笑いの表情・笑い方に関しては,近代になって新たに工夫されたオノマトペはほとんど見られなかった。近代,特に明治期には,笑う表情と笑いの内容に関してオノマトペ以外で描写した表現がさまざま見られるが,これは明治期に正確で細密な描写が目指されたことと関連があり,笑いに関するオノマトペが新たに工夫されなかったことの要因の一つであると考えられる。The expression of "the laugh" is greatly divided into three with laughter and an expression to laugh and a figure to laugh at it. Even modern ages were investigated about the onomatopoeia which showed laughter and an expression to laugh from the Heian period. As for the mimesis which showed the onomatopoeia which shows laughter, and an expression, it found that the typical thing of the onomatopoeia which the present day has already been spent on was established in the modern times. Until it reaches the present day after the modern ages, the idea of the unique onomatopoeia is seen with the onomatopoeia which is close to the copy to describe laughter.
中里 理子
上越教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09158162)
vol.27, pp.137-144, 2008-02-28

「擬音語」「擬態語」は日本語に特徴的な語群として古くから研究が進められてきたが,その名称については,総称・名称ともに明治期以降多くの研究者によって様々に工夫され,提唱されてきた。現在は名称として「擬音語」「擬態語」が一般的であるが,「擬音語」が広まる以前は「擬声語」が多く使われていた経緯があり,「擬態語」は「擬容語」という名称も提唱されたことがある。「擬声語」は総称としても使われていたが,現在では総称として「オノマトペ」という名称が定着しつつある。本稿では,明治期以降に提唱された擬音語・擬態語の名称を総称と各称とに分けて整理し,名称の変遷の様相を辿った。その上で,現在一般的に使用されている名称の妥当性について考えた。As for "Giongo" and "Gitaigo", it has been proceeding with the research as a word group which is characteristic of Japanese since the old days. The various names of this word group were devised by many researchers after Meiji term, and it was proposed. "Giongo" "Gitaigo" is general as each name at present. "Giseigo" was being used before "Giongo" "Gitaigo" spread out. Though a generic name was taken, "Giseigo" was being used. But, the name of "the onomatopoeia" is taking root as a generic name at present. The name of the onomatopoeia proposed after Meiji term was divided into each name with the generic name, and put in order, and it followed the aspect of the change in the name in this paper. Then, it thought about the validity of the name generally being used at present.