原田 吉通 冨野 真悟 小川 和久 和田 忠子 森 進一郎 小林 繁 清水 徹治 久保 博英
Japanese Association for Oral Biology
歯科基礎医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850137)
vol.31, no.1, pp.13-18, 1989-02-20 (Released:2010-06-11)

昭和53年から昭和61年までの9年間に放射線学実習で撮影された平均年齢24.3歳の男女1,353人の全顎デンタルX線写真のうち小臼歯部を目的としたものと大臼歯部を目的としたもの及びパノラマX線写真を使用し, 下顎第一大臼歯の3根の出現頻度について調査した。結果は次の通りである。1. 3根は右側歯数1,163本中240本 (20.6%), 左側歯数1,168本中200本 (17.1%) であった。2. デンタルX線写真による歯根数の確認は, 小臼歯部目的の写真のみで3根の確認できたもの274本 (11.8%), 小臼歯部ならびに大臼歯部目的の写真のいずれでも確認できたもの124本 (5.3%), 大臼歯部目的の写真のみで確認できたもの42本 (1.8%) であった。3. パノラマX線写真で3根の確認できたものは, 440本中70本 (15.9%) であった。4. 左右両側に第一大臼歯の存在している人1,070人のうち, 両側共3根の人は136人 (12.7%), 片側のみ3根の人は127人 (11.9%) であった。
伊東 励 金 晧 久保 博英 金子 政則 小林 繁 富 成志 張 庭〓 王 文奎
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.6, pp.947-956, 1996-12-25

In August to September of 1995 the authors conducted an anthropometry of the head and face and measurement of the dental arch on Chinese Liao-Ning (66 males and 83 females), and the results were discussed. Furthermore, the correlations between the measurements of head and face, and those of dental arches and palate height were studied. The main results obtained are as follows : 1) Head length : the mean value for the male is 181.0mm and for the female 170.4mm. Both belong to Middle type. 2) Head breadth : the mean value for the male is 155.3mm and for the female 151.6mm. Male belong to Middle type and females belong to Wide type. 3) Bizygomatic breadth : the mean value for the male is 140.3mm and for the female 133.5mm. Both belong to Middle type. 4) Morphological face height : the mean value for the male is 124.0mm and for the female 114.6mm. Both belong to High type. 5) The head-type of the Chinese Liao-Ning belongs to Hyperbrachycephalic type and the face-type to Leptoprosopic type. 6) Correlation : The significant positive correlation is noted between the morphological face height and lower dental arch length only in the male, while that between morphological face height and palate heght is noted in both male and female.
伊東 励 金 晧 久保 博英 金子 政則 小林 繁 富 成志 張 庭〓 王 文奎
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.6, pp.947-956, 1996

In August to September of 1995 the authors conducted an anthropometry of the head and face and measurement of the dental arch on Chinese Liao-Ning (66 males and 83 females), and the results were discussed. Furthermore, the correlations between the measurements of head and face, and those of dental arches and palate height were studied. The main results obtained are as follows : 1) Head length : the mean value for the male is 181.0mm and for the female 170.4mm. Both belong to Middle type. 2) Head breadth : the mean value for the male is 155.3mm and for the female 151.6mm. Male belong to Middle type and females belong to Wide type. 3) Bizygomatic breadth : the mean value for the male is 140.3mm and for the female 133.5mm. Both belong to Middle type. 4) Morphological face height : the mean value for the male is 124.0mm and for the female 114.6mm. Both belong to High type. 5) The head-type of the Chinese Liao-Ning belongs to Hyperbrachycephalic type and the face-type to Leptoprosopic type. 6) Correlation : The significant positive correlation is noted between the morphological face height and lower dental arch length only in the male, while that between morphological face height and palate heght is noted in both male and female.