村上 守良 六反田 篤 伊東 励 伊波 富夫 祐田 彰 小住 哲也 香月 俊祐 宮崎 秀夫 佐伯 栄一
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.32, no.5, pp.673-685, 1979-01-31

1964年から1965年にかけて沖縄で大流行した風疹は, 妊娠中であった母親に感染し, 罹患した母親から種々の障害を持った子が出生した.風疹の胎児感染による人体への影響について種々の分野から多数の研究報告がなされ, 長骨の異常, 生歯の異常などが指摘されている.口腔領域の研究報告は少く, 未だ多くの疑問が残されたままとなっている.著者らは発症後12年を経過した昭和52年8月, 沖縄における先天性風疹症候詳児104名(男55名, 女49名)について, 口腔診査, 上・下歯列の印象採得, X線撮影を行ない乳歯残存状況について検討した結果, 次のごとき結論をえた.1.乳歯残存保有者率は男47.27%, 女40.82%, 男女合計44.23%である.2.乳歯残存歯率は男6.27%, 女4.80%, 男女合計5.58%である.3.一人平均乳歯残存保有歯数は男1.25本, 女0.96本男女合計1.12本である.4.1∿4歯の乳歯残存保有者が男40.00%, 女38.78%, 男女合計39.41%で, これは乳歯残存を有するもののうち約90%をしめている.5.歯種別, 顎別の乳歯残存歯率は, 正常児に比し, 第二乳臼歯の残存率が男女とも上・下顎において特に高率である.6.乳歯残存の後継歯の存在率は乳犬歯で, 男86.05%, 女94.29%, 男女合計89.74%, 第一乳臼歯では男85.71%, 女100.00%, 男女合計91.67%, 第二乳臼歯では男89.47%, 女100.00%, 男女合計92.31%である.7.先天性風疹症候詳児は正常児より, 乳歯の晩期残存が多数みられ, 永久歯の萌出が遅滞している.
村上 守良 六反田 篤 伊東 励
Japanese Association for Oral Biology
歯科基礎医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850137)
vol.21, no.1, pp.169-176, 1979 (Released:2010-10-28)

彎曲徴について, 臨床上ならびに歯の解剖学上有効な指針を得るために, 下顎右側の中切歯, 側切歯および犬歯の歯冠長を12等分し, Contracerを用いて歯軸に直交する各断面の輪郭と切縁観輪郭における彎曲徴を角度的に観察した。次のような結果が得られた。1.切縁観輪郭では, 下顎中切歯および下顎側切歯には彎曲徴は認められない。下顎犬歯は明らかに彎曲徴が認められる。2.歯冠各部の輪郭では, 下顎中切歯で切縁側1/4の領域に, 下顎側切歯で切縁側2/3の領域に, 下顎犬歯で尖頭より3/4の領域にそれぞれ明らかに彎曲徴が認められる。3.下顎中切歯において切縁側1/4の領域で明らかに彎曲徴が存在することは他の要素と合わせて左右側鑑別の一助となし得る。
六反田 篤 真鍋 義孝 村上 守良 伊東 励
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.37, no.2, pp.479-484, 1983-04-25

The authors conducted the somatological measurement of head and face, and the impression taking of the upper and lower dental arches on 85 adults who lived in North Kyushu Region. After examining the correlations between the measured values of the head and face, and the dental arch, we have reached the following conclusions : 1. In terms of lengths, there is a positive correlation in the total of males and females, between head length and upper dental arch length. 2. In terms of lengths and heights, there is a positive correlation in the total of males and females, between head length and palatal vault height. 3. In terms of breadths, there is a positive correlation in the males and the total of males and females, between head breadth and upper and lower dental arch breadth, between bizygomatic breadth and upper and lower dental arch breadth, and between bigonial breadth and upper and lower dental arch breadth. 4. In terms of breadths and lengths, there is a positive correlation in the males, between bizygomatic breadth and lower dental arch length, in the females, between head breadth and upper dental arch length, between bizygomatic breadth and lower dental arch length, in the total of males and females, between head breadth and upper and lower dental arch length, between bizygomatic breadth and upper and lower dental arch length. 5. In the terms of breadths and heights, there is a positive correlation in the males, between bizygomatic breadth and palatal vault height, in the total of males and females, between head breadth and palatal vault height, between bizygomatic breadth and palatal vault height. 6. In the terms of heights, there is a positive correlation in the males, between auricular height and palatal vault height, in the females, between morphological face height and palatal vault height, in the total of males and females, between auricular height and palatal vault height, between morphological face height and palatal vault height. 7. In terms of heights and lengths, there is a positive correlation in the females and the total of males and females, between morphological face height and upper and lower dental arch length. 8. In terms of heights and breadths, there is a positive correlation in the males, between morphological face height and upper dental arch breadth, in the females, between morphological face height and upper and lower dental arch breadth, in the total of males and females, between auricular height and upper dental arch breadth, between morphological face height and upper and lower dental arch breadth. As descrived in the above, the correlation between the head and the face, and the dental arch showed more positive results in the maxilla than in the mandible, and more positive results in the face than in the head. The Person in North Kyushu Region was more balanced between the head and the face, and the dental arch than in the Person of Miiraku and Katumoto.
伊東 励 金 晧 久保 博英 金子 政則 小林 繁 富 成志 張 庭〓 王 文奎
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.6, pp.947-956, 1996-12-25

In August to September of 1995 the authors conducted an anthropometry of the head and face and measurement of the dental arch on Chinese Liao-Ning (66 males and 83 females), and the results were discussed. Furthermore, the correlations between the measurements of head and face, and those of dental arches and palate height were studied. The main results obtained are as follows : 1) Head length : the mean value for the male is 181.0mm and for the female 170.4mm. Both belong to Middle type. 2) Head breadth : the mean value for the male is 155.3mm and for the female 151.6mm. Male belong to Middle type and females belong to Wide type. 3) Bizygomatic breadth : the mean value for the male is 140.3mm and for the female 133.5mm. Both belong to Middle type. 4) Morphological face height : the mean value for the male is 124.0mm and for the female 114.6mm. Both belong to High type. 5) The head-type of the Chinese Liao-Ning belongs to Hyperbrachycephalic type and the face-type to Leptoprosopic type. 6) Correlation : The significant positive correlation is noted between the morphological face height and lower dental arch length only in the male, while that between morphological face height and palate heght is noted in both male and female.
伊東 励 金 晧 久保 博英 金子 政則 小林 繁 富 成志 張 庭〓 王 文奎
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.6, pp.947-956, 1996

In August to September of 1995 the authors conducted an anthropometry of the head and face and measurement of the dental arch on Chinese Liao-Ning (66 males and 83 females), and the results were discussed. Furthermore, the correlations between the measurements of head and face, and those of dental arches and palate height were studied. The main results obtained are as follows : 1) Head length : the mean value for the male is 181.0mm and for the female 170.4mm. Both belong to Middle type. 2) Head breadth : the mean value for the male is 155.3mm and for the female 151.6mm. Male belong to Middle type and females belong to Wide type. 3) Bizygomatic breadth : the mean value for the male is 140.3mm and for the female 133.5mm. Both belong to Middle type. 4) Morphological face height : the mean value for the male is 124.0mm and for the female 114.6mm. Both belong to High type. 5) The head-type of the Chinese Liao-Ning belongs to Hyperbrachycephalic type and the face-type to Leptoprosopic type. 6) Correlation : The significant positive correlation is noted between the morphological face height and lower dental arch length only in the male, while that between morphological face height and palate heght is noted in both male and female.