今村 祥子
一般財団法人 アジア政経学会
アジア研究 (ISSN:00449237)
vol.65, no.3, pp.20-36, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-09-10)

In the early 1980s, Indonesia witnessed the extrajudicial killings of thousands of hoodlums by security forces. The victims’ bodies were left at prominent public places. Because the authorities did not admit to any involvement, the Indonesian media termed the killings “Petrus,” which means “mysterious shootings.” This thesis aims to analyze the ruling style of Suharto’s regime by considering the mass killings. From the beginning, the Suharto regime regarded Indonesian society as a legitimate target for intelligence activities and machinations, as symbolized by the existence of Operasi Khusus (Opsus); this was initially a team set up for the army’s intelligence work in Malaysia, but later became institutionalized to rule over Indonesian society. Applying intelligence and machinations to maintain domestic rule may be considered a rational step for the authorities. Given that other strong political ideologies still had deep roots in society, it was extremely difficult to create the Golkar system based on the state-sponsored Pancasila ideology by means of repression alone. Thus, the government had to rely on intelligence operations, such as machinations, provocations, and propaganda that justified the repression of potential enemies. This thesis, based on interviews, seeks to show that many victims of Petrus were hoodlums who had been recruited as agents for covert operations. They were organized under Ali Moertopo, the head of Opsus and Suharto’s right-hand man in the early days of the regime. Though there has long been a speculation that the real target of Petrus was Moertopo’s network, the rumors have not been substantiated. My argument is as follows. The Suharto regime, in its effort to build up the Golkar system, often used intelligence machinations toward members of its own society to eliminate or weaken potential enemies. This ruling style naturally alienated a specific societal group and created social divisions. The target of Petrus (or in any case, one of the main targets) were the hoodlums who had been used as a tool for such machinations. After their mission was over, the hoodlums came to be seen as unnecessary and dangerous; they were eliminated themselves through another huge machination—Petrus. In this context, Petrus symbolized a fundamental contradiction in the Suharto regime, which sought the thorough permeation of “harmonious” Pancasila ideology, but, in reality, could not rule the country without dividing society.
田崎 裕太郎 牧野 謙二 大塚 哲洋 中村 太祐 北村 慶 宮﨑 敦史 藤本 俊史 杉尾 小百合 今村 祥子
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.17, no.4, pp.141-145, 2022 (Released:2022-10-12)

症例は67歳男性.切除不能進行胃がんへの化学療法が奏功せず,外来にて症状緩和を行っていた.自宅で過ごされていたが,体動困難となり,救急外来を受診.Hb値3.4 g/dlと高度貧血を認め,進行胃がんからの出血と診断.入院のうえ緩和的放射線治療を開始したが,連日輸血を行うもHb値は改善せず,入院4日目の内視鏡検査にて漏出性出血(oozing bleeding)を認めた.入院11日目のHb値2.8 g/dlであり,照射継続での止血は困難と判断し,同日に血管塞栓術(TAE)を施行した.TAE後は輸血にてHb値8.0 g/dlまで改善.その後,輸血は不要となり,入院28日目に転院となった.出血性進行胃がんに対する緩和的放射線治療の高い有効性が報告されているが,奏功しなかった場合の救済治療に苦慮することがある.緩和的放射線治療が奏功しない出血性進行胃がんに対し,TAEが有効な救済治療となった1例を報告する.
今村 祥子
一般財団法人 アジア政経学会
アジア研究 (ISSN:00449237)
vol.65, no.3, pp.20-36, 2019

<p>In the early 1980s, Indonesia witnessed the extrajudicial killings of thousands of hoodlums by security forces. The victims' bodies were left at prominent public places. Because the authorities did not admit to any involvement, the Indonesian media termed the killings "Petrus," which means "mysterious shootings." This thesis aims to analyze the ruling style of Suharto's regime by considering the mass killings. </p><p>From the beginning, the Suharto regime regarded Indonesian society as a legitimate target for intelligence activities and machinations, as symbolized by the existence of Operasi Khusus (Opsus); this was initially a team set up for the army's intelligence work in Malaysia, but later became institutionalized to rule over Indonesian society. Applying intelligence and machinations to maintain domestic rule may be considered a rational step for the authorities. Given that other strong political ideologies still had deep roots in society, it was extremely difficult to create the Golkar system based on the state-sponsored Pancasila ideology by means of repression alone. Thus, the government had to rely on intelligence operations, such as machinations, provocations, and propaganda that justified the repression of potential enemies. </p><p>This thesis, based on interviews, seeks to show that many victims of Petrus were hoodlums who had been recruited as agents for covert operations. They were organized under Ali Moertopo, the head of Opsus and Suharto's right-hand man in the early days of the regime. Though there has long been a speculation that the real target of Petrus was Moertopo's network, the rumors have not been substantiated. </p><p>My argument is as follows. The Suharto regime, in its effort to build up the Golkar system, often used intelligence machinations toward members of its own society to eliminate or weaken potential enemies. This ruling style naturally alienated a specific societal group and created social divisions. The target of Petrus (or in any case, one of the main targets) were the hoodlums who had been used as a tool for such machinations. After their mission was over, the hoodlums came to be seen as unnecessary and dangerous; they were eliminated themselves through another huge machination—Petrus. In this context, Petrus symbolized a fundamental contradiction in the Suharto regime, which sought the thorough permeation of "harmonious" Pancasila ideology, but, in reality, could not rule the country without dividing society. </p>
今村 祥子 住田 和子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.36, no.2, pp.73-80, 1993-08-20

From an overall and environmental education point of view, this study will consist of three reports, ultimately, to develop guidelines and curricula for more substantial consumer education. Through human ecological philosophy of Ellen H. Richards, this first report approaches ecological consumer education by examinations on `consumer education' concepts and its historical background. The aim of ecological consumer education is to nourish citizens who can create an ecological life. There is need to expand our own concept of consumer education through an eco-centered philosophy.