今給黎 禎子 笠井 新一郎 藤原 雅子 山田 弘幸 倉内 紀子
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.8, pp.167-172, 2007-03

The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between language development and the development of drawing ability in mentally disabled children. Language tests, motor skill tasks, and drawing tasks were carried out for 23 mentally disabled children. For drawing tasks, children were instructed to draw freestyle and portrait pictures, which were classified into four developmental stages. The relationships between the development of drawing ability and language development in addition to motor skill development were then analyzed. The results indicated that the development of drawing ability was related to language expression, and vocabulary age development. Regarding language development, children who were capable of drawing "design" and "picture" were able to express sequences of >__-3 words. Still more, children who were capable of drawing "picture" were >__-54-month vocabulary age. Drawings, which do not require language ability, are thought to be useful for evaluating children with developmental disorders. In the future, we plan to conduct more detailed analysis on a greater number of subjects after standardizing conditions such as the sequence of tasks.
藤原 雅子 笠井 新一郎 今給黎 禎子 安川 千代 松山 光生 飯干 紀代子 山田 弘幸 倉内 紀子
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.7, pp.161-168, 2006-03-25

In the present study, we analyzed the "vocabulary checklist" of 310 children aged 12-23 months. We focused on the relationship between age and the size of the noun vocabulary that children have acquired, what word category is acquired earliest, and the relationship between the sequence of vocabulary acquisition and age. The results showed that (1) the proportion of nouns was comparatively high in the vocabularies of all children, (2) the number of nouns that have been acquired increases with age, and (3) the word category that is closely related to the daily life of a child and expresses "things", such as "animals", "people", and "food and drink", is used most frequently. These results indicate that environmental factors influence vocabulary acquisition. Therefore, it is necessary to statistically examine the use of baby talk. Moreover, in addition to the expression of vocabulary, it is also necessary to examine the understanding of vocabulary.
藤原 雅子 今給黎 禎子 安川 千代 松山 光生 飯干 紀代子 山田 弘幸 笠井 新一郎 倉内 紀子 フジワラ マサコ イマキイレ テイコ ヤスカワ チヨ マツヤマ ミツオ イイボシ キヨコ ヤマダ ヒロユキ カサイ シンイチロウ クラウチ ノリコ Masako FUJIWARA Teiko IMAKIIRE Chiyo YASUKAWA Mitsuo MATSUYANMA Kiyoko IIBOSHI Hiroyuki YAMADA Shinichirou KASAI Noriko KURAUCHI
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
vol.6, pp.235-241, 2005-03-25

A vocabulary is used as one of the indexes of the language development, and it is pmportant meaning to grasping vocabulary development. But, there is a little research that a vocabulary in the 12-23 Month wa investigated. The purpose of this study is to investigate the vocabulary of the child in the 12-23 Month. We analyzed it about the number of average vocabularies, the part of speech atructure, the different in sex. The results is following there were two stages in the vocabulary development as that result. There were many nouns. And it was the result that preceding research was supported with a part of speech. A noun could be thought to occupy an important position in the early vocabulary development. It guessed the matter that it increased after a 24 month. A difference in sex became clearer than 22month. From now on, the vocabulary which becomes the index of the development evaluation, and the number of vocabularies will be examined.
藤原 雅子 笠井 新一郎 今給黎 禎子 中山 翼 山田 弘幸
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.9, pp.107-112, 2008-03

Infant health screenings are offered as part of public child health services all over Japan. However, there are regional differences in the contents of health screenings. Here, the problems with the current health screening system are discussed by presenting two children with developmental disorders who went undetected, despite exhibiting low birth weight. The results suggest that the current health screening system is flawed, as screened items and methods allow children with some developmental disorders to be overlooked. Other problems included poor assessment perspectives and no follow-up procedures after consultation. Extreme low birth weight is a type of developmental disorder that can be corrected with early therapy. Because one of the objectives of infant health screenings is early detection and therapy for children with disabilities, it is necessary to identify and monitor children who may have disorders. When taking into account the necessity of early detection and therapy for childhood disorders, and the importance of follow-up visits after screenings, it is necessary for speech therapists to be actively involved.