付 晨晨
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.101, no.2, pp.1-30, 2019-09

The origins and earliest history of the Leishu 類書 genre of encyclopedias quoting passages from earlier literary erudition on selected themes, and thus expressing the worldview and scope of knowledge of the compilers, is not yet fully understood, due to the fact that almost all Leishu compiled before the Sui 隋 and Tang 唐 periods have been scattered and/or lost. A recent important study has shown that the earliest Leishu could be categorized into two types based on their content: those of the Southern Dynasties (南朝) and those of the Northern Dynasties (北朝); however, disagreement still remains among scholars over such issues as the order and collation style of the items contained in the earliest works. This article, accordingly, analyses the characteristics of the early genre based on a critique of the research to date, in order to place the historical development of the Leishu within the context of the history of scholarly inquiry between the Han and Tang Periods. After re-confirming that the passages quoted in the remaining fragments of Xiuwendian Yulan 修文殿御覽, compiled by the Northern Qi (北齊) Dynasty were arranged according to the four traditional literary categories of Jing-Shi-Zi-Ji 經史子集, the author shows that the citations of Hualin Bianlüe 華林遍略, compiled by the Liang 梁 Dynasty, did not, as already known, conform to that order, but rather one in accordance with the three categories of “Zishu 字書 (Chinese dictionary)-Jing 經-other books (listed in chronological order).” In view of the fact that Dunhuang Document P.2326, while not Hualin Bianlüe, but also compiled by the Southern Dynasties, are arranged in this same latter order (with no chronological order for “other”), such a structure should be regarded as the standard by which the Leishu from the Southern Dynasties were compiled; and was strongly influenced by the development of the art of annotation-commentary on the Jing, Shi and Ji genres from the Han Dynasty on. So it does not follow that the Leishu genre always presented comprehensive surveys of the all the Jing-Shi-Zi-Ji works from the start, but rather with both changing styles of erudition and historical consciousness, Leishu gradually came to cite works from a more and more diverse number of themes, topics and sources. The author concludes that the Leishu compiled in the Southern Dynasties, were not convenient reference books for writing poems, but rather encyclopedias for understanding the worldviews of ancient literature, developing in close connection with the growth of scholarship, in general, and historical consciousness, in particular, from the Han Period on.
付 晨晨
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.128, no.2, pp.1-35, 2019 (Released:2021-08-26)

類書は、魏晋南朝時代に新たに出現した書籍であり、経史子集の各文献から網羅的に集めて抄撮配列し、テーマごとに纏めた、百科全書のような資料集である。本稿では、知識の資料庫という役割を担った類書の発展経緯を考察することで、初期類書がもつ意味、編纂される契機と背景を検討し、漢唐間の知識の整理と受容のあり方を考察する。 目録に収録された類書を見ると、唐代までの類書の範囲は限られており、『皇覧』を強く意識した一連の書籍を指している。この理解から類書の発展を見ると、曹魏の初期に編纂された『皇覧』は、後代類書の規範ともなった南北朝末期の梁・北斉編纂の『華林遍略』『修文殿御覧』との間に、二五〇年ほどの開きがある。この空白期間は『皇覧』と斉梁類書の内容と歴史背景の差異を示す。 唐代では、内容を選別せずに政治に無益な見聞を幅広く収録する初期類書の性格が批判された。初期類書と直接に書承関係を持つ『藝文類聚』の引用書の分析から、かかる類書には魏晋以後の雑伝·地理書を大量に収録する特徴があることがわかる。これは唐代が批判した「政治に無益な見聞」にあたる内容である。曹魏初期に編纂された『皇覧』がこれらの書籍を収録することは不可能なため、『皇覧』と梁代類書との間に大きな差が認められる。帝王に必要な知識を纏める類書の発展には、斉梁代を境に、経書を中心とする『皇覧』の通行する時期と、魏晋以降の史書を多く収録する新型類書の通行する時期という、二つの段階が認められる。 類書が、漢代以前の知識を主とする『皇覧』から、魏晋知識を「典故化」した斉梁類書へと変化した背景には、知識の整理と体系化における当時の王朝の需要と、文化を経由して政治的地位の上昇を求める下級士族の動きがあった。