塚越 大智 山本 周平 和田 洋典 寺島 さつき 大澤 竜司 松森 圭司 伊藤 駿 中村 幸男 長峰 広平 池上 章太 堀内 博志
公益社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:18813526)
pp.20042, (Released:2022-01-14)

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been spreading globally since 2019;however, comprehensive rehabilitation of elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia remains a challenge. A 76-year-old American woman with COVID-19 pneumonia was admitted to our hospital. Because her disease was complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), she was treated with intensive care, including invasive ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). During and after intensive care, she exhibited physical symptoms such as weakness, pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty in movement and exercise. Furthermore, during approximately 3.5 months of hospitalization, she received swallowing and speech therapies along with physical therapy. These rehabilitation therapies enabled her to get home in the United States. Her rehabilitation schedule had to be carefully planned according to her symptoms and infectiousness of COVID-19. This paper highlights few important points regarding the difficulty in rehabilitation including that of physical function, mental health, and cognitive function of patients with COVID-19. Furthermore, this report provides a problem-solving approach for long-term rehabilitation in elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.
塚越 大智 山本 周平 和田 洋典 寺島 さつき 大澤 竜司 松森 圭司 伊藤 駿 中村 幸男 長峰 広平 池上 章太 堀内 博志
公益社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:18813526)
vol.59, no.1, pp.92-98, 2022-01-18 (Released:2022-04-13)

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been spreading globally since 2019;however, comprehensive rehabilitation of elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia remains a challenge. A 76-year-old American woman with COVID-19 pneumonia was admitted to our hospital. Because her disease was complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), she was treated with intensive care, including invasive ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). During and after intensive care, she exhibited physical symptoms such as weakness, pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty in movement and exercise. Furthermore, during approximately 3.5 months of hospitalization, she received swallowing and speech therapies along with physical therapy. These rehabilitation therapies enabled her to get home in the United States. Her rehabilitation schedule had to be carefully planned according to her symptoms and infectiousness of COVID-19. This paper highlights few important points regarding the difficulty in rehabilitation including that of physical function, mental health, and cognitive function of patients with COVID-19. Furthermore, this report provides a problem-solving approach for long-term rehabilitation in elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.
伊藤 駿 数実 浩佑 岡田 拓郎 山口 真美 Ito Shun Kazumi Kosuke Yamaguchi Manami Okada Takuro イトウ シュン カズミ コウスケ ヤマグチ マナミ オカダ タクロウ
no.4, pp.225-242, 2017-03

研究ノート筆者らは2015 年4 月より関西圏のB 小学校において、「書く力」を子どもたちに養い、ひいては学力格差の是正を目的とするアクションリサーチに取り組んでいる。本研究は、その取り組みから得られた知見を教育社会学的視点から分析したものである。本稿はリサーチの途中経過であり、得られた知見の速報としての側面を持つ。子どもたちが書いた作文を中心に量的研究、質的研究の両面から現状、課題の把握を行った。その結果、かつてBernstein が指摘した階層による言語格差がB 小学校においても見られるとともに、既習漢字の使用が学力と有意な関連として見られた。また、教師たちは、語彙数や文量を重視せず、子どもたちの学校生活の様子と乖離した作文を肯定的に評価するという傾向が見られた。今後は量的研究としての妥当性を高めるためにより多くのサンプルを収集するとともに、子どもたちの作文を継続的に分析していく。また、質的研究としては参与観察を続け、子どもたちの「書く」ことへの姿勢や教師たちがどのような指導をしていくのか、ということの変化を捉えていく予定である。