山下 絢也 佐藤 真奈美
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.76, no.665, pp.595-600, 2011-07-30 (Released:2011-11-17)

Many residences with high thermal performance are equipped with sensible-heat type heating equipment that generates no moisture. To preserve air quality, therefore, such residences require ventilation at scheduled intervals, resulting in the problem of dry room interiors. Humidifiers used for simple hygrothermal regulation require approximately 150 W of electricity, encouraging additional energy consumption. In this study, we simulated a hygrothermal distribution that does not consume energy, using moisture generated by drying wet laundry in a room. There was no damage due to condensation formed on windows or other moisture condensation in the room next to the heated room.
上田 鼓 藤田 悟郎 栁田 多美 貝瀬 千里 佐藤 真奈美
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
vol.87, no.6, pp.569-578, 2018

<p>This study examined the risk factors for mental health problems and complicated grief in bereaved families using a nationwide sample of 453 Japanese adults who had lost a family member to a motor vehicle accident within three years. The results indicate that 31.0% of participants had K6 scores > 13 and 61.0% had ICG (Inventory of Complicated Grief) scores > 26. A higher K6 score was associated with secondary victimization and support seeking, whereas a higher ICG score was associated with the death of a child. Dispute over the liability for the accident and the resulting anxiety, measured by the Japanese version of ECR (Experiences in Close Relationships), were common predictors of higher K6 and ICG scores. The results suggest that complicated grief is more dependent on the circumstances of the death, whereas mental health problems are more affected by a participant's coping after the death, implying that effective support and interventions are necessary for mental health problems and complicated grief after a violent death.</p>