中矢 大輝 遠藤 慎 佐鳥 新 吉田 功 三枝 信 伊藤 那知 加納 正城
一般社団法人 日本色彩学会
日本色彩学会誌 (ISSN:03899357)
vol.41, no.3+, pp.99-101, 2017-05-01 (Released:2017-10-07)

遠藤 慎 髙橋 武 佐鳥 新
一般社団法人 日本色彩学会
日本色彩学会誌 (ISSN:03899357)
vol.41, no.3+, pp.95-98, 2017-05-01 (Released:2017-10-07)

映像のRGB強度から生体情報を読み取ることにより,非接触で人間の心拍数の測定および感情の識別を試みる本研究は,精神作用(感情)が生体に及ぼす効果, 相関関係を明らかにし, 感情認識機能を確立するという目的に基づく. この機能は,監視カメラや車などに感情認識機能を追加することで潜在的な事故や犯罪を抑止,または防止することも可能である.加えて, 精神医療分野や,生理心理学などの分野で応用されていくことが考えられる.本講演では, 蛍光灯下で被験者をビデオカメラで撮影し,顔の動画を10FPSごとに切り出し, そのRGB画像に写るヘモグロビンやメラニンなどの人体の色素成分から,数値解析ソフトウェアMATLABを用いてプログラムを組み,人体の特徴スペクトルの抽出をおこなった.さらに,得られた特徴スペクトルを用いて心拍数の波形を求め,心拍数の時間変化を数値化(特徴量の算出)をおこなった.また,特徴量を使用し,数値解析ソフトRを用いてクラスター分析をすることにより感情の分類をおこなった.結果,情動喚起(joy, fear)においておよそ70から80%の精度で識別ができた.
佐藤 立博 三橋 龍一 佐鳥 新 佐々木 一正
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society (ISSN:03854221)
vol.129, no.6, pp.1094-1100, 2009-06-01
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In recent years, many universities have already launched small satellite on-orbit. Attitude information is important for satellite operation. However, many nano-satellite communication systems used amateur radio by narrow bandwidth frequency segment. Therefore, down-link of attitude information is expected to require substantial time. In this paper, we propose establishment of the attitude estimation method by means of the received radio power. And, satellite attitude information being estimated from the fluctuation of the received power. Then, comparison of satellite data obtained from on-board sensors with ground experiment. One major problem in this approach is the effect of Earth's ionosphere. As the radio signal passes through the ionosphere, the polarization angle is rotated by the Faraday Effect. The detection of attitude by the radiation pattern has been assumed that inaccurate. However, we are get data the spin satellite of liner polarization antenna. As a result, we can estimate 0.12rad/s accuracy of angular velocity measurement. This method can be applied to the attitude detection of many small satellites.
亀井 卓也 伊藤 那知 菅井 慎也 太田 諭志 佐鳥 新 千葉 一永
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
航空宇宙技術 (ISSN:18840477)
vol.12, pp.111-117, 2013 (Released:2013-11-28)
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Precision agriculture has been being implemented in order environmentally friendly and efficiently to product and manage crops. The remote sensing by satellite and aircraft is employed in order to obtain the information regarding the growth of crops. Although the data from satellites can include wide-range image each time, it is insufficient due to the fixed orbital path of satellites. Therefore, fixed-point observations cannot be sufficiently performed. Moreover, the observations on fixed orbital path cannot be always carried out because of cloud. Although aircrafts are used for the interpolation of the insufficient data by satellites, manned aircrafts need high personnel expenses and maintenance costs. Therefore, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is recently employed. The objective of the present study is the development of the system to generate the interpolated image data by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) map taken by small-type UAV (sUAV), which is low-priced and simple system to implement precision agriculture. The following three assignments have been concretely performed in the present study; 1) light-weight four-band multispectral camera carried in sUAV will be developed, 2) sUAV is managed and the image data will be taken, and 3) NDVI map will be generated from the image data by sUAV and interpolated image data will also be developed to contribute precision agriculture. Consequently, the lightest four-band multispectral camera in the world has been developed, and also sUAV has been able to be successfully managed and acquired image data could also generates NDVI maps.
秋葉 鐐二郎 青木 嘉範 加勇田 清勇 藤井 篤之 永田 晴紀 佐鳥 新
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (ISSN:13446460)
vol.51, no.591, pp.141-150, 2003-04-05
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The staged combustion hybrid rocket is under development by our research group since 1999. This hybrid rocket engine consists of two combustion chambers. The primary combustion chamber is the fuel tank itself filled with granular solid fuels. The fuel rich gas generated by the first stage combustion flows into the secondary combustion chamber, which is located in the bottom of the primary combustion chamber. The additional oxidizer is injected to the secondary combustion chamber in order to attain an optimal specific impulse by completing combustion. There are two types of the primary combustion. One is nicknamed as the incinerator type; the other is called the multi-grain type. This new type engine is featured with a wide range throttling capability and an extensive freedom in selecting the fuel material. This paper deals with the incinerator type. Presented are preliminary experiments as well as the systems description.