内山 弘 UCHIYAMA Hiroshi
地域政策科学研究 (ISSN:13490699)
no.7, pp.219-236, 2010-03

I have collected words and phrases used in 2channel (Ni-channel) and Nikoniko-doga,and divided them into five categories according to their characteristics: (1) grammatical,(2)phonetic,( 3) orthographical,(4 )vocabulary,and (5) style. As a result,I found that the orthographical category (inc1uding pictorial) has the greatest number of expressions,followed by the categories of vocabulary and style. In the orthographical category,there are various expressions influenced by the arrangement of Japanese letters on the key-board,the process of installing Japanese words,the similarity of letter shapes,size of letters,and omission. We find many examples of abbreviations,new words,and change of meaning in the category of vocabulary. It's especially noticeable that the words which were once deconstructed or used as parts of other words and AA (ASCII Art),are rearranged as new words. In style,there are a lot of baby words,euphemisms,and AA,which may help to convey precisely what a writer wants to tell. Based on these analyses,I noticed that there are mainly three motives for producing new Net-words: (1)the writer's desire to differentiate their own words from other writers' words,( 2) the writer's desire to make the work easier,and/or (3) the writer's desire to create novel expressions. I think writers' desires to create novel expressions,or "word neophilia",is potentially a rich source of new Net-words for the future.
内山 弘美
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究論文集 (ISSN:13459597)
vol.30, pp.233-239, 2002-10-26 (Released:2010-03-17)

地球環境問題を解決し, サステイナブルな社会を築くために, 環境科学という学問分野の構築が必要とされる。しかし, 環境科学の研究・教育を行い, 環境科学の人材養成機関であるはずの環境冠学科において, 従来から, 理念と現実の乖離の問題が指摘されてきた。この問題が生じた要因の一つは, 環境冠学科の設置の過程にある。従って, 本研究では, 国立大学工学系学部の建設系学科に焦点を当て, 工学系の拡大過程と科学研究の「ライフサイクル」論の枠組みを用いて, 環境冠学科の設置のメカニズムを解明した。その結果, 環境冠学科の設置は, 環境科学だけでなく, 工学系学部の学科構成や学科設置動向を反映していることが明らかになった。
小林 昌樹 小林 正人 染野 竜也 内山 弘実 小野 祐樹
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.67, no.10, pp.1314-1319, 2011-10-20 (Released:2011-10-26)

In Japan, various types of MRI equipment, having varying magnetic field strengths, are widely used. However, the biggest problem encountered while utilizing an MRI is the scarcity of information and guidelines pertaining to implants, internal, and external metallic objects. This leads to uncertainty when an unspecified object is encountered during an examination andcreates the possibility of performing an ambiguous MRI. Therefore, this study classified a range of objects into 12 categories using database management software. An attempt was made to create an environment where reference and comparison of products could be performed. This study also investigated the ways and extent to which medical equipment package inserts reference the MRI. With the co-operation of various corporations and the use of information such as medical equipment package inserts, product information was collected and an environment for the reference and comparison of products became available. In addition, it became apparent while examining these package inserts that orthopedic products had the least information available. It is likely that this information will be useful in medical settings and this kind of database will become increasingly necessary in the future.
"内山 弘"
地域政策科学研究 (ISSN:13490699)
vol.7, pp.219-236, (Released:2016-10-28)

"I have collected words and phrases used in 2channel (Ni-channel) and Nikoniko-doga,and divided them into five categories according to their characteristics: (1) grammatical,(2)phonetic,( 3) orthographical,(4 )vocabulary,and (5) style. As a result,I found that the orthographical category (inc1uding pictorial) has the greatest number of expressions,followed by the categories of vocabulary and style. In the orthographical category,there are various expressions influenced by the arrangement of Japanese letters on the key-board,the process of installing Japanese words,the similarity of letter shapes,size of letters,and omission. We find many examples of abbreviations,new words,and change of meaning in the category of vocabulary. It's especially noticeable that the words which were once deconstructed or used as parts of other words and AA (ASCII Art),are rearranged as new words. In style,there are a lot of baby words,euphemisms,and AA,which may help to convey precisely what a writer wants to tell. Based on these analyses,I noticed that there are mainly three motives for producing new Net-words: (1)the writer's desire to differentiate their own words from other writers' words,( 2) the writer's desire to make the work easier,and/or (3) the writer's desire to create novel expressions. I think writers' desires to create novel expressions,or “word neophilia"",is potentially a rich source of new Net-words for the future."