高木 秀雄 柴田 賢 内海 茂
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
岩鉱 (ISSN:09149783)
vol.84, no.1, pp.15-31, 1989-01-05 (Released:2008-03-18)
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Various metamorphic rocks such as amphibolites (garnet-cpx amphibolite, schistose amphibolite, kyanite-bearing amphibolite), pelitic and basic schists (epidote amphibolite), and ultramafic rocks (spinel lherzolite, pyroxenite, hornblendite) are exposed in the Yoshimi Hills, to the east of the Kanto Mountains. Schistose amphibolites, which have the largest exposure in the Yoshimi Hills, and pelitic schists were moderately suffered mylonitization. The chemical composition of metamorphic minerals such as garnet, cpx and hornblende in the garnet-cpx amphibolite, and garnet in the schistose amphibolite suggests that these rocks were formed under the amphibolite to the granulite facies. The garnet-biotite temperature after Pigage and Greenwood (1982) estimated on the pelitic shcists is more than 800°C, considerably higher than the temperature (610°C) estimated on the pelitic schists in the highest metamorphic grade zone of the Sanbagawa belt in the Shikoku region. K-Ar ages of hornblende are 63.5 Ma for the garnet-cpx amphibolite and 61.0 Ma for the kyanite-bearing amphibolite, whereas K-Ar age of muscovite for the pelitic schist is 34.1 Ma. Form these age data, even though taking a possibility of rejuvenation into consideration, it is difficult to correlate the metamorphic rocks of the Yoshimi Hills to the metamorphic rocks of the Kurosegawa belt. Considering the occurrence of tectonic blocks of various amphibolite masses in the Sambagawa belt in the Shikoku region, it is possible to correlate the metamorphic rocks of the Yoshimi Hills to those in the Sambagawa belt. However, further study is necessary before we come to decide the belongings of the metamorphic rocks in the Yoshimi Hills.
鎌田 浩毅 宇都 浩三 内海 茂
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.33, no.4, pp.305-320, 1988-12-28

中部九州,豊肥火山地域中央部の涌蓋(わいた)山地域には,輝石安山岩質の溶岩流の上に角閃石安山岩質の溶岩流と溶岩円頂丘から成る火山群が形成されている.涌蓋山地域は,耶馬渓(やばけい)火砕流の噴出に伴って形成された猪牟田(ししむた)カルデラの南西縁に位置する.涌蓋山地域に分布する火山岩の地質層序をたて,火山岩のK-Ar年代測定を行なった.涌蓋山地域の火山岩はそれぞれ噴出中心の異なる単成火山群の特徴をもち,猪牟田カルデラの後カルデラ火山活動の産物と考えられる.これらの火山活動は,耶馬渓火砕流噴出直後の1Maから0.3Maまで継続したことが判明した.また火山岩の噴出量と噴出岩石の組成変化を検討した結果,火山活動は0.7Ma付近を境とし,1回の噴出量の多い輝石安山岩質の活動から,噴出量の少ない角閃石安山岩質の活動へと変化したことが判明した.このことは猪牟田カルデラ直下のマグマ溜りの温度が時間とともに低下したことを示唆する.涌蓋山地域の火山活動は0.7 Ma 付近を境として総噴出量が減少し,火山体の形態も溶岩台地卓越型から少数の成層火山体を伴った溶岩円頂丘卓越型へと変化した.涌蓋山地域の火山岩の変化は豊肥火山地域全体のテクトニクスの変化を反映すると考えられる.