葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 藤岡 換太郎 石井 輝秋 田中 武男 宇都 浩三
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.2, pp.527-557, 1983-10-22

早川 由紀夫 荒牧 重雄 白尾 元理 小林 哲夫 徳田 安伸 津久井 雅志 加藤 隆 高田 亮 小屋口 剛博 小山 真人 藤井 敏嗣 大島 治 曽屋 龍典 宇都 浩三
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.29, pp.S208-S220, 1984-12-28

Stratigraphy and thickness distribution of the pyroclastic fall deposits formed during the eruption of Miyakejima volcano on October 3-4, 1983, were studied immediately after the deposition. Of the total mass of 20 million tons erupted, 8.5 million tons were ejected as basaltic scoria to form a complex set of air-fall deposits east of the fissure vents. One million tons of the latter were ejected from the upper fissures as fire-fountain products. The rest was the product of phreatomagmatic explosions which occurred in the lower fissures where ground water chilled the magma to form dense scoria blocks which devastated villages. Explosion craters and a tuff ring were formed along the N-S trending lower fissures. Account of the general distribution of the deposits, nature of the constituents, mutual stratigraphic correlation and correlation with observed sequence are given.
鎌田 浩毅 宇都 浩三 内海 茂
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.33, no.4, pp.305-320, 1988-12-28

中部九州,豊肥火山地域中央部の涌蓋(わいた)山地域には,輝石安山岩質の溶岩流の上に角閃石安山岩質の溶岩流と溶岩円頂丘から成る火山群が形成されている.涌蓋山地域は,耶馬渓(やばけい)火砕流の噴出に伴って形成された猪牟田(ししむた)カルデラの南西縁に位置する.涌蓋山地域に分布する火山岩の地質層序をたて,火山岩のK-Ar年代測定を行なった.涌蓋山地域の火山岩はそれぞれ噴出中心の異なる単成火山群の特徴をもち,猪牟田カルデラの後カルデラ火山活動の産物と考えられる.これらの火山活動は,耶馬渓火砕流噴出直後の1Maから0.3Maまで継続したことが判明した.また火山岩の噴出量と噴出岩石の組成変化を検討した結果,火山活動は0.7Ma付近を境とし,1回の噴出量の多い輝石安山岩質の活動から,噴出量の少ない角閃石安山岩質の活動へと変化したことが判明した.このことは猪牟田カルデラ直下のマグマ溜りの温度が時間とともに低下したことを示唆する.涌蓋山地域の火山活動は0.7 Ma 付近を境として総噴出量が減少し,火山体の形態も溶岩台地卓越型から少数の成層火山体を伴った溶岩円頂丘卓越型へと変化した.涌蓋山地域の火山岩の変化は豊肥火山地域全体のテクトニクスの変化を反映すると考えられる.
鹿野 和彦 大口 健志 林 信太郎 宇都 浩三 檀原 徹
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.47, no.5, pp.373-396, 2002-11-29 (Released:2017-03-20)

An alkali-rhyolite tuff-ring is newly identified in the western end of the Oga Peninsula and named as Toga volcano in this paper. The existence of this maar-type volcano at the Toga Bay has been suspected for a long time because of the elliptical embayment reminiscent of a maar and the distribution of the Toga Pumice localized along the bay coast. The Toga Pumice is cornposed mainly of pumice and non- to poorly-vesicular glass shards, but many pumices of lapilli size are rounded and fines are poor giving a sandy epiclastic appearance to the deposit. In our latest survey along the bay coast, the Toga Pumice is found to be in direct contact with the basement rocks. The contact steeply inclines at 40-50° and envelopes an elliptical area 2.0 km×2.4 km covering the bay and bay coast to form a funnel-shape structure. The basement rocks at the contact are brecciated to a depth of several tens of centimeters, or collapsed into fragments to be contained in the Toga Pumice. The beds inside the inferred crater incline toward the center of the crater at 10-30° or much smaller angles, presumably reflecting a shallow concave structure infilling the more steeply sided crater. The deposit is thinly to thickly bedded to be parallel- to wavy- or cross-stratified, inversely to normally graded with many furrows, rip-up clasts and load casts, and is sorted as well as fines-depleted pyroclastic flow deposits and/or pyroclastic surge deposits. These features are characterisitic to turbidites and indicate the place of emplacement was filled with water. Constituent glass shards are, however, commonly platy or blocky and likely to be phreatomagmatic in origin, and pumice lapilli are interpreted to have been originally angular but rounded by repeated entrainment and abrasion in multiple phreatomagmatic eruptions and succeeding emplacement in the crater lake. A pyroclastic surge deposit (Oga Pumice Tuff) correlative in composition and age to the Toga Pumice occurs at Anden and Wakimoto, 11 km and 15 km east of Toga, respectively. The juvenile pumice lapilli are angular to subrounded, in contrast with the pumice lapilli of the Toga Pumice.
葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 藤岡 換太郎 石井 輝秋 田中 武男 宇都 浩三
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.2, pp.p527-557, 1983

葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 藤岡 換太郎 石井 輝秋 田中 武男 宇都 浩三
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.2, pp.527-557, 1983-10-22

周藤 正史 宇都 浩三 味喜 大介 石原 和弘 巽 好幸
京都大学防災研究所年報. B = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. B (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.43, no.B-1, pp.15-35, 2000-04-01

姶良カルデラにおいて2万5千年前に起こった, 爆発的な姶良火砕噴火に至るまでの火山活動をK‐Ar年代測定法により調べた。姶良カルデラ縁に分布する火山岩32試料のK-Ar年代値によると, (1)3‐lMaにカルデラ南北縁で安山岩質, (2)1‐0.4Maに北西縁で玄武岩‐流紋岩質, (3)0.4‐0.1Maに南西縁で玄武岩‐流紋岩質, (4)0.1‐0.025Maに北縁で安山岩質, 及び南北線でほぼ同時期に流紋岩質の活動が起こった。姶良カルデラ直下において現在存在が推定される流紋岩質マグマ溜まりは(4)の時期には既に存在していたのかもしれない。キーワード:姶良カルデラ, K。Ar年代測定, 火山活動史, 爆発的噴火, マグマ溜まり
宇都 浩三 石塚 治
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.64, no.1, pp.63-71, 1999 (Released:2008-03-27)
5 8

Current situation and future possibility of the K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating methods are reviewed focusing their utilization to the Tertiary volcanic rocks. As Tertiary volcanic rocks in general are not completely free from weathering and alteration, special attention should be made in choosing appropriate samples for age analyses. K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar analytical results are shown for two contemporaneous rocks of Middle Miocene age, one is a porphyritic intrusive rock with holocrystalline groundmass and the other is an extrusive lava with glassy groundmass. The former gives concordant K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages, while the latter shows considerably younger K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar total gas ages with the obviously disturbed 40Ar/39Ar age spectra in the low temperature fractions. These results suggest that holocrystalline rocks are preferable to glassy rocks in K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating, because glass tends to easily loose the accumulated radiogenic 40Ar not only by decomposition but also by hydration. Accurate and precise age determinations can be achieved by the 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments along with the age spectrum and isochron interpretations. Total fusion 40Ar/39Ar dating for single to a few grains of fresh K-bearing phenocrysts like biotite, sanidine and plagioclase is also useful in knowing the ages for glassy and/or altered rocks. Multiple analyses on such mineral separates ensure the reproducibility of the analyses and reduce the analytical uncertainty by statistical treatments. Systematic 40Ar/39Ar studies are now underway to construct the accurate and precise tectonic history of the Japanese island arc.
松本 哲一 宇都 浩三 柴田 賢
Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan (ISSN:13408097)
vol.37, no.6, pp.353-363, 1989 (Released:2007-05-01)
11 8

Precise determination of argon isotopic ratios was made on twenty-seven historic lavas from Japan. Their isotopic ratios were mostly mass fractionated from that of the atmospheric argon toward the enrichment in lighter isotopes. This suggests that the correction for the mass fractionated initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio is very important for the K-Ar dating of volcanic rocks younger than 0.1 Ma. The limit of measurable K-Ar age is estimated to be 0.03 Ma for a normal andesitic lava having a fractionated initial argon.
鹿野 和彦 大口 健志 林 信太郎 宇都 浩三 檀原 徹
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.47, no.5, pp.373-396, 2002

An alkali-rhyolite tuff-ring is newly identified in the western end of the Oga Peninsula and named as Toga volcano in this paper. The existence of this maar-type volcano at the Toga Bay has been suspected for a long time because of the elliptical embayment reminiscent of a maar and the distribution of the Toga Pumice localized along the bay coast. The Toga Pumice is cornposed mainly of pumice and non- to poorly-vesicular glass shards, but many pumices of lapilli size are rounded and fines are poor giving a sandy epiclastic appearance to the deposit. In our latest survey along the bay coast, the Toga Pumice is found to be in direct contact with the basement rocks. The contact steeply inclines at 40-50° and envelopes an elliptical area 2.0 km×2.4 km covering the bay and bay coast to form a funnel-shape structure. The basement rocks at the contact are brecciated to a depth of several tens of centimeters, or collapsed into fragments to be contained in the Toga Pumice. The beds inside the inferred crater incline toward the center of the crater at 10-30° or much smaller angles, presumably reflecting a shallow concave structure infilling the more steeply sided crater. The deposit is thinly to thickly bedded to be parallel- to wavy- or cross-stratified, inversely to normally graded with many furrows, rip-up clasts and load casts, and is sorted as well as fines-depleted pyroclastic flow deposits and/or pyroclastic surge deposits. These features are characterisitic to turbidites and indicate the place of emplacement was filled with water. Constituent glass shards are, however, commonly platy or blocky and likely to be phreatomagmatic in origin, and pumice lapilli are interpreted to have been originally angular but rounded by repeated entrainment and abrasion in multiple phreatomagmatic eruptions and succeeding emplacement in the crater lake. A pyroclastic surge deposit (Oga Pumice Tuff) correlative in composition and age to the Toga Pumice occurs at Anden and Wakimoto, 11 km and 15 km east of Toga, respectively. The juvenile pumice lapilli are angular to subrounded, in contrast with the pumice lapilli of the Toga Pumice.
宇都 浩三 風早 康平 斎藤 元治 伊藤 順一 高田 亮 川辺 禎久 星住 英夫 山元 孝広 宮城 磯治 東宮 昭彦 佐藤 久夫 濱崎 聡志 篠原 宏志
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.2, pp.257-270, 2001
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To understand the eruptive mechanism of the 2000 Miyakejima volcanic activity, we conducted intensive geological, petrographic, and mineralogical studies on the pyroclastics of the August 18 eruption. Volcanic ashes, which were rich in accretionary lapilli, covered most of the islands. Cauliflower-shaped bombs and lapilli were ejected along with accidental lava blocks. Black-colored angular scoriaceous particles with abundant vesicles 10 -100 μm in diameter are found among ashes, comprising about 40 wt. % of total constituents. These bombs, lapilli, and black ashes have identical bulk chemical compositions and constituent mineral compositions, suggesting a common origin. Existence of oxidized ashes and accretionary lapilli attached to a large flattened bomb and chemicallyreacted anhydrite particles trapped in the voids of bombs suggest that bombs were still hot and ductile when they were emplaced on the ground. We, therefore, conclude that the August 18 eruption was a phreatomagmatic eruption and cauliflower-shaped bombs and black ashes were essential magmatic materials. Significant SO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from the volcano after August 18 also suggest convective upwelling of magmas to a shallower level beneath the volcanic edifice. We propose a magma-ascending model in which vesiculating magmas continuously ascend through the wall of subsided piston-like blocks.