染谷 雅幸 石川 優佳 内記 香子
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.51, no.3, pp.156-161, 2001-03-01 (Released:2017-05-25)

東京大学法学部附属外国法文献センターで手に入れることができる, 海外の法令および判例資料の基本的な探し方について解説する。紙面の都合上, 本稿では, アメリカ, イギリス, フランスおよびドイツの4カ国に限った上で, それぞれの国の具体的な法令集・判例集を紹介している。国により, また年代により, 多様な形態の資料が存するため, それぞれの特徴や利用方法を理解することが, 法令および判例に関する情報を正確かつ速やかに把握するための第一歩である。難解とされている海外資料の検索を, 少しなりとも分かり易く伝えることが本稿の目的である。
内記 香子
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2020, no.200, pp.200_135-200_150, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-04-16)

The aim of this paper is to explore interdisciplinary international relations (IR) and international law (IL) research on the study of international courts. After the “legalization” theory, the study of international norms or regime complex has received much attention in the IR literature. However, the study of international courts has received less attention. The study of international courts is one of promised areas for research collaboration between IR and IL scholars. In particular, given that we have seen many instances of “backlash” against international courts, such an interdisciplinary approach is clearly needed.This paper provides insights for explaining the relationships between states and international courts. In particular, it addresses how control mechanisms that states impose on the independence of international courts actually operate. There are two existing IR frameworks relevant for the analysis on international courts. One is the legalization concept (and the compliance theory as an effectiveness of legalization) and the other is the principal-agent theory. However, both theories are incomplete to explain the relationships between states and courts. Drawn upon recent work of Dunoff/Pollack and Creamer/Godzimirska, this paper highlights the importance of two insights for analyzing the interactions between states and courts: one is institutional design choices for creating courts and the other is standards for assessing the legitimacy of courts.This paper takes up a recent case of the WTO dispute settlement system in crisis in order to explain why these two insights are important for studying international courts. This paper is not intended to directly address the recent issue of the selection process of the WTO Appellate Body’s members. Rather, this paper attempts to explain how the consideration of court design and standards of legitimacy can help understanding the current crisis of the WTO dispute settlement system.
床谷 文雄 村上 正直 伊達 規子 栗栖 薫子 高阪 章 大槻 恒裕 村上 正直 大久保 規子 長田 真里 内記 香子 栗栖 薫子 高阪 章 大槻 恒裕
