前田 宗宏 五十嵐 勝
一般社団法人 日本歯内療法学会
日本歯内療法学会雑誌 (ISSN:13478672)
vol.42, no.2, pp.83-90, 2021 (Released:2021-06-15)

抄 録 : 垂直性歯根破折 (Vertical Root Fracture : VRF) が長期間放置されると, 当該歯根の破折線に沿って歯周組織の広範な破壊が進行する. このため, 単根歯であれば抜歯, 大臼歯ではルートアンプテーションやヘミセクションなどの対応が普遍的にとられてきた. 1980年代以降では, 4-META/MMA-TBBレジンをはじめとする接着修復材料の開発が進むとともに, 破折歯根や支持歯槽骨の状態により, 破折歯根を口腔内で接着する方法, 破折歯根の口腔外接着再植法といったVRFの保存的治療法が試みられ, さまざまな知見が得られてきた. 歯周組織の炎症が拡大する前であれば保存的治療法の予後も良好となることが報告されている. 加えて, 近年普及が著しいCBCT, 歯科用マイクロスコープ, 超音波振動装置などを応用することで, 新たな展開も期待されている.  歯内療法医としてはVRF治療の現状を踏まえ, 可能な限り歯の延命を図ることが重要と考える. 本稿ではVRFの今日的な保存的治療についてまとめてみた.
勝海 一郎 山崎 孝子 都築 民幸 北村 和夫 石井 隆資 前田 宗宏 小倉 陽子 好士 連太郎 阿川 透久 宮里 尚幸 大島 克郎 大村 朋己 丸山 博吉 木津喜 美香 小山 征哉 遠藤 春江
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.49, no.6, pp.846-853, 2006

On 6 types of Ni-Ti spreader (Roeko NiTi # 15; Roeko NiTi # 25; Roeko NiTi # 35; Roeko NiTi D11T; Brasseler Naviflex NT D11T; Brasseler Naviflex NT 4SP), dimensions were measured under digital microscope, and a load application test was performed in the axial direction of the spreader. The results were as follows: 1. In Roeko NiTi # 15, D<sub>3</sub> was 0.38 mm, D<sub>16</sub> was 0.61 mm, taper was 0.018, and tip angle was 28.9°. Similarly, the above values were 0.32 mm, 0.68 mm, 0.027, and 28.0° respectively in Roeko NiTi # 25. The values were 0.50 mm, 0.70 mm, 0.016, and 32.5° respectively in Roeko NiTi # 35, and the values were 0.37 mm, 0.88 mm, 0.039, and 10.6° respectively in Roeko NiTi D11T. The values were 0.27 mm, 0.77 mm, 0.038, and 29.9° respectively in Brasseler Naviflex NT D11T, and 0.30 mm, 1.06 mm, 0.059, and 35.9° respectively in Brasseler Naviflex NT 4SP. 2. When a load was applied in the axial direction of the spreader, the load was 0.56 kgf in case the portion of 16 mm in length from the tip in Roeko NiTi # 15 was bent at a stroke. When the portion of 5 mm in length from the tip was fixed and the portion of 11 mm in length from the tip was bent at a stroke, the load was 4.32 kgf. The above values were 1.13 kgf and 7.52 kgf respectively in Roeko NiTi # 25, 1.24 kgf and 8.58 kgf in Roeko NiTi # 35, 0.82 kgf and 10.28 kgf in Roeko NiTi D11T, 0.63 kgf and 7.27 kgf in Brasseler Naviflex NT D11t, and 1.02 kgf and 17.61 kgf in Brasseler Naviflex NT 4SP. 3. The Ni-Ti spreader has super-elasticity and is flexible. Thus, it is difficult to apply pressure on it in the axial direction, during lateral condensation. However, this study revealed that sudden bending may be avoided if at least the tip portion of 5 mm in length from the tip is inserted into the root canal.