2 0 0 0 OA 政治人類学

前田 康博
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.27, pp.183-201,en8, 1977-03-31 (Released:2009-12-21)

Comparative-primatologically, Gestalt of human society has the methodological indeterminacy, because of his peculiar anthropological ενεργεια-dominating-δυναμιζ-complex: Political Integration in the development.Political Integration is one thing, Social Integration is the other: the latter is naturally given due to each bio-behavioral characteristics of each genus; the former, to be artificially and specific anthropologically produced through the mutually intermediating formation of both social productivity and Dominance-Subjugation category.The Relationship of Dominance-Subjugation is, however commonplace it may seem, the organizational-historical category sui generis of human society, the uncritically generalized application allover non-human spheres of which is quite anthropomorphological error.But, Dominance must be institutionalized, logically: because of the necessity of feed-back for its own survival, and socio-physically: because of the socio-physical υλη of Dis-Communicative Cybernetical Control of Dominance itself. In fact, the social possibility of political resistance depends upon the socio-physical reality of dis-communicative resistance effect.Behavioral-functionally speaking, any kind of social activity is, in each way, some Dis-Communicative Cybernetical Control Matrix, formed and developed with and in the formation and development of the organizational-historical category of Dominance-Subjugation.Now, the optimal control of Dis-Communicative Cybernetics at the optimal Dis-Communicative degree is to be achieved, not so much positivistically, as dialectically: neither verifiable nor falsifiable, but only shifting the responsibility of verification to another.Accordingly, the production of the social values in Dis-Communicative Cybernetical Control Matrix cannot help dialectically transforming itself into the production of the social non-values as well, accompanied and emphasized by the constant possibility of shifting the responsibilities, which is never seen in non-human society upon Social Integration only.Nevertheless or just therefore, Political Integration as the condition of the possiblity, of human society, neither yet completely established nor yet sufficiently evolved even in such form as modern sovereign state, is the most fundamental political problem.Behaviorism, taking Political Integration for granted too much, has been concerned only with ενεργεια of human society, which remains methodologically to be analyzed in the framework of ενεργεια-dominating-δυναμιζ-complex.
木村 和哲 前田 康博 堀田 祐志 佐々木 昌一 片岡 智哉
