加來 洋子 枝並 宏治 福本 雅文 山口 雅巳 渋谷 鉱
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.27, no.2, pp.116-124, 2008-08-01 (Released:2010-06-08)

We conducted a study of judicial decisions on medical accidents covered between 1994 and 2000 by the Japanese press and Hanrei Times, a Japanese magazine specializing in judicial precedents, to obtain information on drug package inserts, and the extent to which these inserts are used as criteria for the judicial decisions.During the period studied, judicial decisions were issued regarding 514 cases of medical accidents, and a total of 1, 238 articles covering the decisions were published in the media referred to above. Looking at the changes in the number of cases by year, there were between 51 and 81 cases yearly from 1994 through 1999, while this number significantly increased in 2000, to 121.Out of the 514 cases, 34 (6.6%) were associated with drugs; drug package inserts were used as criteria for the decisions in four of the 34 cases, and 19 articles covering these four cases were carried in the media. Meanwhile, in 374 of the 514 cases (72.8%), it was judged that medical care personnel were to blame for the accidents, and these cases were covered in 1, 010 of the 1, 238 articles (81.6%) in the media.Common cases of malpractice pointed out to doctors and other medical personnel included violation of due care in terms of drug package inserts. Furthermore, a link between medical practice and the level of medical care was also indicated, as well as a link between package inserts and the level of medical care. The level of medical care varies due both to differences in medical services and the individual circumstances surrounding medical care providers, and negligence in collecting the latest information for medical findings is also included among the various types of malpractice.Other cases of malpractice included violations of accountability, in which medical care personnel neglected to inform patients of items mentioned in drug package inserts.Doctors, dentists, and other medical personnel must fully understand the descriptious given in drug package inserts.
加來 洋子 山口 秀紀 石橋 肇 卯田 昭夫 下坂 典立 鈴木 正敏 田中 晃伸 渋谷 鑛
日本歯科医史学会会誌 (ISSN:02872919)
vol.30, no.4, pp.406-419, 2014-09

1980〜2013年の34年間に全国の報道機関紙(誌)が取り上げた歯科医療事故に関する記事について調査し,発生した事故内容について原因を分類し検討を加えた.1.報道件数の推移 1)34年間(1980〜2013)の全報道例数は167例,全報道件数は462件であった.2)全報道件数は,1980〜1989年:36件,1990〜1999年:56件,2000〜2009年:285件,2010〜2013年:85件で,2000年以降で急増し,2005年の57件が最多であった.2.全報道件数の内訳 1)民事訴訟関連:229件/110例が最も多く,次いで,事故発生関連:131件/29例,刑事訴訟関連:95件/25例,示談成立:7件/3例であった.2)民事訴訟関連:229件/110例の内訳は,賠償命令:85件/37例が最多で,次いで,提訴・控訴:68件/37例,和解:27件/11例,口頭弁論:26件/13例,棄却:22件/11例,調停申立て:1件/1例の順であった.3)事故発生病院種別からみた全報道件数の内訳は,歯科医院:296件/106例が最も多く,次いで大学病院:94件/36例,公的病院:63件/20例,国立病院:4件/1例,その他:5件/4例であった.3.全報道事故例数の内訳 1)全報道事故例数は100例であった.2)発生年別では,2001年の12例が最も多く,次いで1986年の9例,2002年の7例の順であった.3)診療行為(原因)別による内訳では,麻酔:18例(18.0%)(うち笑気吸入鎮静法:1例,全身麻酔:1例)が最多で,患者転帰別による内訳では,身体的後遺症:44例(44.0%)が最も多かった.4.診療行為(原因)別による報道件数の推移 麻酔:180件(39.0%)で,次いで,口腔外科手術:65件(14.1%),抜歯:57件(12.3%),一般診療:43件(9.3%),インプラント手術:41件(8.9%),誤認抜歯:21件(4.5%)の順であった.5.民事裁判で「賠償命令」が下された事故例について 賠償命令:37例中,34例が地裁判決,3例が高裁判決であった.診療行為(原因)別では,抜歯:10例が最多で,次いで,インプラント手術:7例であった.賠償請求額の最高額は,1億8,500万円で,智歯の抜歯手術後の身体的後遺症(2004年8月)に対しての訴訟で,地裁で4,000万円,高裁で3,310万円の支払いが命じられた.