加藤 隆文
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.64, no.1, pp.47-58, 2013

This paper is an attempt to suggest a provoking theory about actions of human beings (including art-creating actions, art-appreciating actions, etc.). With this aim, I refer to Alfred Gell's posthumous book, Art and Agency (AA hereinafter), especially focusing on his concepts of 'agency' and 'index'. Because 'index' is a concept derived from C. S. Peirce's semiotics, Gell's theory may also imply a kind of applicability of Peirce's idea, though Gell's 'index' is not necessarily compatible with Peirce's. In Gell's terminology, 'index' is an object that mediates 'agency'. What he argues is that 'agency' can be attributed to not only persons but also things such as god statues as long as they (persons and things) are seen as initiating causal sequences caused by some sort of intention. Utilizing these concepts, Gell puts forward 'Anthropology of Art'. He suggests that art objects should be anthropologically examined in order to grasp their 'behaviour' (AA, p.11) in the context of social relations. In this paper, above all I remark on Gell's unique idea The Extended Mind', which is also the title for the last chapter of AA. Interestingly, according to this idea, artworks (and artefacts) and persons can be regarded analogously as 'indexes' embodying collective consciousness of social agents.
加藤 隆文
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.70, no.1, pp.49-60, 2019 (Released:2021-05-08)

This paper proposes an extended understanding of the discipline called ‘analytic aesthetics’, with reference to analytic pragmatism proposed by a prominent neo- pragmatist, R. Brandom. It is therefore argued that analytic aesthetics should be reconsidered in terms of ‘analytic pragmatist aesthetics’. N. Carroll’s philosophy of criticism is expected to offer an appropriate picture illustrating how the analytic pragmatist aesthetics can be embodied in the actual scene. Carroll argues that (1) ‘reasoned evaluation’ comprises the essential part of criticism, and that (2) ‘success value’ should be considered as more privileged than ‘reception value’. This paper assents to (1): the framework of analytic pragmatism, according to which semantics of certain aspects of natural language is understood in terms of their pragmatics, can be aptly applied into the philosophy of criticism. The claim (2), however, may be in tension with pragmatists’ theory of art. Once the pragmatist concept of experience is accepted, the privileged status of success value over reception value is no longer hard and fast: they are two sides of the same coin. This paper thus revises the philosophy of criticism and represents it as a promising illustration of analytic pragmatism implemented in the context of aesthetics independently of Carroll’s argument.
加藤 隆文 米良 仁志 前田 岳 細山田 明義
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 (ISSN:02854945)
vol.22, no.6, pp.217-222, 2002-07-15 (Released:2008-12-11)
1 1

Electroconvulsive Therapy(以下ECT)においてプロポフォールまたはチオペンタールにて麻酔し,投与量の増減によってそれぞれを2群に分け,ECTによる痙攣時間と循環動態の変動を検討した.両薬剤ともに投与量が増すと循環動態は安定したが,投与量が少ないとチオペンタール群で変動が大きかった.プロポフォールは投与量を増すと痙攣時間が有意に短くなったが,チオペンタールは投与の増量による痙攣時間の短縮幅が小さかった.痙攣時間の観点からはプロポフォールの投与量は1.4mg・kg-1までにとどめるべきである.プロポフォールは,循環制御のため投与量をそれ以上増すと肉眼的観察をする限りECTの痙攣時間が短縮してしまう点でECTの麻酔として望ましくない.
加藤 隆文
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.64, no.1, pp.47-58, 2013-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

This paper is an attempt to suggest a provoking theory about actions of human beings (including art-creating actions, art-appreciating actions, etc.). With this aim, I refer to Alfred Gell's posthumous book, Art and Agency (AA hereinafter), especially focusing on his concepts of 'agency' and 'index'. Because 'index' is a concept derived from C. S. Peirce's semiotics, Gell's theory may also imply a kind of applicability of Peirce's idea, though Gell's 'index' is not necessarily compatible with Peirce's. In Gell's terminology, 'index' is an object that mediates 'agency'. What he argues is that 'agency' can be attributed to not only persons but also things such as god statues as long as they (persons and things) are seen as initiating causal sequences caused by some sort of intention. Utilizing these concepts, Gell puts forward 'Anthropology of Art'. He suggests that art objects should be anthropologically examined in order to grasp their 'behaviour' (AA, p.11) in the context of social relations. In this paper, above all I remark on Gell's unique idea The Extended Mind', which is also the title for the last chapter of AA. Interestingly, according to this idea, artworks (and artefacts) and persons can be regarded analogously as 'indexes' embodying collective consciousness of social agents.