那須 聖 北原 和俊 大島 ケン 正 八木 幸二
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.508, pp.249-255, 1998
3 2

After World War II ended, the Case Study House Program founded by Arts & Architecture editor John Entenza in Southern California gained widespread attention through its architects' thoughtful and innovative consideration of ways to solve the severe housing shortage. This study examines these architects' conceptions of the ideal house by comparing their design theories and building compositions of these houses suggested in the Case Study House Program. While these architects were brought together through the common goal to design the ideal house, their actual designs varied considerably. Therefore, this study compares the architects' individual ideologies as expressed in their designs to examine the multifaceted aspects of this program.