植木 博子 吉村 英哉 日山 鐘浩 望月 智之 二村 昭元 秋田 恵一
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.38, no.2, pp.369-371, 2014 (Released:2014-10-01)

小胸筋腱の停止が烏口突起をこえて延長する解剖学的破格は以前から知られている.過去に我々が調査した屍体解剖実習体では小胸筋延長腱の発現率は34.6%(81肩中21肩)であり,延長腱は烏口突起を越えて関節包の方に広がっていた.今回,肩腱板断裂症例において鏡視下修復術時に小胸筋延長腱の有無を確認し形態について観察した. 対象は2012年6月から12月までに当院で鏡視下腱板修復術を施行した腱板断裂症例25例(男性13例,女性12例)であった.術中にまず烏口突起基部を同定し小胸筋延長腱の存在を確認した. 延長腱は25例中10例(40%)に認められた.烏口突起に停止せずに上面を滑動し棘上筋の方向に向かい,烏口上腕靭帯とは明瞭に区別がついた. 臨床でも延長腱の発現頻度は比較的高く,その走行および付着の形態より肩甲上腕関節機能に影響を与えることが示唆された.鏡視下手術では延長腱の存在を留意する必要があると考えられた.
吉村 英哉 望月 智之 宗田 大 菅谷 啓之 前田 和彦 秋田 恵一 松木 圭介 中川 照彦
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.2, pp.217-219, 2007 (Released:2008-01-30)

Previous studies reported a presumably unusual bony attachment of the pectoralis minor muscle. However, less attention has been given to the insertion of the continuation to the glenohumeral joint. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of this abnormal insertion of the pectoralis minor muscle, and also to investigate the relation between this continuation and the capsule. 81 anatomic specimen shoulders from 41 cadavers were dissected. The insertion of the pectoralis minor tendon to the glenohumeral joint was carefully investigated. The pectoralis minor tendon ran beyond the coracoid process and extended to the superior portion of the glenohumeral joint in 28 out of 81 specimens (34.6%). The continuing insertion divided the coracoacrominal ligaments into two limbs. The continuation was more variable, and consisted of the whole tendon in 6, the middle part in 5, the lateral part in 15, and the medial part in 2 specimens. Furthermore, the pectoralis minor tendon inserted to the posterosuperior border of the glenoid in 6, to the greater tuberosity in 7, and both to the glenoid and the greater tuberosity in 15 specimens. The prevalence of the anomalous insertion of the pectoralis minor tendon revealed to be as high as 34.6% in the present study. This may suggest that the pectoralis minor tendon plays an important role in the stability of the glenohumeral joint.
吉村 英哉 望月 智之 秋田 恵一 加藤 敦夫 山口 久美子 新井 隆三 菅谷 啓之 浜田 純一郎
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.3, pp.707-710, 2011 (Released:2011-12-21)

Our previous study revealed that the most proximal portion of the subscapularis tendon extended a thin tendinous slip to the fovea capitis of the humerus, and that the coracohumeral ligament (CHL) together with the SGHL was shaped like a spiral sling, supporting the long head of biceps and attached to the tendinous slip. Little information is available, however, regarding the relationship between CHL and the insertion of subscapularis on the lesser tuberosity. To clarify the significance of CHL, we examined the morphology of CHL and the subscapularis insertion in 20 cadaveric shoulders. The anterior portion of CHL arises from the base of the coracoid process and fans out laterally and inferiorly on the subscapularis. The fibers envelop the tendinous portion of the subscapularis on either side. As a result, the ligament forms a cable-like anterior leading edge over the rotator interval. The subscapularis tendon can appear in relative anatomic position unless the arm is brought into internal rotation and relaxation is achieved. We also demonstrated that CHL was associated with opening the bicipital sheath along its medial border during shoulder elevation. The coracohumeral ligament might contribute to the stability of the subscapularis tendon and to the morphology of the bicipital groove.
吉村 英哉 仁賀 定雄
pp.391-398, 2020-04-01

植木 博子 吉村 英哉 日山 鐘浩 望月 智之 二村 昭元 秋田 恵一
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.38, no.2, pp.369-371, 2014

小胸筋腱の停止が烏口突起をこえて延長する解剖学的破格は以前から知られている.過去に我々が調査した屍体解剖実習体では小胸筋延長腱の発現率は34.6%(81肩中21肩)であり,延長腱は烏口突起を越えて関節包の方に広がっていた.今回,肩腱板断裂症例において鏡視下修復術時に小胸筋延長腱の有無を確認し形態について観察した.<BR> 対象は2012年6月から12月までに当院で鏡視下腱板修復術を施行した腱板断裂症例25例(男性13例,女性12例)であった.術中にまず烏口突起基部を同定し小胸筋延長腱の存在を確認した.<BR> 延長腱は25例中10例(40%)に認められた.烏口突起に停止せずに上面を滑動し棘上筋の方向に向かい,烏口上腕靭帯とは明瞭に区別がついた.<BR> 臨床でも延長腱の発現頻度は比較的高く,その走行および付着の形態より肩甲上腕関節機能に影響を与えることが示唆された.鏡視下手術では延長腱の存在を留意する必要があると考えられた.
前田 和彦 菅谷 啓之 新井 隆三 森石 丈二 望月 智之 吉村 英哉 松木 圭介 秋田 恵一
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.2, pp.209-211, 2007

It is generally believed that the supraspinatus tendon plays an important role in the shoulder function. However, precise anatomy of the supraspinatus tendon has not been well described. The purpose of this study was to investigate the anatomy of the supraspinatus tendon. 57 cadavers (103 shoulders) were used for this study. The clavicle and humerus were cut off at their proximal parts. After resection of the acromion, the coracohumeral ligament was carefully removed. In some specimens, the infraspinatus was completely removed from the humerus to observe the overlapping portion of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus. The supraspinatus muscle and its origin were carefully investigated macroscopically. In 4 shoulders, muscle fibers were completely removed to examine the direction and insertion of the supraspinatus tendon in detail. The supraspinatus muscle fibers originated from the spine of the scapula and the supraspinatus fossa, and they were running toward and attached to the thickest tendinous portion, which was located at the anterior part of the supraspinatus muscle. This tendinous portion was strongly attached to the most anterior portion of the greater tuberosity adjacent to the bicipital groove or at the lesser tuberosity (21.3%). Another part of the supraspinatus, which was located posteriorly, was attached to the greater tuberosity adjacent to the articular cartilage as a thin membrane. The insertion of the supraspinatus tendon revealed to be the most anterior portion of the greater tuberosity and the lesser tuberosity. These results suggested that the supraspinatus tendon worked more efficiently as an abductor of the shoulder joint with the arm externally rotated than internal rotation.
吉村 英哉 望月 智之 宗田 大 菅谷 啓之 前田 和彦 秋田 恵一 松木 圭介 中川 照彦
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.2, pp.217-219, 2007

Previous studies reported a presumably unusual bony attachment of the pectoralis minor muscle. However, less attention has been given to the insertion of the continuation to the glenohumeral joint. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of this abnormal insertion of the pectoralis minor muscle, and also to investigate the relation between this continuation and the capsule. 81 anatomic specimen shoulders from 41 cadavers were dissected. The insertion of the pectoralis minor tendon to the glenohumeral joint was carefully investigated. The pectoralis minor tendon ran beyond the coracoid process and extended to the superior portion of the glenohumeral joint in 28 out of 81 specimens (34.6%). The continuing insertion divided the coracoacrominal ligaments into two limbs. The continuation was more variable, and consisted of the whole tendon in 6, the middle part in 5, the lateral part in 15, and the medial part in 2 specimens. Furthermore, the pectoralis minor tendon inserted to the posterosuperior border of the glenoid in 6, to the greater tuberosity in 7, and both to the glenoid and the greater tuberosity in 15 specimens. The prevalence of the anomalous insertion of the pectoralis minor tendon revealed to be as high as 34.6% in the present study. This may suggest that the pectoralis minor tendon plays an important role in the stability of the glenohumeral joint.