吉田 将人 福原 知宏 増田 英孝
vol.2009, no.35, pp.37-44, 2009-03-18

ブログ記事と Web ページを利用したイベント情報抽出手法を提案する.提案手法は,ブログ記事からイベント名抽出パターンを構築し, Web ページからイベント名を抽出する.本研究では,ブログ記事と Web ページを利用したイベント情報抽出手法を提案する.ブログ記事を用いることにより,記事の書かれた日付が分かり,イベント名抽出パターンとイベント開催日の関係を把握できる.Web ページを用いることにより,イベント名検索の網羅性を広げることができる.提案手法では,まず,いくつかのイベント名に対してブログ記事を収集し,そこからイベント名の前後に連接しやすいパターンを抽出する.次に,抽出したパターンを用いて Web 全体からイベント名を収集する.提案手法のイベント名収集適合率と将来構想について報告する.An extraction method of event names appeared on the Web using blog and Web articles is described. Proposed method extracts event names from Web pages by finding extraction patterns of event names from blog articles. The method finds extraction patterns from blog articles that contain event names given by a user. Because different names for the same event can be appeared on the Web, the method identifies the same event using a string kernel that can measure similarities of event names. Then, the method finds event names by using extracted patterns. Preliminary results of an experiment are described.
吉田 将人 大澤 宏祐 高木 基樹 広川 貴次 植草 義徳 加藤 晃一 新家 一男 夏目 徹 土井 隆行
no.53, pp.241-245, 2011-09-02

Thielocin B1 (1), isolated from the fermentation broth of Thielavia terricola RF-143 in 1995, consists of five multi-substituted benzene rings, which are connected with a 2,2', 6,6'-biaryl ether and four ester linkages. Recently, it was found that 1 strongly inhibits protein-protein interactions (PPIs) of PAC3 homodimer (IC_<50>= 0.02 μM) without inhibition of other PPIs such as PAC1/PAC2 or TCF/P-catenin. Since we are interested in the mode of action mechanisms of 1, we performed total synthesis of 1, and docking studies by NMR and in silico analyses. The key intermediate 2,2', 6,6'-biaryl ether 4 was synthesized from 7-membered lactone 6, which was prepared by oxidative lactonization of benzophenone 7, followed by chemoselective reduction of the lactone and removal of the resulting alcohol. The side wing 5 was synthesized from aldehyde 8 via formation of 3 and its coupling by esterification. Condensation of biaryl ether 4 and 5 was smoothly performed using trifluoroacetic anhydride to afford 21 in high yield. Formylation of 21 by treatment with dichloromethyl methyl ether and AgOTf, followed by Kraus oxidation provided acid 2. Coupling of the resulting acid 2 with phenol 3 afforded 22 in 70% yield. Finally, removal of the benzyl groups by-hydrogenation furnished thielocin B1 (1), whose spectral data were in good agreement with those of the natural product.