本多 一郎 和田 道宏 阿部 知子 浅見 忠男 吉田 茂男
植物化学調節学会研究発表記録集 (ISSN:09191887)
no.35, pp.147-148, 2000-11-02

To obtain novel mutants of barley (Horderum vulgare L), heavy ion irradiation were conducted. Both imbibed and dry seeds of barley (Kanto Hadaka No.77) were irradiated with 5-400 [gray] of dose by heavy-ion beam (^<14>N; 135MeV/u) and cultivated on field. Severe growth inhibition were observed in over 10 and 200 gray irradiation in imbibed and dry seed irradiation, respectively. After harvesting M_2 seeds, an aliquot of seeds were sown to field, candidates of mutants were serveyed, and selected. After crossing, their F_1 and F_2 plant phenotype were examined, 3 dwarf lines which have ressesive allele were separated. These results suggest that heavy-ion irradiation is effective method to mutate barley.