園山 貴之 畑 弘己
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-007, (Released:2022-06-24)

Torquigener albomaculosus has been found at depths of 10–30 m on the southern coast of Amami-Oshima Island, Kogoshima Prefecture, and at 100 m off Hamahika-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture. However, there have been no reports on the morphology and pigmentation of the larvae and juveniles. Eggs of To. albomaculosus were collected from the southern coast of Kakeroma-jima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, at a depth of 32 m, and development of eggs, larvae, and juveniles were observed in captivity. Comparisons were made with previous reports on the development of pufferfish species inhabiting Japan and adjacent seas. Eggs were 0.96 ± 0.02 mm (n = 20) in size, spherical in shape, colorless, transparent, demersal, and adhesive. Immediately after hatching, larvae were 2.43 ± 0.08 mm (n = 11) in total length and the number of myomeres was 8 + 11 = 19. Dendritic melanophores were present on the dorsal surfaces of the head and body, dorsal and ventral sides of the abdominal cavity, but were absent from the caudal region. The mouth and anus had already opened but the yolk still remained. The yolk was absorbed within 2 days of hatching. At 19 days after hatching, ossification of teeth began in the upper and lower jaws. Simple small spinules appeared on the gill covers and abdomen. They were pointed at the distal end and not divided. Black melanophores were distributed from the snout to the region between dorsal- and anal-fin bases, absent from the caudal region. The larvae became juveniles 36 days after hatching. At 61 days after hatching, the sides and dorsal surface of the body were silver, the ventral surface was yellow, and the area covered by small spinules extended posteriorly beyond the dorsal and anal fins. The larvae and juveniles of To. albomaculosus can be distinguished from those of other pufferfishes inhabiting the waters around Japan by the absence of black melanophores on the caudal region, the distribution and development process of small spinules, and body color.
土井 啓行 本間 義治 園山 貴之 石橋 敏章 宮澤 正之 米山 洋一 酒井 治己
水産大学校研究報告 (ISSN:03709361)
vol.62, no.2, pp.87-89, 2014-03

日本沿岸には,フグ目ハリセンボン科は4属7種が生息するとされている。そのうち,メイタイシガキフグ属Cyclichthysは,棘長が眼径より短いこと,棘は不動で棘の断面は三角形から扁平状であること,尾柄部に棘がないこと,尾鰭軟条数が通常9本であること,及び各鰭に斑紋がないことなどで他属と区別されるが,日本沿岸からは世界全3種のうちメイタイシガキフグC. orbiculalis(Bloch)およびイガグリフグC. spilostylus(Leis and Randall)の2種が記録されている。これら2種は,前種が頭部に3根の棘を持つのに対し後種の頭部棘は4根であること,前種では体部背面と側面に黒斑が散在することに対し後種では腹面の棘の根元に瞳孔大の黒点があることで識別される。両種ともおもにインド・西部太平洋の熱帯・温帯の珊瑚礁や岩礁域に生息し,幼魚期には外洋で生活する。なお,最近地中海からも記録されているが,紅海からスエズ運河を通じての侵入者と見なされている。日本での採集例は少なく,メイタイシガキフグが佐渡島並びに伊豆半島以南,イガグリフグが富山湾並びに高知県以南より数例報告されていたのみであった。このたび,そのうちの1種イガグリフグ2個体が新潟県佐渡島地先で採捕され,下関市立しものせき水族館において飼育する機会を得た。これは日本沿岸からの稀な採捕例でもあり,しかも本種の北限記録と考えられるので報告する。