稲葉 正敏 太田 和子 垣内 祥宏
特定非営利活動法人 日本医療マネジメント学会
日本医療マネジメント学会雑誌 (ISSN:18812503)
vol.11, no.2, pp.139-143, 2010-09-01 (Released:2018-10-17)

内服薬に関する投薬エラー発生防止を目的に、病棟に担当薬剤師を配置し、内服薬の新しい管理方法を看護師と共に立案・試行した。新管理方法の導入により、誤投薬、過量投与、配薬忘れの回避などが認められ、内服薬に関する投薬エラー発生件数を約4分の1に減少させることができた。看護師に対するアンケート調査から、「配薬業務にかかる時間が減少し、他業務に専念できるようになった」、「配薬業務に対する意識が高まった」など新管理方法を支持する回答が得られた。 病棟での薬剤師による内服薬の新管理方法は、投薬の安全性向上だけでなく、看護業務の効率化、患者サービスの向上にも貢献できると考えられた。
原田 康 垣内 祥宏 武田 光志 佐藤 信一 馬場 泰行 幸田 幸直
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.25, no.4, pp.399-406, 1999-08-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

Recently, automatic tablet counting and packaging machines have come to be widely used for the one-dose packaging of tablets and capsules. However, coloration, i.e. changes in color, of such tablets repackaged by one-dose packaging machins for dispensing has been frequently observed in several kinds of tablets due to the light, humidity and temperature in the room. In this report, the changes observed over time in the controlled-release mesalazine product, Pentasa® tablets, repackaged with polyethylene-laminated cellophane and glassine films for the one-dose packaging was studied.The repackaged tablets changed color within a week at room conditions (22-25°C, 50-70% RH) under a 350 lux fluorescent white-1 amp ex posure for 12 h per day or in darkness. However, no coloration was observed for at least four weeks in a refrigerator (4°C, 20% RH) in dark ness. The weight of the repackaged tablets increased by about 1% at room conditions within a week, while no such weight increase in the tablets was observed while the tablets were kept in a refrigerator. No changes in the amounts of mesalazine and its degradates, gentigic acid and p-aminophenol, in the tablets were observed and the dissolution properties of mesalazine from the tablets also remained unchanged during the experimental period.Based on these findings, we conclude that the one-dose packaging of Pentasa® tablets is not a suitable procedure since it results in the absorption of moisture and changes in color.