畦地 啓太 堀 周太郎 錦澤 滋雄 村山 武彦
一般社団法人 エネルギー・資源学会
エネルギー・資源学会論文誌 (ISSN:24330531)
vol.35, no.2, pp.11-22, 2014 (Released:2019-02-15)

This paper aimed to clarify factors influencing environmental conflict occurrence during the planning stage for wind farm projects in Japan. After studying conflict occurrence situations and the main conflict issues for 155 large-scale projects across Japan, we focused on both physical and social factors as explanatory variables and applied a quantitative method using binary logistic regression analysis. The main findings were: (1) environmental conflicts had occurred in 59 projects as of May 2012 and the main issues could be classified as noise/infrasound, sediment- related disaster/hydrology, landscape, nature destruction and birds (esp. raptors); (2) turbine number and size were influential factors as structural aspects, while there was no significant association between proximity to turbines and conflict occurrence; (3) sites located within natural parks, national protection forests, sediment-related disaster hazardous areas and wildlife protection areas designated by relevant acts and ordinances showed higher conflict occurrence, and proximity to such areas could be influential as well; (4) habitats for Golden Eagle, Mountain Hawk Eagle, White-tailed Eagle and Steller's Sea Eagle significantly encouraged conflict; (5) in terms of social aspects at both the national and prefectural level, conflict occurrence was strongly associated with the existence of past conflict experiences and complaints about noise and/or infrasound generated by operating wind farms.
篠田 昌宏 竹村 裕介 蛭川 和也 高岡 千恵 長谷川 康 尾原 秀明 北郷 実 阿部 雄太 八木 洋 松原 健太郎 山田 洋平 堀 周太郎 田中 真之 中野 容 板野 理 黒田 達夫 北川 雄光
pp.101-108, 2021-02-01

わが国の肝移植は,かつてない大きな変革を遂げている.2019年,脳死肝移植は全移植数の1/5を数えるようになった.Allocation制度も大きく改変され,model for end-stage liver disease(MELD)制などが実臨床に大きな影響を与えている.ドナー情報を得られる機会が増加し,高MELDなど重症患者の増加も見込まれる中,脳死肝移植ナショナルデータ解析のプロジェクトもすすんでいる.さらに,働き方改革,互助制度,新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)など新たな移植のスタイルが成り立とうとしている.