堀 天 髙木 祐介 相川 悠貴 福地 かおり 吉川 明里 藤原 紗音 小木曽 洋介 下村 有佳里 家吉 彩夏 枝元 香菜子 関 和俊 堀田 典生
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.761-773, 2022 (Released:2022-09-27)

Sudden cardiac death is a common cause of death during hiking activities. Since the exaggerated blood pressure (BP) response to physical activity is known to increase the risk for the development of cardiovascular events, hiking might also induce an excessive BP response and such events. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hiking at around 1,200 m on the circulatory responses to isometric handgrip (IHG) exercise. Five healthy women volunteered to hike and stay at Mt. Ibuki (altitude, 1,377 m; Shiga, Japan) for 2 consecutive days. On the first day, the participants ascended to 1,220 m (Hiking study), and on the second day, they drove to an altitude of 1,260 m where they remained for about 5.5 h (Staying study). The participants performed IHG exercise before (altitude, 220 m), during (altitude, 990 m), and after (altitude, 220 m) hiking in the Hiking study, and before driving (altitude, 160 m), after staying for 5 h (altitude, 1,260 m), and after driving back from an altitude of 1,260 m (altitude, 122 m) in the Staying study. The participants performed IHG exercise at 30% maximum voluntary contraction for 2 min after seated rest. We measured systolic and diastolic BP (SBP and DBP), and pulse rate during the test, and then calculated the double product (DP) from the product of the SBP and pulse rate. In the Hiking study, SBP and DP responses to IHG exercise during hiking were significantly augmented (P < 0.05). Importantly, these responses to IHG exercise during hiking were significantly higher than those before hiking (P < 0.05). On the other hand, in the Staying study, staying at an altitude of 1,260 m for about 5.5 h did not significantly change circulatory responses to IHG exercise. In conclusion, we demonstrated that SBP and DP during IHG exercise were significantly augmented during hiking at an elevation difference of about 1,000 m. This finding suggests that transient increases in BP due to physical activity, which might trigger cardiovascular events, could be enhanced during hiking at a moderate altitude.
森本 佑子 田辺 雄一 堀 天明 宮内 勇貴 佐藤 麻紀 工藤 道誠 菅屋 潤壹
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
pp.2314, (Released:2019-10-25)

健康なボランティアの前腕浴における皮膚血流に対する炭酸ガスおよび乳化油剤の影響を測定した.浴湯中に炭酸ガス(60ppm)のみ,乳化油剤(10ppm)のみ,炭酸ガスおよび乳化油剤を溶解させた前腕浴において,炭酸ガスと乳化油剤の併用は,炭酸ガス単独にくらべて皮膚血流量を有意に上昇させた.乳化油剤が炭酸ガスの経皮吸収を高めた結果,炭酸ガスの皮膚血管に対する実効濃度が高くなった可能性が考えられた.  さらに,炭酸ガスと乳化油剤を組み合わせた入浴剤を作製し,健常成人を対象に,2週間の連用が発汗に及ぼす影響を調べた.連用後,入浴剤群では,安静時の鼓膜温が低下傾向を示した.発汗テストによる体温変化は連用前と同等であったが,発汗量は有意に増加した.鼓膜温および発汗量,発汗波頻度を用いた解析から,発汗量の増加は,発汗中枢を介したものであることが示された.コントロール群では,これらの変化は認められなかった.以上の結果から,乳化油剤を配合した炭酸入浴剤が発汗機能に有益な効果を有する可能性があることが示された.