堀越 哲美
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
vol.114, no.1445, 1999-10-20
渡邊 慎一 堀越 哲美 三好 結城 宮本 征一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.497, pp.47-52, 1997
18 9

A well-known heating facility in Japan, KOTATSU, heats the lower extremities of the human body by an infrared heater or wood coal fire in a box. The objective of this paper is to clarify the thermal effect of KOTATSU on the human thermal comfort quantitatively. Experiments were carried out under the following combined conditions: air temperatures were 1 1℃, 14℃, 17℃, and 20℃ and electric power of infrared lamp were to OW('off'), 87W('low'), 91W('middle') and 181W('high') electric consumption, respectively. Five male and six female subjects participated in those experiments. The following result was obtained: There was significant difference of comfort vote between female and male subjects when subjects reported hotter votes than thermal neutrality. The KOTATSU at 'low' and 'middle' IR heater level has the equivalent effect of 7℃ operative temperature rise at the condition of 11℃ air temperature, and that at 'high' IR heater level has the equivalent effect of 10℃ operative temperature rise at the same condition. Also the KOTATSU has more than 2℃ effectiveness at the condition of 14℃ air temperature even if the infrared lamp of the KOTATSU is turned off. Its effectiveness decrease gradually with increasing air temperature.