増山 元三郎
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.15, no.6, pp.215-223, 1937-06-05 (Released:2009-02-05)
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Je suppose que les postulates fondamentaux en hydrodynamique sont K. I.....K. 10 (§ 1), qui soot été employés par nombreux auteurs explicitement on implicitement pour deduire l'équation de NAVIER-STOKES (1.17).Il y a en § 2 quelques critiques pour les postulates K. I.....K. 10, et on obtient un nonvel terme turbulent fr (2.3). Il faut en conséquence développer le tenseur de viscosité Zrs en série des gradients de vitesse vr, s comme (2.5). Dans le cas du médium isotrope le coefficient de viscosité _??_rsmn n'est pas nécessairement symétrique, et on a un nouvel terme kr (2.7) additivement à côté droit de l'équation (2.11). Si on l'écrit vectoriellement, on obtient (2.9) pour kr comme l'expression vectorielle. J.y donne de plus une nouvelle expression (2.12), qui peut être employée au lieu de relation “Austausch” de Prandtl.On a quelques explications à phenomènes hydrodynamiques biers connues mais non expliqués jusqu'ici (§ 3). Enfin j'étudie sur la fondation d'équation (3.2) quand tourbillon se mouvoit le long de son axe, et explique géométriquement sa condition nécessaire et suffisante.
増山 元三郎
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694240)
vol.8, no.1, pp.8-12, 1942

The present author has critisized the n-method used by the German school of bioclimatologists. The n-method is not a perfect statistical method, for it may give an absurd result. The author gives here an example from the Fisher-Yates' table of random sampling numbers. Von Schelling has given a significant test for the n-method, but his schema of urnes and balls is not applicable in this case without reservations. He considers only the difference between the maximum value anti the minimum value of total frequencies scattered in the R cells in the sample, where these extremes may not correspond to those of the population in the R ordered cells. He does not distinguish the measure of correlation itself from that of the mode of correlation and does not consider the probability law of the qualitative event in question. The author proposes here a new method called “the temporal m-method” for the investigation of the measure of correlation between a temporal qualitative event A (t) and a temporal quantitative or qualitative event B (t) based on the analysis of variance proposed by R. A. Fisher. The main idea is as follows: We introduce a parameter m in B (t) and denote the measure of B (t) by y (m; t), where m means the time interval between the time of the appearance of the event A and the time of observation of the event B. Then we study the probability distribution of y (m; t) considering m as a variable and t as a parameter. We apply the test of significance in two way for the quantitative event B, viz. the test of variation in sub-sets of means y (m) and that of linearity of regression of y on m (not regression of m on y). Here, of course, these two tests must be used with reservations when we can not consider the variance as a random sampling one of the variance of population.
増山 元三郎
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694240)
vol.7, no.3, pp.147-168, 1942

The author has intended to investigate the pathogenetic mechanism of the so-called meteorotropic diseases, particularly that of the cyclonopathia, and this is the second paper on this line. In order to analyse the pathogenesis of these diseases, he compares the prefrontal states of patients (not necessarily weather-hypersensitive patients!) with the postfrontal ones.<br>At first he has studied statistically the characteristics of the depression near Japan. The main results obtained from over 2000 cases may be summed up as follows;<br>1) there are at most 29% frontless depressions, <br>2) there are 96% frontal lines of the straight line type and only 4% those of &lambda; type, <br>3) the mode of the angle between frontal line and parallel is nearly equal to 40 degrees.<br>Thus it would be sufficient for the present purpose to determine the spatial distribution of the biological measure of autonomic regulation around the moving center of depression. He applies here the spatial n-method introduced in his previous paper (this journal vol. 6) to get quantitatively the statistical law of the autonomic regulation caused by the passage of depression.<br>He obtains the following results:<br>1) the imidazol bodies contained in the urine increase postfrontally, <br>2) the volume of urine decreases prefrontally, <br>3) the specific gravity of urine increases prefrontally, <br>4) the body temperature increases prefrontally, <br>5) the Biernaeki's reaction is acceralated prefrontally, <br>6) the negativity of the Citochol reaction increases postfrontally.<br>The figures Nos. 4-11 show that there is a prefrontal extremal zone which is nearly parallel to the frontal line and the distance between them is equal to ca. 500km. This suggests us that there exist the extremal biological states in the body ca. 12 hours before the passage of frontal line, which would correspond to the weather forecasting of some weather-hypersensitive patients.
増山 元三郎
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694240)
vol.7, no.3, pp.147-168, 1942-01-25 (Released:2010-08-06)

The author has intended to investigate the pathogenetic mechanism of the so-called meteorotropic diseases, particularly that of the cyclonopathia, and this is the second paper on this line. In order to analyse the pathogenesis of these diseases, he compares the prefrontal states of patients (not necessarily weather-hypersensitive patients!) with the postfrontal ones.At first he has studied statistically the characteristics of the depression near Japan. The main results obtained from over 2000 cases may be summed up as follows;1) there are at most 29% frontless depressions, 2) there are 96% frontal lines of the straight line type and only 4% those of λ type, 3) the mode of the angle between frontal line and parallel is nearly equal to 40 degrees.Thus it would be sufficient for the present purpose to determine the spatial distribution of the biological measure of autonomic regulation around the moving center of depression. He applies here the spatial n-method introduced in his previous paper (this journal vol. 6) to get quantitatively the statistical law of the autonomic regulation caused by the passage of depression.He obtains the following results:1) the imidazol bodies contained in the urine increase postfrontally, 2) the volume of urine decreases prefrontally, 3) the specific gravity of urine increases prefrontally, 4) the body temperature increases prefrontally, 5) the Biernaeki's reaction is acceralated prefrontally, 6) the negativity of the Citochol reaction increases postfrontally.The figures Nos. 4-11 show that there is a prefrontal extremal zone which is nearly parallel to the frontal line and the distance between them is equal to ca. 500km. This suggests us that there exist the extremal biological states in the body ca. 12 hours before the passage of frontal line, which would correspond to the weather forecasting of some weather-hypersensitive patients.