外山 寛 田中 弘之
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.3, pp.141-149, 1985-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

塩分摂取量の多寡が運動時の生体に及ぼす影響について検討する目的で健常な成人男子5名を対象に, 高塩分食および低塩分食をそれぞれ6日間摂取させた後, 65%VO2max.の強度で30分間の持久的運動を負荷した.さらに, 同一被検者1名に対して低塩分食を4週間摂取させ, 1週間ごとに70%VO2max.の強度で60分間の持久的運動を負荷し, 以下のような知見を得た.1.高塩分食摂取下では運動中の心拍および最大血圧の応答が低く, また, 血清BUN値の低下が認められた.2.低塩分食摂取下では運動負荷によって血清CK-MB活性値の血清CK活性値に対する比率が上昇し, クレアチニン・クリアランス値は低値を示し, その回復も遅れた.また, 血糖値の低下と血清BUN, 尿酸, トリグリセライドの各値の上昇を認めた.3.尿中へのNa排泄量は塩分摂取量の変化に伴い増減した.K排泄量は高塩分食摂取下では普通食摂取下と差異を認めなかったが, 低塩分食摂取下では増加した.これらの結果から, 塩分摂取量の急激な変化はそれ自体で生体にとってストレスとなり得る可能性を有し, このような状況下での運動実施には慎重な配慮が必要であると思われた.
蘇日塔拉図 外山 寛 小杉 剛 木竜 徹 林 豊彦 飯島 淳彦 前田 義信 山崎 健
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.98-105, 2010-02-10 (Released:2010-11-17)

Visually induced motion sickness is one of the detrimental effects of video images on human psychosomatic state. Several studies for alleviating this effect have been cumulated in recent years. One of the studies reported that people with high heart rate tended to be immune to the motion sickness. This fact motivated us to assume that the increase of subjects' heart rate through physical exercise before video watching could prevent them from the motion sickness. Then we investigated the effects of video exposure with such pre-exercise on the motion sickness. First we recorded psychosomatic state of 23 volunteers using the simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ) before and after watching extremely unpleasant video images of a mountain-bike ride capable of visually inducing motion sickness. Then we classified them into nausea and non-nausea groups, based on SSQ evaluation. Subjects' heart rate in nausea group increased gradually during video exposure, while that in non-nausea group was nearly constant. By imposing a 5-minute pre-exercise on 12 subjects in nausea group before video exposure, 10 subjects became immune to the motion sickness, demonstrating that the pre-exercise would be efficient for alleviating the motion sickness. In addition subjects' heart rate in nausea group remained at a higher level during video exposure than at rest, whereas it returned to the rest level immediately after the pre-excise without video exposure.
蘇日 塔拉図 外山 寛 小杉 剛 木竜 徹 林 豊彦 飯島 淳彦 前田 義信 山崎 健
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : BME (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.98-105, 2010-02-10

Visually induced motion sickness is one of the detrimental effects of video images on human psychosomatic state. Several studies for alleviating this effect have been cumulated in recent years. One of the studies reported that people with high heart rate tended to be immune to the motion sickness. This fact motivated us to assume that the increase of subjects' heart rate through physical exercise before video watching could prevent them from the motion sickness. Then we investigated the effects of video exposure with such pre-exercise on the motion sickness. First we recorded psychosomatic state of 23 volunteers using the simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ) before and after watching extremely unpleasant video images of a mountain-bike ride capable of visually inducing motion sickness. Then we classified them into nausea and non-nausea groups, based on SSQ evaluation. Subjects' heart rate in nausea group increased gradually during video exposure, while that in non-nausea group was nearly constant. By imposing a 5-minute pre-exercise on 12 subjects in nausea group before video exposure, 10 subjects became immune to the motion sickness, demonstrating that the pre-exercise would be efficient for alleviating the motion sickness. In addition subjects' heart rate in nausea group remained at a higher level during video exposure than at rest, whereas it returned to the rest level immediately after the pre-excise without video exposure.