大坪 健太 春日 晃章 清水 紀宏 中野 貴博
体育測定評価研究 (ISSN:13471309)
pp.jjtehpe.HPM202301, (Released:2023-01-31)

The purpose of this study was to identify contributors that are beneficial for both physical fitness and academic achievement in children. To achieve this, multiple factors were investigated in the home environment. The study participants consisted of 437 children in the sixth grade of elementary school. Results from their physical fitness and academic tests were obtained. In addition to physical fitness and academic achievement, the average of physical fitness and academic achievement by T-score was calculated and used as the High physical fitness and high academic achievement score. A 68-item questionnaire on home environment was completed by the children's parents or caregivers, and the results were linked to data obtained for physical fitness and academic performance. Single-correlation analysis was conducted with physical fitness, academic achievement, high physical fitness and academic achievement scores. Factors in the home environment that were significantly correlated were also extracted. Multiple regression analysis was conducted with home factors set as the independent variables and the three ability ratings set as dependent variables. Results from the analysis suggested that parent-child involvement in exercise and sport as well as the father's physical competence strongly correlated with an improvement in physical fitness. Factors relating to socioeconomic status, such as the parents educational level as well as expectations for the child to perform well academically, was strongly correlated with academic performance. In addition, in terms of both physical fitness and academic achievement, the parents' educational background, the father's physical competence, and the frequency of parent-child conversations about athletic sports have a strong influence on the child's ability to perform well.
清水 紀宏 春日 晃章 中野 貴博

朝倉 雅史 清水 紀宏
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.1, pp.29-51, 2014 (Released:2014-06-13)

The professional development of a physical education (PE) teacher occurs within a variety of experiences that become resources for the teacher to learn from. However, to gain experience does not necessarily mean development. Development through learning by experience is influenced by the beliefs that the person has. The purpose of this study was to determine the composition and function of PE teacher beliefs—especially “image of what a teacher is” and “vocational beliefs” that influence their professional development. In addition, we classified PE teachers by their beliefs, and examined their development status with a focus on the relevance of experiences for changing a teacher's ideals. A questionnaire survey was conducted. Data were collected from a sample of 634 junior high school and high school PE teachers. The main findings are summarized below.   1)  Factor analysis of data revealed that the PE teachers' image of what a teacher is comprised 4 factors: “leader”, “supervisor”, “supporter of learning” and “team member”, and vocational beliefs comprised 7 factors: “emphasizing public values”, “self-actualization”, “pursuit of pioneering teaching practices”, “emphasizing students”, “professional exclusiveness”, “exercise of autonomy” and “research orientation”.   2)  The teachers were classified by image of what a teacher is into 2 types: “supervisor” and “supporter”. The teachers were classified by vocational beliefs into 5 types: “self-actualization”, “emphasizing students”, “open-minded beliefs”, “self-righteous” and “close-minded beliefs”. The ratios of young teachers classified into “supervisor” and “emphasizing students” were significantly larger than that of experienced teachers. The ratios of experienced teachers classified into “supporter”, “self-actualization” and “self-righteous” were significantly larger than that of young teachers.   3)  Factor analysis of data revealed that experiences comprised 5 factors: “reflecting on teaching practice”, “knowledge acquisition”, “conversing with fellow teachers”, “observing and opening up one's own teaching practices” and “hard experiences”. Experienced teachers were more passive in their experiences, except “knowledge acquisition”, than younger teachers. For more experienced teachers, having positive experiences was more effective for changing ideals.   4)  Teachers classified as the “open-minded beliefs” type were more willing to experience a variety of things than the “close-minded beliefs” type teachers. Regression analysis of data revealed that “emphasizing public values”, “pursuit of pioneering teaching practices” and “research orientation” correlated significantly and positively with experience. But “professional exclusiveness”, “exercise of autonomy” and years of service correlated significantly and negatively with experience.