藤井 信幸 富永 憲生 大森 一宏 辻 智佐子 中島 裕喜 張 楓

特定地域に集積する多様な在来産業・中小企業について、高度成長期とその後への変化を比較し、その変容過程を明らかにするために事例研究を積み重ねた。事例として取り上げたのは、陶磁器業、木材・木製品工業、綿工業、機械工業ならびに電球工業である。これらの事例研究から、第一に、大量生産システムから多品種少量生産への転換の正否が、1970 年代以降の産地の盛衰に直結した、第二に、この転換の成功が必ずしも地域の雇用の増加には結びつかなかったことなどの事実が判明した
大森 一宏
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.30, no.2, pp.1-30, 1995-07-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

In this paper we examine the activities of the local trade associations (dogyo kumiai) in the case of pottery industry. In the latter half of the Meiji period, the production of the pottery increased, and some traditional production districts like Nagoya, Seto, Tono, Tokoname, Kyoto and Arita continued to increase their output. Out of these districts we select Seto, Tokoname and Kyoto, and investigate the activities of the trade associations in these three districts.In Seto district a large quantity of tableware was produced and the ratio of the export to the total output was high. In Tokoname the earthen pipe for the domestic market was mainly produced. And in Kyoto much of the ornament was exported to the foreign market. So, judging from the markets for their products and the makeup of them, these production areas can be classified into three different types.The trade association in Seto carried out the inspection of manufuctured goods, held exhibitions and contests, assisted exhibition hall financially, and mined and distributed potter's clay. But a tableware was not inspected by the trade association. In Tokoname the trade association inspected earthen pipe and conducted various researches. And in Kyoto the trade association held exhibitions and contests and supported financially the municipal pottery research center.These three trade associations did not act in the same way. We find that the activities of these trade associations were influenced by the difference of the markets for their products, the makeup of them and the supply side conditions of the potter's clay. And therefore the activities of them contributed effectively to the development of pottery industry in each production district.