横堀 武夫 皆川 七郎 渥美 光 小野寺 真作 大内田 久 大路 清嗣 岡村 弘之 大塚 昭夫 川崎 正 木村 宏 国尾 武 鈴木 正彦 田中 吉之助 田中 栄 高瀬 恭二 高橋 賢司 玉手 統 宮本 博 村木 潤次郎
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.74, no.630, pp.830-831, 1971-07

材料の強さと破壊の問題は, きわめて複雑であって, 従来, 固体物理学, 確率統計論, や金および金属組織学, 弾塑性力学などの連続体力学, 材料試験などの異なる立場から, それぞれ独立に研究が進められていた. これら各分野の研究の相互の関連を究明し, 情報を交換し, 知識の交流をはかること, 特に微視的立場と巨視的研究との結びつきを重視し, 問題の解明に資することを目的として, 境界領域としての材料強度研究会が, 昭和42年7月に, 主査以下19名の委員をもって発足し, 昭和44年6月に予定の2年の会期を経過したが, さらに1年の会期延長を認められて, 昭和45年6月末に満3年の会期を終了して解散した.
大路 清嗣 辻 昌宏 久保 司郎 小野 嘉雄 八幡 篤 梅井 健司
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.59, no.562, pp.1429-1436, 1993-06-25
7 11

A criterion was sought for predicting the path of a fatigue crack in HT80 steel propagating in residual stress fields. The problem was investigated with respect to two questions : (I) which was the dominant factor in determining the fatigue crack path, the cyclic components or the maximum values of stress intensity factors (SIFs), and (II) what kind of criteria, expressed in terms of the foregoing dominant SIF parameter, could be used for predicting the fatigue crack path ? For the first question, it was indicated that the cyclic components of SIFs determined the crack path. For the second question, it was found that the crack path could be predicted by applying the Δσ_θ maximum criterion, which predicted that the crack propagated in the direction of the maximum range of circumferential stress component. Crack propagation lives for cracks curved due to the existence of a hole were calculated by applying the "U- (crack opening ratio) estimation" method based on the superposition principle proposed by the present authors. The predicted lives were in good agreement with the experimental results.
久保 司郎 大中 幸三郎 大路 清嗣
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.60, no.575, pp.1638-1643, 1994-07-25

The present authors proposed the adjoint boundary integral method for identifying heat source or force in a domain from values of boundary integrals involving an adjoint operator. The integrals can be evaluated if boundary values are available over the entire boundary of the domain. In the present study a Poisson field source is identified from noisy and discrete boundary observations by applying the method. Adaptive Gauss quadrature enables evaluation of the boundary integrals from observations at discrete points, which deviate from the Gauss points for approximate evaluation of boundary integrals. Numerical simulations are carried out for identifying location and intensity of a concentrated source in a two-dimensional domain. Effects of errors in boundary observations, deviation of locations of observation points from the Gauss points, the order of Gauss quadrature, and the location of source on the accuracy of the identification are discussed. It is shown that the location and intensity of the source can be estimated reasonably from noisy and discrete observations by applying the adjoint boundary integral method with the adaptive Gauss quadrature.