安部 淳一
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.36, no.1, pp.51-57, 1989-03-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

(1) One form and three forms (GI, GII, and GIII) of glucoamylases were purified from crude commercial preparation of Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus delemar, respectively, to be homogenous on disc- and SDS-gel electrophoresis and free from a-amylase and phosphatase. Neither purified glucoamylase from A. niger nor R. delemar could completely hydrolyze various kinds of starches because of the presence of phosphate esters attached to C-3 or C-6 of glucosyl residue, and left a limit-dextrin of large-molecular weight. The concomitant actions of a-amylase and phosphatase with the glucoamylases were found to be necessary for complete hydrolysis of these starches. (2) R. delemar GIII was suggested to have a specific affinity site, "starch-binding site, " for high-molecular-weight substrates from the results of kinetic study and modification with chymotrypsin. GI and GII were suggested to be derived from GIII by the post-secretional modification. (3) Aspergillus sp. K-27 produced the enzyme (s) which degraded well the raw starches. Glucoamylase and a-amylase were separated and purified from the culture filtrate of the fungus. The former seemed to have the "starch-binding site, " based on the results of partial proteolysis and kinetic studies. The latter showed low activity on raw starches but synergistically enhanced the degradation of starch granules with glucoamylase. The removal of the starch-binding site from glucoamylase reduced the ability of raw-starch degradation and abolished the synergistic effect with a-amylase. These results suggested that the starch-binding site plays an importantrole in raw-starch hydrolysis.
川路 則友 安部 淳一
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.20, no.2, pp.107-110_1, 1988-09-30 (Released:2008-11-10)
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シベリアセンニュウは,これまで日本での正式な確認記録がなかったが(日本鳥学会1974),最近になって標識調査により下記の2個体が捕獲され,日本にも稀ながら渡来していることが明らかになった。最初の個体は,北海道枝幸郡浜頓別町にある環境庁浜頓別1級ステーションにおいて協力調査員山内昇氏により1985年9月29日に捕獲されたものである。成鳥で,性別は不明であった。次の個体は,鹿児島県国分市にある国分干拓で1987年11月15日に筆者らにより捕獲されたものである。この個体も成鳥で性別は不明であった。シベリアセンニュウには4亜種が知られているが(Dement'ev et al. 1968など),筆者らの捕獲したものは,羽毛の特徴,分布などからrubescensに属すると思われた。本種は,渡り途上ではアシ原等の環境でほとんど目立たない行動を示していると思われ,これから標識調査などにより記録が増大することが充分考えられる。