宮岡 大 小玉 祐一郎 武政 孝治 蓮井 睦子
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.72, no.618, pp.37-43, 2007
1 3

Ventilation is one of the most important techniques for cooling. However the cooling effect depends not only on the building design and the climate condition, but also on the mode of ventilation -when and how the ventilation is operated. In this paper, is proposed the ventilation mode: a ventilation mode where a plenty of natural ventilation operates when being outside air temperature during the period: 18℃ ≦ AT ≦ 27℃ (AT: ambient temperature) throughout the year. Next, then the passive cooling effect is discussed based on the results of a series of parametric simulation studies. The cooling effect is verified in two ways: 1) hourly indoor temperature fluctuation without air-conditioning and 2) monthly cooling load of air-conditioning throughout the year. The results are obtained as following. 1. A room temperature decline is seen by the ventilation mode, and the effect of passive cooling is understood as for a change in a room temperature in summer.2. As for cooling load as well, it had great effect on a reduction by the one with ventilation mode. 3. When heat capacity was enlarged more, great effect on passive cooling was seen in a room temperature decline and cooling load reduction, and it found out multiplier effect with ventilation mode.
甲斐 重武 宮岡 大輔 兵藤 健志 宮地 健士
大学図書館研究 (ISSN:03860507)
vol.75, pp.13-18, 2005-12

九州大学附属図書館は,大学統合と国立大学法人化という大きな変革期のなかで図書館ポータル 「My Library」を開発し運用してきた。これはサービスの一元的窓口として従来の蔵書検索やサービス依頼 を統合する形のものであるが,システム的には必ずしも完成されたものではなく,マニュアル業務を活用し て柔軟に対応してきた。2005年未には大学の新キャンパスへの移転が開始され,新しい図書館が開館するこ とに加え,図書館システムの機種更新も予定されている。これを機に図書館ポータルとしての総合的な完成 度を高めようとしている。Kyushu University Library began to operate its library portal "My Library" during a dramatic period of change caused by university mergers and the creation of national university corporations. The portal function was intended to provide a single service point for the library catalog,Search engines, and library services, but the software wasn't yet completely developed so a certain amount of manual work had to be done to make it work. At the end of 2005,when the university moves to its new campus, there are plans for improved library systems to support the new library, including a more complete system of centralized services through the library portal.