蔦谷 知佳子 對馬 惠 寺山 百合子 山谷 金光 齋藤 久夫 舟生 富寿
The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (ISSN:13403451)
vol.43, no.8, pp.633-640, 2010-08-28

ヒト脳性ナトリウム利尿ペプチド前駆体N端フラグメント(NT-proBNP)は一般住民において心機能マーカーとして有用とされている.しかし,NT-proBNPは,主に腎臓で代謝されるため,血液透析(HD)患者では高値を示し,その基準値は必ずしも明らかでない.著者らはHD患者におけるNT-proBNP濃度の基準値を求め,心不全の予後予測因子としての有用性について検討した.対象はHD患者85例である.血清中のNT-proBNP濃度は電気化学発光法(エクルーシスproBNP,ロシュ・ダイアグノスティックス)で測定し,心電図からはV5のR波振幅+V1のS波振幅(RV5+SV1),RV5,QRS間隔,QTc間隔およびQRS軸を読んだ.HD患者のNT-proBNP濃度(676~127,172 pg/mL)は健常人(9~144 pg/mL)にくらべ有意に高値であった.NT-proBNPは心電図上の左室肥大診断に最もよく用いられるRV5+SV1とr=0.346(p=0.002)の正相関を示した.RV5+SV1≥3.8mVを左室肥大とし,診断特性(ROC)曲線から心機能異常を推定できうるNT-proBNPの基準値を約8,000 pg/mLとした.このNT-proBNP 8,000 pg/mLを基準にHD患者を2群に分け,採血後から1年間の心不全発生率を比較した.NT-proBNP≥8,000 pg/mL群(n=35)の心不全発生率は31.4%であり,NT-proBNP<8,000 pg/mL群(n=50)の心不全発生率0.0%にくらべて有意に高かった(p<0.0001).以上より,NT-proBNPはHD患者においても心不全の予後予測因子として有用であり,その基準値は8,000 pg/mLが適当と考えられた.
舟生 富寿 工藤 茂宣 大野 和美 二川原 和男 人見 浩 鈴木 唯司 三国 恒靖 寺山 百合子 青木 敬治 平山 順朗 小野寺 孝夫 菅原 茂
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.17, no.9, pp.823-836, 1975-09-30 (Released:2010-07-05)

Metabolism of adrenocortical hormone in patients with chronic impaired renal function was investigated in this study. Urinary 17-OHCS (total, free and fractions-com. F, comp. E, THF, THE) we(re measured by use of thin layer in these 12 patients, including 6 patients who were made to artificial dialysis. Three patients of them were studied on load with ACTH-Z 20 units/day for 3 days intramuscularly and 9 patients were studied on administration of cortisol (1 mg/kg of body weight) intra-venously. Moreover, blood free 11-OHCS was determined in 3 patients with treatment of artificial dialysis. Following results were obtained. 1) The excretion volume of urinary total 17-OHCS remained low coincidently with decrease in creatinine clearance on control, on load with ACTH-Z and on administration of cortisol. 2) In above mentioned patients, the rate of urinary free 17-OHCS to total 17-OHCS exhibited various values which may be influenced with glomerular and tubular lesion, being compared with certain values of normal control. 3) The fractions of urinary 17-OHCS showed small pattern similar to normal control. 4) The excretion pattern of urinary 17-OHCS fractions shifted to cortisol pathway from cortisone pathway on load with ACTH-Z as normal control. 5) In the group with non-hyper BUN, the changes of the excretion volume of urinary 17-OHCS was seemed to be similar to normal control in every 2 hours measurement on administration of cortisol, while in the group with hyper BUN, the changes was not observed. 6) In the patients with artificial dialysis free 11-OHCS remained within normal range but showed abnormal in diurnary variation.