池田 弘人 金子 一郎 多河 慶泰 遠藤 幸男 小林 国男 鈴木 宏昌 中谷 壽男
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.12, no.4, pp.190-194, 2001-04-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

A middle-aged man was found unconscious at apartment after ingesting gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) purchased via the internet sales and was admitted to our critical care center. He underwent gastric irrigation and respiratory assistance with intubation at the emergency room due to a probable drug overdose and respiratory acidosis. After fully recovering, he admitted he had taken large doses of GHB with alcohol. The US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) banned GHB sale as an OTC drug in 1991 but has not succeeded in controlling increased GHB addiction. Unconsciousness, coma, hypothermia, bradycardia, hypotention, muscle weakness, myoclonus, convulsion, respiratory distress, and vomiting are common symptoms after GHB ingestion. Treatment such as gastric irrigation, atropine for bradycardia, and respiratory assistance in hypoxia are recommended. Little attention is paid to GHB in Japan because of its rarity and its sale is not illegal, unlike the strict restrictions in the US and European countries. With GHB available over the Internet, its abuse is expected to increase.
松本 昭憲 篠原 一彰 中川 雅之 佐久間 宏規 熊田 芳文 田勢 長一郎 小林 国男
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.12, no.9, pp.455-458, 2001-09-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

Iodoformgauze topical applications are often used to wound infections. We report a postoperative epidural abscess with delirium due to iodoformgauze topical application in an open wound. We had inserted an epidural catheter in 79-year-old man with an epidural abscess. After proper drainage, iodoformgauze was used to cover for the abscess. He suffered consciousness disturbance for 12 days postoperatively. Suspecting iodoform toxicity, we checked protein binding iodine (PBI) and total serum iodine. PBI was 14.5μg/dl and total serum iodine 152μg/dl. We stopped iodoformgauze use, and the man's consciousness cleared, indicating the importance of watching for side effects such as consciousness disturbance when using iodoformgauze.
小谷 穣治 葛西 猛 斉藤 洋一 小林 国男
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.4, no.4, pp.320-328, 1993-08-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

過去13年間に帝京大学救命救急センターで経験した大腸損傷症例のうち,24時間以上生存した腹腔内全層性大腸損傷25例を臨床的に分析した。さらに術前状態を,stage I:ショックがない,腹腔内汚染が軽度,大腸損傷形態が単純,受傷から手術までの時間が6時間以内,の4条件を満たす状態,stage II: stage I以外の状態,に分け,各stageの施行術式間の入院日数および局所感染性合併症(縫合不全,腹腔内膿瘍,創感染)の発生数を比較した。なお原則として,stage Iの症例には一次修復術(一次縫合術または切除端々吻合)を,stage IIの症例には人工肛門造設術(分割式,ループ式人工肛門またはハルトマン氏法)を,stage IIで人工肛門造設に伴う精神的苦痛を避けたい症例には一次縫合外置術を施行することとしたが,術者の判断による術式選択を優先した。平均年齢は42.8歳,男19例,女6例であった。受傷機転は刺創16例,鈍的外傷8例,銃創1例であった。大腸損傷部位は刺創症例では横行結腸14例(87.5%),鈍的外傷症例ではS状結腸5例(62.5%)とそれぞれもっとも多く,銃創の1例はS状結腸であった。腹腔内合併損傷臓器は受傷機転を問わず小腸と腸間膜がもっとも多かった。1症例あたりの平均腹腔内合併損傷臓器数は刺創症例1.125,鈍的外傷症例1.75,銃創症例5であった。施行術式は,刺創では一次修復術,鈍的外傷では人工肛門造設術,また右側結腸で一次修復術,左側結腸で人工肛門造設術が多かった。術式別にみた術後合併症は,一次修復術,人工肛門造設術ともに創部感染がもっとも多く,それぞれ5例(42%), 7例(64%)であった。入院日数は,両stageとも一次修復術の方が短かった。局所感染性合併症は,stage Iでは差がなく,stage IIでは一次修復術の方が短かった。また,stage IIで一次修復術を行った1例が術後4日目に死亡したが,剖検では縫合不全や腹腔内膿瘍は認められなかった。これらの結果より,一次修復術の適応条件をさらに拡大するべきであると考えられた。
池田 弘人 金子 一郎 多河 慶泰 遠藤 幸男 小林 国男 鈴木 宏昌 中谷 壽男
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.12, no.4, pp.190-194, 2001-04-15

A middle-aged man was found unconscious at apartment after ingesting gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) purchased via the internet sales and was admitted to our critical care center. He underwent gastric irrigation and respiratory assistance with intubation at the emergency room due to a probable drug overdose and respiratory acidosis. After fully recovering, he admitted he had taken large doses of GHB with alcohol. The US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) banned GHB sale as an OTC drug in 1991 but has not succeeded in controlling increased GHB addiction. Unconsciousness, coma, hypothermia, bradycardia, hypotention, muscle weakness, myoclonus, convulsion, respiratory distress, and vomiting are common symptoms after GHB ingestion. Treatment such as gastric irrigation, atropine for bradycardia, and respiratory assistance in hypoxia are recommended. Little attention is paid to GHB in Japan because of its rarity and its sale is not illegal, unlike the strict restrictions in the US and European countries. With GHB available over the Internet, its abuse is expected to increase.