小林 恵美子

小林 恵美子

日米大学生より収集したデータの分析結果は以下の通りです。まず第一に、Haganのパワー・コントロール理論とHofstedeの不確実性減少という概念を使って、11種類の逸脱行為に従事する頻度は、日米グループ共に男子学生の方が高いこと。又その性別間差異は、日本人学生の方が米国人白人学生よりも小さく、背景には、日本人男子学生の逸脱行動を控える傾向が強く作用していると仮説を立て、統計的に立証しました。尚この調査結果を記した論文は、修正し米国の某学術雑誌に再提出する予定です。続いて、分化接触/社会学習理論について、3本論文を執筆しました。まず初めに、Tittleの"Shells of Illusion"とHofstedeの不確実性減少という概念を基に、仲間の逸脱行動が自身の逸脱行動に及ぼす影響は、日米グループ共に男子学生の方が強いこと。又その性別間差異は、日本人学生の方が小さく、背景には、日本人男子学生が仲間の逸脱行動に感化されにくい傾向が強く働いていると仮説を立て、統計的に立証しました。次に、Hofstedeの不確実性減少という概念を使って、日本人学生が米国人学生よりも逸脱行動を控える傾向は、逸脱行動に従事する仲間の数が少ないことに起因すると仮説を立て、統計的に立証しました。最後に、仲間の逸脱行動と逸脱支持の姿勢が自身の姿勢に影響を及ぼし、果ては自身の行動に作用するという因果関係を日米で比較検証しました。Hofstedeの個人主義という概念を用いて、仲間の逸脱行動と逸脱に対する姿勢が自身の姿勢にもたらす影響の度合いは、日本人学生の方が大きいこと。一方、自身の姿勢が行動に及ぼす影響度は米国人学生の方が大きいと仮説を立て、統計的に立証しました。これら3本の論文は、学術雑誌に投稿すべく、現在、米国人共著者が推敲しております。
小林 恵美子 福島 深雪
金沢大学外国語教育研究センター = Foreign Language Institute Kanazawa University
言語文化論叢 (ISSN:13427172)
no.14, pp.165-188, 2010-03

General strain theory, in its most genetic form, argues that three sources of strain, including failure to achieve positively valued goals, removal of positively valued stimuli, and confrontation with negative stimuli, lead to crime and other forms of deviance. Failure to achieve positively valued goals, which has been addressed in part in traditional strain theory, consists of three subtypes that describe various ways in which goal blockage might become manifest. The first type is a disjuncture between aspirations and expectations, which results when individuals hold aspirations for a positively valued goal but do not expect to achieve it. The second type is a disjuncture between expectations and outcomes, which results when individuals expect to achieve a certain goal but do not actually achieve it. Lastly, the third type is a disjuncture between perceived just or fair outcomes and actual outcomes, which results when what actually occurs is perceived by the individual as an unfair utcome. The other two major sources of strain, which include removal of positively valued stimuli and confrontation with negative stimuli, result when individuals experience stressful life events, especially during adolescence. All three sources of strain predispose individuals to engage in crime and other forms of deviance. In the research reported here, measures of strain that closely correspond to the theoretical definitions are developed, while taking into account two recent refinements (a distinction between global and goal-specific strain and an assessment of subjective responses to stressful life events). The effects of these strains on academiccheating are then examined in a sample of Japanese college students. Results offer partial support for general strain theory. While both removal of positively valued stimuli and confrontation with negative stimuli increase the inclination to cheat, failure to achieve positively valued goals does not seem to affect the inclination to cheat among the sample of Japanese young adults.
小林 恵美子
金沢大学外国語教育研究センター = Foreign Language Institute Kanazawa University
言語文化論叢 (ISSN:13427172)
no.15, pp.159-181[含 英語文要旨], 2011-03

Social control theory, which was first presented by Travis Hirschi in 1969 inCauses of Delinquency and is one of the most widely cited theories in criminology, argues that humans by nature are hedonistic and, thus, inclined to engage in any acts, including crime and other forms of deviance,in pursuit of their self-interest. The present study proposes that the fourgeneral elements identified in the theory comprise a social bond that, whenpresent, serves as a constraint against academic cheating: attachment,commitment, involvement, and belief. First,attachment refers to anemotional bond to conventional others. Students who are so attached areless inclined to commit academic cheating for fear of hurting those to whomthey are attached and/or jeopardizing their relationships with them. Forstudents, relevant attachments are those to parents, peers, and school.Attachment to, or caring about the feelings of parents has also threesubcomponents: identification with and affection toward parents, intimatecommunication, and parental supervision. Second, commitment refers tothe stakes in conformity the student has developed, such as investments ineducation and preparation for labor force participation. Students whohave made such investments, the present study argues, are inclined to avoid violation of school rules because they have more to lose by taking therisk of getting into trouble. Third, involvement is a student's investment oftime in conventional activities, time that makes the student unavailable foracademic cheating or exposure to opportunities for such misconduct. Thetheory assumes a finite amount of time available to an individual, so timespent in conventional activities reduces time available for academiccheating. Finally, belief refers to belief in the moral legitimacy of the law –the view that the law is binding on one's own behavior and has legitimacy inprohibiting one's pursuit of one's self-interest through acts of force and fraud.Students who acquire such a belief while growing up are more bonded toconventional society and, thus, less free to engage in academic cheating. Inthe research reported here, measures of social bond variables that resemble,and in many cases are identical to measures used by Hirschi, are developed.The effects of these four elements on people's experience to commitacademic cheating are then examined in a sample of Japanese collegestudents. The analysis provides rather limited support for the theory.Parental supervision and belief function as constraints that preventstudents, more or less, from engaging in acts of fraud (i.e., academiccheating) in pursuit of their self-interest, but the findings for the otherelements of social bond appear less compatible with the theory.
小林 恵美子

小林 恵美子 松原 斎樹 藏澄 美仁 飛田 国人
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
no.24, pp.241-244, 2006-12-20

In this paper, we introduce the importance of the use of supplementary air-conditioning behavior toward energy conservation. The questionnaire survey was done for the resident of housing complex in Kyoto city in the summer and winter. The results indicate the possibility that making good use of supplementary air-conditioning conserve behavior energy.