新開 明二 小西 陽一
社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
西部造船会々報 91
pp.211-219, 1996-03-29 (Released:2018-03-01)

The authors discuss aesthetic and geometric considerations for the ship design. When reading histories of ships, it is easy to confirm that they have many elegant characteristics in shapes. However, papers discussed the aesthetics of ships are rarely to be seen in bibliographies of the naval architecture. This does not mean the naval architecture don't have the philosophy "a sense of the aesthetics". In fact aesthetic characteritics of new ship are always pointed out when introducing the design profile, and thorefore the authors guess that the design process involves a sense of the aesthetics. In order to prove their guess to be right, practical processes in relation to the aesthetics are extraced from the ship design procedure, and so the meaning of the aesthetics in the procedure is made to be clear by using the Golden Section and the Dynamic Symmetry. Finally, it is geometically examined whether the Dynamic Symmetry is applied to the planning of the profile (type) of ship.
新開 明二 万順 濤 小西 陽一
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1997, no.182, pp.435-444, 1997 (Released:2009-09-16)

This paper deals with a new statistical prediction method for the propeller racing of ships sailing in rough seas. The propeller racing is one of the most important sea keeping quality in relation to the safety of main engine and shafting system. The trend of the racing has been investigated mainly in order to estimate allowable maximum propeller diameter, operability of ocean-going ships etc.. In those studies, the propeller racing generally and mainly means the situation (propeller exposed) in which the relative motion amplitude between ship hull and wave surface would exceed a depth of point in rotary disk propeller. Therefore, it seems that the magnitude of the amplitude and its exceeding frequency have been examined as a principal subject of study as usual. However, the time during which the amplitude exceeds a depth of point, that is, the propeller exposes in the air over sea surface, must be also one of most important factor affecting the trend of propeller racing. Then, this paper proposes a new practical method for estimating the time lasting of exposed propeller related to propeller racing in rough confused seas on the basis of the statistics.
新開 明二 小西 陽一
西部造船会会報 (ISSN:0389911X)
no.93, pp.157-166, 1997-03-29

This paper deals with the application of the Golden Section Number to aesthetic and geometric considerations for the ship design. The Golden Section Number acts an important role in the Dynamic Symmetry, which was proposed by Hanbijji, J. (1920). In order to survey what it's role is in the planning of profile (type) of ship, a series of analysis are executed for some passenger ships in relation to the interior angles of the configuration of ship. Finally, the design procedure are certified on the basis of those analysis.
江本 宏史 金廣 裕道 中島 祥介 堀川 雅人 中野 博重 堤 雅弘 小西 陽一
日本外科系連合学会誌 (ISSN:03857883)
vol.22, no.5, pp.820-824, 1997-10-25 (Released:2009-08-13)

症例は42歳, 女性で右季肋部痛を主訴に受診した。超音波検査にて肝腫瘍と診断, 諸検査の結果, 肝血管肉腫と診断され平成3年5月に肝右葉切除術を施行。病理学検査にて肝血管肉腫と確診された1症例を報告する。本症例は, 肝血管肉腫の原因としてあげられている, トロトラスト, 塩化ビニール等とは因果関係は認められなかった。肝血管肉腫は, 原発性肝腫瘍のなかでは比較的稀であるが, その予後は一般に不良とされている。本例も外科的切除し得たにもかかわらず, 術後20カ月目にして, 再発による腫瘍死を遂げた。本症例の経験からも, 肝血管肉腫は早期診断と広汎囲な外科的切除が, 予後の向上につながると考えられた。
小西 陽一 福冨 文武
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.15, no.2, pp.51-56, 2008-08-20

Threshold of toxicological concern(TTC) concept has been applied by JECFA which was established by the cooperation of FAO and WHO and it is the method to evaluate the toxicity of environmental chemicals and to determine human exposure threshold value by the chemical structures and the reliable exposure estimates which does not affect the human health. The characteristics of flavoring substances are often the components of usual food, known chemical structures, very low dose exposure, and the lacking toxicological data of many of them. TTC concept has been utilized for the risk assessment of flavoring substances in U.S. and Europe and the decision trees for the assessment process are different between Japan and U.S. or Europe. Now-a-days, great attentions have been paid by consumers to the safety of food containing flavoring substances and therefore, it is important issue to supply the exact knowledge for the safety of flavoring substances per se to the consumers. In this paper, it is discussed that the test systems of flavoring substances for risk assessment by collecting useful information internationally. It is considered that the risk assessment of flavoring substance might be performed in the different way from that of other environmental and intended to be proposed decision tree using TTC concept for flavoring substances.