金井 亮浩 宮田 秀明
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1995, no.177, pp.147-159, 1995 (Released:2010-01-22)

The free surface shock wave (FSSW) generated by a wedge model is numerically studied. The numerical simulations performed by the finite difference method employing density function method show the systematic variation of the shock phenomenon due to the Froude number based on the draft as obtained by experiments. The typical nonlinear phenomena like wave breaking and abrupt changes of velocity vectors are successfully captured and the details of wave breaking induced by the FSSW are clarified. Wave breaking occurs to weaken the nonlinearity and shear vortex and longitudinal vortex are generated from the overturning point on the free surface. After the wave breaking a steep wave is reproduced due to the nonlinearity. This seems to be periodically repeated.
森本 猛夫
造船協會會報 (ISSN:05148499)
no.59, pp.121-162, 1937-02-20

The antarctic whaling tanker, "Nisshin Maru" (22, 000 tons deadweight) was successfully built on 28th Sept. '36 by the Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd., Kobe, in the record of only 216 days from laying down of the keel to the delivery to Messrs. Taiyohogei Kabushiki Kaisha. The vessel is the largest tanker of its kind ever built in Japan, and the following dates indicate the extraordinary speedy program at which she was built in such a short period.[table]There were many difficulties which they had to overcome, such as : difficult construction on an ordinary building slip not well arranged with up-to-date crane equipments, unusual short time limit of construction, and hardship of prompt collection of materials, etc. They laid down therefore a strict schedule so as not to delay the delivery and by good luck, it was faithfully obeyed by the men of all departments of the Dockyard Co. Combined with the mutual co-operation of all men and proper supply of all necessary materials, the schedule was very satisfactorily carried out in good order. On the other hand, special attention was also paid to the working hours as well as labour shifts so that the workmen should not be overworked either mentally or physically. Thus their earnest efforts have at last produced good results with such an epochmaking record of speely ship building which has never been experienced in the world. In addition, this vessel adopted the "Isherwood Bracketless system, " the simplicity of which has proved a good effect upon such a quick work as "Nisshin Maru." The principal dimensions are as follows : [table]
安川 宏紀
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1999, no.186, pp.1-6, 1999 (Released:2009-09-04)

A hull form improvement method is presented using Genetic Algorithm in conjunction with Rankine source method based on a wave resistance theory for modified hull. By means of the present method, improvement of fore ship form is introduced for Series 60 (Cb =0.6) hull. As a result, the wave resistance is reduced about 25% at Fn=0.3 by modifying the original form to bulb-like bow shape. We found that GA improves the estimation accuracy of the optimum hull form.
出淵 巽 藤嶋 範平 荒木 勤 出淵 巽 山本 武藏 菅 四郎 湊 一磨 平賀 譲
造船協會會報 (ISSN:05148499)
no.55, pp.57-100, 1935-03-25

The effect of fouling upon the resistance of ships was examined by the towing experiments with the ex-destroyer Yudachi at various stages of fouled surface after 4,75,140,225 and 375 days out of dock ; the speeds experimented with were up to 20 knots at each fouled condition. After these experiments the author studied the effect of fouling on the propulsive efficiency applying the above-mentioned results of towing experiments to the trial results of a first-class destroyer. The chief conclusions drawn from these investigations are : (1) Frictional resistance of ships having fouled bottoms can be expressed by the following formula : -R_f=f S V^<2-1>, where R_f=frictional resistance in kg., S=wetted surface area in m^2., V=speed of ship in knots, f=coefficient of frictional resistance which varies with the weight of fouled substances per unit area as shown in Fig.6. (2) Propulsive efficiency is affected scarcely by the bottom fouling.
元良 信太郎
造船協會會報 (ISSN:05148499)
no.36, pp.109-117, 1925-07-15
加藤 絹秀
造船協會會報 (ISSN:05148499)
no.60, pp.73-117, 1937-06

The auther briefly touches, in the first place, on the signifieation of "Air Conditioning, " its origin and development ; and describes on air conditions v.a.v, human susceptibility. Then he generally exp'ains the methods of conditioning the air, now usually employed ; and tries a short survey on the present state of air conditioning of communication means such as railway wagons, tram cars on land, and vessels on water. He, finally, enters into the explanation of the design, lay-out and the results of provisional testa of the air conditioning equipments on board the two ships above named, which are not only the pioneer ships in Japan furnished with these equipments, but also the foremost vessels in the world in which the equipments are most extensively employed, viz.all public rooms and all cabins in the quarters for all classes of passengers have been completely air conditioned throughout.
遠藤 倫正 横田 公男 森鼻 英征 渕上 勝人 広瀬 衞 下山 仁一
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1980, no.148, pp.107-120, 1980 (Released:2009-09-04)
1 1

The pressure hull of a deep submersible is a unique structure which requires sophisticated technology in its design and fabrication aspects. This paper presents the design and fabrication practices, which the authors have adopted to the pressure hull of the 2, 000m deep submergence research vehicle, “SHINKAI 2000”, ordered by Japan Marine Science and Technology Center. She is an up-to-date research submersible, having the greatest depth capability in Japan.She is under construction in Kobe Shipyard of MHI and scheduled to be completed in Oct. 1981. Her pressure hull has been tested successfully under external pressure of 1. 1 times as much as maximum operating depth. To complete the hull, the results and experiences from the R & D, which the authors have conducted extensively since 1969, have been effectively applied.This paper also discusses the future subjects to the deeper submersible, such as 6, 000m and deeper classes.
齋藤 定藏
造船協會會報 (ISSN:05148499)
no.47, pp.13-64, 1931-04-30

船底塗料研究の第一歩として、本邦各軍港要港湾内に棲息し船底に附着する生物の種類、分布竝に彼等の習性を調査する目的を以て、昭和2年8月より昭和4年8月に至る満2箇年間各工廠, 工作部の援助を得て實験調査せるに、次の結果を得たり。一、各港を通じ附着せる生物は主として動物にして、其の種類は富士壺(さらさ富士壺、しろすぢ富士壺、あか富士壺)、「セルプラ」(「セルプラ」、「スピロルビス」)、蠣(かき、「オストレア、プリカツラ」)、海鞘(白海鞘、柄海鞘)、苔鮮蟲(總苔蟲、長鬚苔蟲、血苔蟲、「メンブラニポラ、リニアタ」)。植物は僅かに緑藻類(あをのり、あをさ)あるのみ。二、各港別に附着生物を示せば(附着量の大なるものより)、横須賀 富士壺、「セルプラ」、總苔蟲、あをさ、あをのり、海鞘、長鬚苔蟲。附着物主體富士壺及「セルプラ」。呉 富士壺、長鬚苔蟲、「セルプラ」、蠣、海鞘、「メンブラニポラ」、あをのり。附着物主體富士壺。佐世保 「セルプラ」、富士壺、海鞘、總苔蟲。附着物主體「セルプラ」。舞鶴 富士壺、「セルプラ」、長鬚苔蟲、總苔蟲、海鞘、「メンブラニポラ」、血苔蟲、あをのり、あをさ、「スピロルビス」。附着物主體富士壺。鎭海 富士壺、海鞘、「セルプラ」、總苔蟲、あをさ、長鬚苔蟲、「メンブラニポラ」、血苔蟲。附着物主體富士壺及海鞘。大湊 富士壺、海鞘、「セルプラ」、總苔蟲、血苔蟲、長鬚苔蟲、「メンブラニポラ」、あをさ。附着物主體富士壺及海鞘。馬公 蠣(「オストレア、プリカツラ」)、血苔蟲、「セルプラ」、富士壺。附着物主體蠣。三、船底汚損上より見て最も恐るべき生物は富士壺、「セルプラ」の2種なりとす。蓋し是等は一旦塗面に附着生育するや假令蟲體死滅するとも遺骸たる外殻は剥離落去する事なく、且つ是等外殼を存するを以て他の生物の附着足場を形成するものなればなり。海鞘の如きは最初より平滑堅牢なる塗面には附着する事なく、上記富士壺、「セルプラ」を足場として着生するを以て、富士壺、「セルプラ」の防止により本蟲をも防止し得るものなり。蠣の内普通蠣は船底に附着する事殆ど稀にして、唯馬公にのみ棲息する特種蠣は同港碇泊の艦船々底汚損の主體をなすものなり。苔鮮蟲類、緑藻類は附着するも、艦船の航走により或は季節により自然に衰滅落去するを以て大害を與ふる程のものにあらず。四、生物の繁殖時季は生物各個により多少差異あるも、一般に馬公を除きては4月の候附着し始め、5月中旬より緩慢ながら繁殖發育を續け6月中旬乃至7月上旬に於て稍や盛となり、7月中旬より9月中旬に至る約2箇月間は生物の最も旺盛なる繁殖時季たり。斯くして10月に入り漸く衰へ始め、11月中旬に至りて繁殖遅鈍上なり遂に12月に入り殆ど休眠状態となる。但し佐世保に於ける「セルプラ」は11月に入るも尚相當の繁殖力を有す。然るに海鞘及び緑藻は10月の候に附着し始め、海鞘は12月乃至1月、緑藻は5月乃至6月の候に於て繁殖の盛なるを見る。五、各港に於ける各月附着生物重量増加の割合は、鎭海、大湊、馬公の3港を除きては12月乃至4月の所謂嚴寒期に於ては生物重量殆ど増加なく、4月乃至8月の初春より眞夏に亘り比較的重量増加する港は呉、佐世保、舞鶴、鎭海、馬公にして、8月乃至12月の眞夏より晩秋にかけ比較的重量の増加する港は横須賀、大湊、鎭海なり。而して1箇年を通じ附着量の最大なるは鎭海にして最少なるは佐世保なりとす。(第八表参照)六、深度による生物の分布は海面下10米以内に在りては生物の種類竝に繁殖状況に何等差異なきも、10米を降下すると共に漸次生物の種類を滅じ同時に附着量をも減少す。七、生物の繁殖時季と平行して各港に於ける海水温度を調査せるに、20℃以上に在りては各生物(海鞘及び緑藻を除く)の繁殖力旺盛にして、特に23℃以上に在りては其の極度に達するものなり。而して18℃以下に降ると共に次第に衰へ始め、13℃以下に在りては特に繁殖力遅鈍となり遂に10℃以下に於ては殆ど繁殖生育を休止するに至る。此の關係は上記各温度に於ける海中の富士壺幼虫を採集し顯微鏡下に於て實験せる結果と全く合致せるものなり。而して各港(馬公を除く)を通じ10℃以下の海水温度は12月下旬乃至3月下旬の3箇月にして、此の所謂嚴寒期に於ては事實生物の附着するもの殆どなく何れも休眠状態に存するものなり。八、上記嚴寒期に於ける生物の附着殆無なることは艦船入渠時期の選定に大なる關係あるものにして、船底塗料のみの見地より論ずれば生物の將に附着生育せんとする時期に於て新鮮にして有効なる塗面を必要とする爲め、5月の候を以て最も適當なる入渠期と信ずるものなり。九、生物の内動物は何れも白色塗面に附着すること尠く(特に富士壺に於て著し)、次で黄、緑、青の順序に附着量を増加し、遂に黒、褐、赤の塗面に於て最も多量に附着するものなり。之に反し植物たる緑藻類は黒に最も少く白に比較的多量に繁
金井 一彦 森鼻 英征 山崎 敏樹 寺田 邦夫
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1972, no.132, pp.269-279, 1972 (Released:2010-01-22)

In order to obtain the collapse strength data on the spherical shells suitable to the pressure capsule of DSSV, collapsing tests were conducted using spherical shell models by means of MHI 1, 200 kg/cm2 hydrostatic tank. These models were made from several kinds of materials including ultra-high yield strength steels such as 18% Ni maraging steel, 10% Ni dual-strengthened steels etc., and machined into near-perfect spherical shape or spheres with initial imperfection of various, thicknesses.From these experiments the following conclusions are obtained : (1) Collapse pressure of relatively thick shells (ha/R10≥0.03) agrees to the theoretical inelastic buckling pressure by Gerard et al.(2) The effect of initial imperfections are evaluated by local radius in case of relatively thick shells. But for thinner shells, this method is not sufficient and nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis will be required.(3) Present results will not always agree with Krenzke's data, especially in thinner shells with flat spot.(4) Fracture appearance of collapsed shells are closely related to the fracture toughness of materials.
土井 康明 茂里 一紘 堀田 多喜男
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1991, no.170, pp.55-63, 1991 (Released:2009-09-04)

A drag reduction for 3-dimensional body is attempted by microbubble injection. Two models with different lengths are used for experiments to distinguish the resistance due to on microbubble injection itself and the skin friction affected by microbubble covering. A reformed Wigley model is used to investigate the effect of microbubble injection on wave making. Measurements of the resistance and the longitudinal wave profiles are performed. The covering by microbubbles is realized by injected air through a porous pipe with pore size of 15 μm. The flow of microbubbles is obsered and the bubble sizes are estimated based on the rising velocity of a bubble in still water.The results show that it is possible to reduce the resistance of a 3-dimensional body by use of microbubbles if the body is well covered by microbubbles. Although the resistance increases where microbubbles are injected, the local frictional resistance is reduced more than 20 % where microbubbles cover the body. The total resistance is reduced more than 5 %. Based on a wave analysis, it is found that injecting microbubbles into water does not affect on wave making resistance.
安川 宏紀 宮沢 多
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.2001, no.190, pp.181-190, 2001 (Released:2009-09-04)

試験は, プロペラの回転方向として, 内回りと外回りの2つについて実施し比較した。試験結果をまとめると次の通りである。1. 内回りプロペラにおいては, 船尾が岸壁から離れ難く, 横移動が不能となる場合もある。外回りプロペラにおいては, 横力が明らかに大きいようであり, 船尾が岸壁から離れ易い。横移動が不能となることはない。2. プロペラ回転数の組み合わせをDS/S, S/Hと変化させても, 内回りプロペラ装備船の離岸性能の改善効果はほとんど見られない。同様に, 右舷舵角を0, ±35degと3種類変更させても, 離岸性能改善に大きな効果はない。3. 船の初期位置を岸壁からは離れたところに持ってくると, 横移動は容易となる。Fig.4に横移動試験結果の1例を示す。船影は10sec毎の右から左に動く模型船の位置を表している。内回りプロペラ (Inward) においては船がほとんど横に移動していないこと, 外回りプロペラ (Outward) においては所期の通り船尾が岸壁から離れた後で横方向へ移動していることが分かる。
横田 成年
造船協會會報 (ISSN:05148499)
no.37, pp.15-20, 1925-10
横尾 幸一 矢崎 敦生 伊藤 達郎 杉村 泰 門井 弘行 安部 光弘 吉野 信治 月野 良久 山崎 一夫
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1973, no.133, pp.33-47, 1973 (Released:2010-01-22)

Recent extension of the container transport system has lead to the remarkable increase in both speed and size of container ships. Since there is a practical limitation to the maximum output of an individual engine, multiple-screw propulsion will become necessary for a large container ship to attain a higher speed with a large capacity of transport than the speed of 25 knots. Comprehensive research works have been conducted with the aim at developing a high speed container ship with triple-screw to be built at Mitsui Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Ltd. in 1972, for the service between Europe and Japan.This report deals with comparative tests among single-, twin- and triple-screw propulsions, and with mutual interference between the hull and propellers, cavitation researches and full-scale measurements on the triple screw ship. Such other items of research works as vibratory forces of the propellers will be reported in a later paper.Principal conclusions obtained are as follows, 1) A triple-screw ship has a better propulsive performance than a twin-screw ship.2) For the triple-screw ship adopted, inward rotation of the wing propellers gives better propulsive efficiency than outward rotation, which is explained both by the wake measurements by 5 hole pitot tubes and by the results of the self-propulsion tests.3) Mutual interference between the center and wing propellers can be neglected practically.4) The effect of variation of the load of a propeller on the self-propulsion factors of each propeller will be negligible, unless the variation is too large.5) Added resistance of the appendages is also subject to the scale effect.6) Decreasing the camber of the propeller section near the leading edge was shown to be an effective means to decrease the amount of back cavitation, both on the ship and on the model.
小池 裕二 佐伯 愛一郎 牟田口 勝生 今関 正典 宮部 宏彰 山下 誠也
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1999, no.185, pp.111-117, 1999 (Released:2009-09-04)

An actively controlled anti-rolling system has been developed with a view of reducing the rolling motion of ship. It is a new type of anti-rolling systems to replace the conventional systems, such as anti-rolling tank and fin stabilizer, and is of hybrid type combining the pendulum-base passive type with active type driven by relatively small electric motors. This system is composed of a moving weight oscillating on rail shaped in circular arc, carrying the driving motors and reduction gears, and the passive, compact mechanism is realized. The driving force to control the movement of the moving weight is imparted from the electric motors through reduction gears connected to a lack and pinion mechanism. The actual system of a moving weight of 100 tons has been applied to oceanographic research vessel “MIRAI” (8672 GT.) for practical use. Prior to service at open sea areas, the control system has been designed based on the identified parameters of ship motion characteristics obtained by results of forced rolling oscillation test using anti-rolling system in the calm sea. Control performance and dynamic behavior have been analyzed by recorded data of ship motion and displacement of moving weight at open sea areas. It has been revealed that the system operated following the control law and provided performance to be aimed in design.
金綱 正夫 関本 恒浩 関田 欣治 島田 潔
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1994, no.175, pp.227-239, 1994 (Released:2009-01-08)

This paper deals with the measured data obtained through the at-sea measurement of the TLP “EHIME”, an offshore nursery pilot firm station of Marino-Forum 21, of which tendons are parallel wire strands (PWS) protected by polyethylen sheath with specially manufactured cushion rubber rings at each ends and connected to a gravity type template through a belimouth shape structure. The measured data of the TLP dynamic responses are compared with theoretical estimation, and the strength performance of PWS as TLP tendons are discussed.The main results are as follows; 1) the TLP with the PWS mooring system has the same dynamic response characteristics as the conventional TLP with the steel pipe mooring system, 2) the mooring system by use of PWS type tendons adopted for the TLP “EHIME” exhibits sufficient strength and durability characteristics.