藤原 竜也 小門 裕幸
地域イノベーション = Journal for regional policy studies : JRPS (ISSN:18833934)
no.8, pp.27-45, 2015

シリコンバレーの地域研究機関(JVSVN)1)は、その年報インデックス2015 においてサンフランシスコが急成長し、シリコンバレーを超える勢いにあると報告した。幾つかの経済指標において、サンフランシスコがシリコンバレーを凌駕していると記載し、結論部分において極めて重要な経済エンジンに成長していることを認知している2)。ベンチャーキャピタルの投資額においてシリコンバレーと比肩する水準となり、特許登録数の伸び率・エンジェル投資額においてはサンフランシスコがシリコンバレーを超えているのである(2014 Ⅰ - Ⅲ期計)。この現象は都市社会学者リチャード・フロリダのいう3T(talent・technology tolerance)都市へのクリエイティブクラスの移動(フライト)を示すものなのか。ICT の進化の中で、その現象の更なる進化を示すものであるのか。世界のIT をリードするサンフランシスコ湾岸地域(ベイエリア)の経済の重心が、ICT 産業が新しいステージを迎える中で移動しつつあるのだろうか。はたまた未来学者ジェレミー・リフキンが指摘するような資本主義と協働主義との共存を始めようとしているのか。本稿はサンフランシスコのSOMA(サウスオブマーケット)地区について、昨今集積著しいベンチャー企業に焦点をあてながら、都市構造との関係性、ICT の進化と業態変化と起業環境の変化・プレイヤーとそのライフスタイル(働き方)などの視点から、現地調査(藤原2015/8)を参考にしつつ、種々の文献資料により分析を試みるものである。Silicon Valley Index 2015, an annual report of a regional research institution of Silicon Valley concludes that San Francisco has been growing rapidly as an important economic engine in the San Francisco Bay Area. Some of the economic indicators tell us that the momentum of San Francisco has surpassed Silicon Valley. The venture capital investments of San Francisco hasreached a comparable level to Silicon Valley. Thegrowth rate of Angel investments, relative job growth and patent registration numbers of San Francisco have exceeded those of Silicon Valley(2014 Ⅰ - Ⅲ ). It seems that San Francisco has become the destination of flights for creative class attracted by Florida's 3T factors (talent · technology · tolerance). It would also appear the ICT evolution has moved the center of economic gravity of San Francisco Bay area to the north. It may also indicate that the beginning of the coexistence of capitalism and collaboratism has begun in San Francisco as a futurist Jeremy Refkin pointed out in his book of Zero Marginal Cost Society. This paper attempts to analyze the current situation of San Francisco's SOMA (South of Market) district, focussing on ICT start-ups, by various literature covering such fields as urban development, industrial clusters and careerstudies, and Mr. Fujiwara's field study conductedin August, 2015. The topics discussed are the accumulation of recent ICT start-ups, the influence of the urban structure made by the urbanredevelopment, the social application stage of ICTevolution and its business-model as well as lifestyle and careers of entrepreneurial creative class.
小門 裕幸
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 (ISSN:13493043)
no.15, pp.25-71, 2018-03

This paper presents a new type of capitalist society; Habitat Capitalism.The discovery of this new system is based on my observations and participatory experiences in the Silicon Valley region as a person with a Japanese cultural background, and on a review of several previous studies on this region such as "Silicon Valley Edge", "Lessons", "Grassroots Leaders for a New Economy", "Civic Revolutionaries" and etc... Using complexity theory, I begin by examining the cultural and religious origins of the United States to analyze the culture of the people of Silicon Valley today. Silicon Valley society has seemingly become unique in the world as well as among regions in the United States. They have established a system of private sector-oriented sustainable governance. The region is socially innovative as well as industrially and technologically innovative. And it is ecologically sound. This new type of capitalist society is characterized by several factors. For example, (i) openness of society, (ii) activeness and connectedness of independent people, (iii) infinitely large number of information exchanges through conversations in the shape of more altruistic information exchange (human side of relationship) and less self-interested information exchange 70 (rational side of relationship), (iv) a spark or a flash created by contact between two sides of an exchange, turning out to be a viable business idea, (v) a vigorous project-creating-ecosystem to pursue the idea (a business type and a social mission-oriented type), (vi) public values that lead them to pursue the common good as a basic source of energy, and (vii) rules of the game that are based on a common law-based legal system, equity-attentive culture, and a strong individual culture that are quite different from Japanese culture and traditions. They can find and choose the best place for the realization of their respective missions in life because of the easy availability and variety of mission-oriented companies and community-based organizations, and because of the ease of people's mobility. Workers can have many career paths, including boundaryless career, intelligent career, revolving-door career, giving-back career and Krumboltz's five attributes, all of which come from their subjective career mind-set.
小門 裕幸
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.10, pp.37-52, 2013-02

I discussed the Responsibility-IndependenceChart to classify students in a book publishedlast year, entitled "Self Innovation and SocialInnovation through Career Design". I havefound this chart to be useful also in theanalysis of several issues relating to Japaneseand Japan. This paper presents interestingviews on such issues as what kind of lifewe Japanese led in the past and lead in thepresent, whether emotion or reason is moredominant among Japanese, what kind ofpeople we have in mind when we study socialsciences in Japan, how different is the meaningof the four concepts comfort, security, stability,and trust, and what secularity means toJapanese.