遠藤 野ゆり
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.10, pp.85-101, 2013-02

The education for developmental-disorder-childrenwhich has started since 2006 underthe title of"inclusive education"results astwo things. In one hand, many handicappedchildren have got suitable education. Onthe other hand, they have been driven outfrom ordinal education. In order to achievethe co-lived society, we have not only toemphasize the merit of developmentaldisordered cognitive feature, but also tobe conscious of non-handicapped personʼsvarious cognitive abilities. Thanks to the priorresearch of developmental disorder and myinterview about the non-handicapped personʼsexperiences of the memory and the image ofothers, this paper illustrates that all people,regardless of being handicapped or not, hasvarious bias on their cognitive ability.
金山 喜昭
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.7, pp.91-100, 2010-02

This article is mean to clarify the development process of "Gakugeins". Dr. Levinson has divided 'The first half of the year of the adult' into three stages for people.1. The Early adult transition2. Entering the adult world3. The Age thirty transitionThe first stage called 'the early adult transition'; the Gakugeins begin life alone, away from a home. In addition most Gakugeins find in its occupation in their future. In the second stage 'Entering the adult world', most of them find employment. Seeing their childhood dreams realized and connected with their present. The last stage 'the Age thirty transition', the remaining Gakugeins find employment and are Gakugeins from this first time. The people who has already worked as a Gakugeins achieve problem solving abilities in their field of work.
田澤 実
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.15, no.2, pp.33-38, 2018-03

In Japan, the perspective represented by the concept of "Will, Can, and Must" has been emphasized in various career planning situations. Moreover, this concept has also been represented by circles, and attention has frequently been focused on where these circles overlap. This study explored two possibilities that are the basis of career planning, including the perspective of "Will, Can, and Must." Results of past studies suggest that this concept targets people working in organizations and job hunting students and that using this perspective leads to motivation, satisfaction, and reward. Furthermore, the perspectives of Drucker, P. F., and Schein, E. H., are introduced as the foundation of this perspective. Finally, we have indicated that all theorists commonly advocate the necessity to conduct career planning with a social perspective, without overly considering individual career preferences.
坂本 旬
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.5, pp.49-57, 2008-02

Lately, “collaboration” takes place in a variety of fields such as business, education and the arts. In Japanese, it is translated as “kyodo”. It has also become widespread in local government ventures. And yet, “collaborative-learning” cannot be commonly found in education except in technological fields. The concept of collaboration has three peculiarities. First, collaboration means that people belonging to different communities, cultures or regions encounter each other. Second, they are independent and enter into a partnership with each other. And third, they share mutual resources, faculties and a common goal. “Collaborative-learning” is a type of learning that has the same above-mentioned features. In educational fields of technology, collaborative-learning refers particularly to learning that employs telecommunications and information technology. It is known as Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL). In that field, the concept of collaboration sometimes becomes obscure, as it is considered form a technological viewpoint not an educational one. It has become necessary to reconsider the concept of collaborative-learning by comparing it with cooperative-learning.
寺崎 里水 中島 ゆり
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.14, no.1, pp.147-165, 2016-10

This paper aims to figure out what problemswomen face at the time of disaster and whatissues school disaster prevention education in Japan has with a gender perspective. In the recent years, disaster risk has been increasing. Natural hazards frequently occurred such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and human-induced environment destruction. In a time of such disasters, thevulnerable as women, sexual minorities, foreigners, children, the elderly, and the disabled are more easily and strongly exposedto risk. In Japan, after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995, many studies have pointed out the vulnerability of women(Aikawa 2006, Equal Net Sendai 2013, Masai2014, Okaniwa 2013, Takenobu & Akashi2012). This perspective of gender has been reflected in international and national governmentsʼ policies such as Hyogo Framework for Action, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Disaster Management Basic Plan, Basic Act on Disaster Control Measures, and the Second and Third Basic Plan for Gender Equality. These policies have introduced the concept of resilience. On the other hand, Okaniwa (2013) points out that local governments and communities, which are exact agents in disaster prevention and reconstruction, do necessarily neither share the perspective, plans, and information of women, nor run well systems introduced in the national policies. Okaniwaʼs study implies that suchgender perspective has not penetrated in educational fields even after the Great EastJapan Earthquake in 2011. We examine how Japanese government defines disaster prevention education in the Courses of Studyand find that their descriptions are relatedto safe behavior, the grain of nature, peopleʼs effort for disaster prevention, injury, and disciplinary training. Agents for revolution and the concept of resilience suggested in international and national policies are not found in the Courses of Study. In conclusion, we suggest the need ofdisaster "resilience" education with a genderperspective, while the current Courses ofStudy focus on disaster "prevention" education. There are three issues in school disaster resilience education. First, as disaster often has long-term consequences for victims, we need to seek new knowledge and skills to learn in addition to existing subject contents. Second, disaster resilience education needs citizenship education with a gender perspective in order to solve gender problems prominently appearing at the time of disaster. Third, tocultivate leaders for making disaster policies and running evacuation centers is the most significant issue. Especially women need leadership. Accordingly this attitude nurtures resilience. Students need to learn leadership, citizenship, and resilience from their own experience through workshops and so on.
上西 充子
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
no.9, pp.3-21, 2012-02

This study aimed to investigate qualifi-cations of liberal arts students required by recruitment staff. The relationship between qualifications and jobs, and the extent to which specialized knowledge and intellectual capacity are evaluated in recruitment, are focused in this study. The following has been revealed. 1) The need for specialized knowledge in recruitment is limited. It is commonly recognized that specialized knowledge is developed after entering the company. 2) Intellectual capacity which enables the acquisition of knowledge and skills is commonly required. But whether high level intellectual capacity is highly evaluated or not depends on jobs. In some jobs high level intellectual capacity is highly evaluated, in others human skills are rather evaluated. 3) Among qualifications required in recruitment, intellectual capacity is less brought to the surface. One reason is that human skills required for all are more commonly emphasized. Another reason is that demand for intellectual capacity does not need to be open. 4) Companies require intellectual capacity of students, but they do not care whether it is developed within the curriculum of universities or elsewhere. So, liberal arts student should be aware of the demand for intellectual capacity, and they have to develop it somewhere. The ability of universities to develop intellectual capacity of students should be paid more attention by students, universities themselves, and companies.
小門 裕幸
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.10, pp.37-52, 2013-02

I discussed the Responsibility-IndependenceChart to classify students in a book publishedlast year, entitled "Self Innovation and SocialInnovation through Career Design". I havefound this chart to be useful also in theanalysis of several issues relating to Japaneseand Japan. This paper presents interestingviews on such issues as what kind of lifewe Japanese led in the past and lead in thepresent, whether emotion or reason is moredominant among Japanese, what kind ofpeople we have in mind when we study socialsciences in Japan, how different is the meaningof the four concepts comfort, security, stability,and trust, and what secularity means toJapanese.
山田 泉
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.5, pp.41-48, 2008-02

It is very difficult to live far away from one’s own country, in a foreign country with a different language and culture, most advanced nations that accept immigrants encourage them to learn the language used in that country, and run public services offering language and cultural education. In Japan, however, such services rarely by well-intentioned citizen volunteers. The Kawasaki city board of education conducts an activity called “Shikiji class” at the Kawasaki city Fureaikan facility and seven other public pavilions. The purpose of this activity is to enable foreigner residents to meet the Japanese citizens, to accept “the other “ just as they are, to talk about what they wish to, and consider what the society they both live in should be, and to aim toward achieving it. The basic idea is “study together” and “live together.” However, in reality the number of residents who attend the “shikiji class” wanting to improve their Japanese ability for everyday life is hot few. It is clear that additional Japanese educational institutions besides the existing “shikiji class”, where they can learn the Japanese necessary to live in Japan should be made. Such organizations should be set up. By the Japanese government, managed by local governments, with NPOs that esteem the idea of the “Shikiji class” taking charge of the education.
遠藤 野ゆり
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.12, no.2, pp.37-46, 2015-03

This paper tries to review the studies about mirror neuron which Rizzolatti and his team found in 1996. Mirror neuron system is regarded as the key to elucidate how we canread other people's intention, thoughts, feelings and so on. The study should be classified into four groups. In the first group the research is towered to indicate the function of mirror neuron. In the second group the research tries to specify the factor of autism and improve their human-relations by the means of motility. In the third group they try to product the means to treat cerebral palsy. The last group discusses what the significance for human beings of this scientific discovery is. Mirror neuron can substantiate scientificallywhat phenomenology has shown by the means of deep insights and fertile written expressions.
武石 恵美子
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.14, no.1, pp.49-65, 2016-10

Relocation systems that change an employee’sworksite have become increasingly ill-suitedas a diversity strategy attempting to link acorporation’s human-resource diversificationto its worth. This paper aims to shed lightupon the current state of corporate relocation practices and areas of concern through surveys and interviews conducted by the authors. Among employees for whom relocation is a possibility, the ratio of those who actually relocate differs by company. Overall, there is a tendency for relocating employees to bear significant burdens at companies with higher rates of relocation, where the company’s circumstances are prioritized over theemployee’s situation and preferences and thedestination site may relocate the employeea second time to another site in a differentregion. There are many cases among domesticrelocations in which the employee must takea new position with little to no foresight into his or her future, e.g., moving house within a month of receiving official notification, or receiving no indication of how long a new post will last. In recent years, companies have been introducing systems that take employees’ individual situations and preferences into account, such as by permitting employees to request not to be relocated or by using inhouse recruitment or free-agent systems to identify employees who volunteer for transfer; however, these companies are few. Relocation both satisfies the corporate organization’s demand for office expansion as well as accumulates a broad range of experience for human resource development, an area which especially stands to benefit. However, many believe there is no clear difference between employees who have experienced relocation and those who have not. Areas of concern in the years ahead include the necessity of taking individual situation into account and the inevitability of relocation becoming a bottleneck in securing personnel. Yet relocation may expand even further in the years to come, and even though companies recognize that they must give consideration to employees’ situation, it has also become clear that companies at present see no pressing need for radical reform in relocation practices.Companies cannot be said to have a clearawareness of the problem whereby relocationpractices compel employees to take onsignificant burdens. It is necessary to clarifythe current state of relocation practices.
峰尾 菜生子 田澤 実 梅崎 修
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.8, pp.33-57, 2011-02

This study aimed to investigate relationships between the use of time in daily life and the attitude of university students towards vocation, schoolwork, and self. The participants were 269 university freshmen (107 males, 161 females, and I unknown). They were asked how they spent their time in a day. Two or three groups were identified according to the time spent for each activity. Tests on the differences between the means revealed the following: (a) Considering the time spent for ‘studying at home’, ‘working part-time’, ‘playing with friends’, ‘sleeping’, and ‘doing other activities’, the students7 ‘awareness of personality’ was different. (b) Given the time spent for ‘working part-time’ and ‘playing with friends’, the students’ ‘views about one’s future career’ were different. (c) On the basis of the time spent for ‘studying at home’, the students’ ‘thoughts on the abilities that one expects to acquire through university life’ wee different. Thus, the results indicated that the use of time in daily life was related to one’s attitude towards vocation, schoolwork, and self.
金山 喜昭
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.6, pp.187-206, 2009-02

The author has interviewed museum curators in order to understand how their careers have unfolded from the time they started working the the present. As a result of this research, two major points were discovered. These are, firstly, that most of the people interviewed had a specific field of interest, such as history, biology, geology, or astronomy. Moreover, many of them were inspired by teachers in junior high school and/ or high school. Many remember how they were deeply touched by a specific lesson or story told to them verbally, i.e., independent of any school books. Later they decided to go on to university, and major in the subject they had become passionate about. Second, their skills and personalities were refined by their having patience, being inquisitive and using their energetic passion, in addition to letting their curiosity and sensitivity help them evolve. It is concluded that this kind of "passionate, studying employee" is better suited to be a curator than those who simply wish to become an entrepreneur, acquire power and control, or harbor ambitious desires for monetary profit.
上西 充子 梅崎 修 南雲 智映 後藤 嘉代
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.13, no.2, pp.67-81, 2016-03

This report presents an analysis of data collected from a follow-up survey of university graduates. Using descriptive statistics of working condition, knowledge of work rules, and awareness of labor unions, the study attempts to provide an insight into studentsʼ transition from school to work. This data can be used as a basis for the practical education of labor laws. The follow-up survey revealed three facts. First, we examined only those who work full time at their first job and thenworked in companies with a union. We foundthat these respondents are working undergood labor conditions. Second, the respondentsʼ knowledge of work rules did not increase even after they commenced working post their graduation. In some instances, their knowledge decreased. In addition, we found that respondents who worked full time at their first job and thereafter worked in companies with union did not experience deterioration of their knowledge, whereas other respondents did. One possible explanation is that they forgot this knowledge of work rules; however, this interpretation is forceful. It is plausible that in their minds, the meaning of knowledgechanged after they graduated. In their schooldays, they thought that the knowledge of workrules is declarative knowledge (knowledgeof facts); however, they realize later thatthis knowledge is procedural knowledge (knowledge of the activities involved). Third, because of this reason, the awareness of labor unions decreased.