山口 ひろみ 山口 彩夏 山崎 敏正 福住 伸一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.113, no.499, pp.163-166, 2014-03-10

本研究の目的は、単一試行脳波と音声信号を利用したSSBCI(サイレントスピーチBrain-Computer Interface)において、母音識別に注目した我々の研究を発展させ、子音の識別を可能にすることである。まず、季節の発話時もしくはサイレントスピーチ時の音声データと13ch脳波を計測した。音声信号と、ダイポールがブローカ野に推定された脳波成分の関係をKalman filterで表現した後、HMMを利用して音声信号と子音/母音の関連付けを行った。次に、SS時の脳波からKalman filterで音声信号を推定し、HMMに入力することでサイレントスピーチの内容を予測した。その結果、HMMで出力する対数尤度を比較することで、子音を含めた判別が可能であることがわかった。
今井 宗 舟本 寛 山口 彩華 吉越 信一 南 里恵 飴谷 由佳 谷村 悟
日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:18849938)
vol.35, no.1, pp.238-242, 2019 (Released:2019-06-08)

Introduction: Uterine cystic adenomyosis is a rare proliferative disease in which the endometrial tissue focally repeats hemorrhage in the myometrium and forms cystic lesions. We report a case of uterine cervical cystic adenomyosis for which we performed total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) with two techniques to avoid urinary tract injury.Case: The patient was a 45-year-old woman with G0 who had two times of surgery for endometriosis. A local doctor diagnosed uterine cervical cystic adenomyosis about 30 mm in diameter and followed her up. Due to the worsening dysmenorrhea and the enlarging cystic lesion, she was referred to our hospital for treatment. Pelvic MRI showed uterine cervical adenomyosis about 35 mm in diameter and diffuse adenomyosis of the uterine body. TLH was performed because of the worsening dysmenorrhea due to uterine adenomyosis. Anatomical change due to a cervical tumor and severe adhesions because of endometriosis were expected; hence, we carried out two techniques. Firstly, urinary catheters were preoperatively placed, secondary, we injected air into the bladder when the uterus and the bladder were detached, then, TLH was safely completed while monitoring the bladder wall. Histopathology showed endometrial glands in the cervical myometrium, and uterine cervical cystic adenomyosis was diagnosed. Her symptoms have improved, and no recurrence after surgery has been observed. Discussion: Cystic adenomyosis is rarer in the cervix than in the uterine body. There is no report about TLH for uterine cervical cystic adenomyosis. A difficult surgery was expected due to a cervical tumor and endometriosis, but the urinary tract injury was avoided using two techniques, and the surgery was safely completed.